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热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 10:02

问题一:情景交际法用英语怎么说 我大学毕业论文写的就是《情景教学法在中学英语教学中的应用》,当时,情景交际法,导师给我定的题目用的是Situational Teaching Approach
自然教学法( The Natural Approach )
直接法(The Direct Method)
整体语言教学法(Whole Language Approach)
语言经验教学法(Language Experience Approach)
听说法(The Audio-Lingual Method)
视听法(Audio Video Method)
全身反应法(total physical response)
交际法(Communicative Approach)

问题二:情景交际法 英语怎么说 situational munication

问题三:交际法的特征是什么用英语回答 Communicative language teaching has 9 main features.
(1) to develop munication functions for the purpose, clearly put forward the second language teaching aim is to cultivate the creative use of language, municative petence, correctness requires not only language, but also the body of.
(2) the function of ideas as the key link. According to the actual needs of learners, selection of authentic language materials, rather than through the language of textbook after processing .
(3) munication in teaching process, the purpose of munication is not only the learning is a learning method, in the teaching create close to real munication scenarios and use the form of group activities, through a large number of verbal munication culture ability to use the language munication and bine the municative classroom municative activities and extracurricular life.
(4) the basic unit of discourse as the teaching. It holds that language is not in the isolated word or sentence, but in the coherent discourse.
(5) the bination of single skill training and prehensive skills training, which is based on prehensive training, and finally achieves the goal of prehensive use of language in munication.
(6) the error of learners in the learning process, the language has certain tolerance, does not affect the munication error can not correct is not correct, initiative and enthusia *** to encourage learners to play a munica......>>

问题四:交际教学法的定义用英文表述 Communicative Approach (CA) is regarded as a new method in language learning, which is applied in many aspects of language acquisition. Interpreting is also a very dynamic activity concerning about language input and output.

问题五:英语交际法教学 国际私塾教育集团多年经验总结,与他人交流沟通,是学习语言的目的。在课堂上做到真实的交流是为学生走出课堂以后能学以致用打下坚实的基础。教学形式安排以某个生活中的真实场景出现:如问路,就餐,家访等等。学生通过英语交谈,解决这些场景中出现问题。由此掌握已学英语的功能。

问题六:情景交际法用英语怎么说 我大学毕业论文写的就是《情景教学法在中学英语教学中的应用》,当时,情景交际法,导师给我定的题目用的是Situational Teaching Approach
自然教学法( The Natural Approach )
直接法(The Direct Method)
整体语言教学法(Whole Language Approach)
语言经验教学法(Language Experience Approach)
听说法(The Audio-Lingual Method)
视听法(Audio Video Method)
全身反应法(total physical response)
交际法(Communicative Approach)

问题七:情景交际法 英语怎么说 situational munication

问题八:交际法的特征是什么用英语回答 Communicative language teaching has 9 main features.
(1) to develop munication functions for the purpose, clearly put forward the second language teaching aim is to cultivate the creative use of language, municative petence, correctness requires not only language, but also the body of.
(2) the function of ideas as the key link. According to the actual needs of learners, selection of authentic language materials, rather than through the language of textbook after processing .
(3) munication in teaching process, the purpose of munication is not only the learning is a learning method, in the teaching create close to real munication scenarios and use the form of group activities, through a large number of verbal munication culture ability to use the language munication and bine the municative classroom municative activities and extracurricular life.
(4) the basic unit of discourse as the teaching. It holds that language is not in the isolated word or sentence, but in the coherent discourse.
(5) the bination of single skill training and prehensive skills training, which is based on prehensive training, and finally achieves the goal of prehensive use of language in munication.
(6) the error of learners in the learning process, the language has certain tolerance, does not affect the munication error can not correct is not correct, initiative and enthusia *** to encourage learners to play a munica......>>

问题九:直接法,听说法,自觉实践法,交际法用英语怎么说 直接法,听说法,自觉实践法,交际法
Direct method, listening statement, conscious practice method, municative approach

问题十:怎么用英文翻译弱势交际法和强势交际法 弱势交际法
Weak municative approach
Strong municative approach
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