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热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:03

function [ccr,pgroupt]=knnt(x,group,K,dist,xt,groupt)
%# AIM: to classify test set objects or unknown objects with the
%#K Nearest Neighbour method
%# PRINCIPLE: KNN is a supervised, deterministic, non-parametric
%#classification method. It uses the majority rule to
%#assign new objects to a class.
%#It is assumed that the number of objects in each class
%#is similar.
%# There are no assumptions about the data distribution and
%#the variance-covariance matrices of each class.
%#There is no limitation of the number of variables when
%#the Euclidean distance is used.
%#However, when the correlation coefficient is used, the
%#number of variables must be larger than 1.
%#Ref: Massart D. L., Vandeginste B. G. M., Deming S. N.,
%#Michotte Y. and Kaufman L., Chemometrics: a textbook,
%#Chapter 23, 395-397, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.,
%#Amsterdam 1988.
%# INPUT:x: (mxn) data matrix with m objects and n variables,
%# containing samples of several classes (training set)
%#group: (mx1) column vector labelling the m objects from the
%#training set
%# K:integer, number of nearest neighbours
%# dist:integer,
%#= 1, Euclidean distance
%#= 2, Correlation coefficient, (No. of variables >1)
%# xt: (mtxn) data matrix with mt objects and n variables
%#(test set or unknowns)
%#groupt: (mtx1) column vector labelling the mt objects from
%#the test set
%#--> if the new objects are unknown, input [].
%# OUTPUT:ccr:scalar, correct classification rate
%# pgroupt:row vector, predicted class label for the test set
%#0 means that the object is not classified to any
%# SUBROUTINES: sortlab.m: sorts the group label vector into classes
%# AUTHOR: Wen Wu
%# Copyright(c) 1997 for ChemoAc
%# FABI, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
%# Laarbeeklaan 103 1090 Jette
%# VERSION: 1.1 (28/02/1998)
%# TEST: Andrea Candolfi

function [ccr,pgroupt]=knnt(x,group,K,dist,xt,groupt);

if nargin==5, groupt=[]; end % for unknown objects
distance=dist; clear dist % change variable
if size(group,1)>1,
group=group'; % change column vector into row vector
groupt=groupt'; % change column vector into row vector
[m,n]=size(x); % size of the training set

if distance==2 & n<2, error('Number of variables must > 1'),end% to check the number of variables when using correlation coefficient

[mt,n]=size(xt); % size of the test set
dis=zeros(mt,m);% initial values for the distance (matrix of zeros)

% Calculation of the distance for each test set object
for i=1:mt
for j=1:m % between each training set object and each test set object
if distance==1
dis(i,j)=(xt(i,:)-x(j,:))*(xt(i,:)-x(j,:))';% Euclidian distance
r=corrcoef(xt(i,:)',x(j,:)');% Correlation coefficient matrix
r=r(1,2);% Correlation coefficient
dis(i,j)=1-r*r; % 1 - the power of correlation coefficient

% Finding of the nearest neighbours
lab=zeros(1,mt);% initial values of lab
for i=1:mt% for each test object
[a,b]=sort(dis(i,:));% sort distances
b=b(find(a<=a(K)));% to find the nearest neighbours indices
b=group(b);% the nearest neighbours objects
[ng,lgroup]=sortlab(b);% calculate the number of objects from each class in the nearest neighbours
a=find(ng==max(ng));% find the class with the maximum number of objects

if length(a)==1% only one class
lab(i)=lgroup(a);% class label
lab(i)=0;% more than one class

% Calculation of the success rate
if ~isempty(groupt)
dif=groupt-lab;% difference between predicted class label and known class label
ccr=sum(dif==0)/mt;% success rate

pgroupt=lab;% the output vector

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:03


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:04


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:03

function [ccr,pgroupt]=knnt(x,group,K,dist,xt,groupt)
%# AIM: to classify test set objects or unknown objects with the
%#K Nearest Neighbour method
%# PRINCIPLE: KNN is a supervised, deterministic, non-parametric
%#classification method. It uses the majority rule to
%#assign new objects to a class.
%#It is assumed that the number of objects in each class
%#is similar.
%# There are no assumptions about the data distribution and
%#the variance-covariance matrices of each class.
%#There is no limitation of the number of variables when
%#the Euclidean distance is used.
%#However, when the correlation coefficient is used, the
%#number of variables must be larger than 1.
%#Ref: Massart D. L., Vandeginste B. G. M., Deming S. N.,
%#Michotte Y. and Kaufman L., Chemometrics: a textbook,
%#Chapter 23, 395-397, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.,
%#Amsterdam 1988.
%# INPUT:x: (mxn) data matrix with m objects and n variables,
%# containing samples of several classes (training set)
%#group: (mx1) column vector labelling the m objects from the
%#training set
%# K:integer, number of nearest neighbours
%# dist:integer,
%#= 1, Euclidean distance
%#= 2, Correlation coefficient, (No. of variables >1)
%# xt: (mtxn) data matrix with mt objects and n variables
%#(test set or unknowns)
%#groupt: (mtx1) column vector labelling the mt objects from
%#the test set
%#--> if the new objects are unknown, input [].
%# OUTPUT:ccr:scalar, correct classification rate
%# pgroupt:row vector, predicted class label for the test set
%#0 means that the object is not classified to any
%# SUBROUTINES: sortlab.m: sorts the group label vector into classes
%# AUTHOR: Wen Wu
%# Copyright(c) 1997 for ChemoAc
%# FABI, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
%# Laarbeeklaan 103 1090 Jette
%# VERSION: 1.1 (28/02/1998)
%# TEST: Andrea Candolfi

function [ccr,pgroupt]=knnt(x,group,K,dist,xt,groupt);

if nargin==5, groupt=[]; end % for unknown objects
distance=dist; clear dist % change variable
if size(group,1)>1,
group=group'; % change column vector into row vector
groupt=groupt'; % change column vector into row vector
[m,n]=size(x); % size of the training set

if distance==2 & n<2, error('Number of variables must > 1'),end% to check the number of variables when using correlation coefficient

[mt,n]=size(xt); % size of the test set
dis=zeros(mt,m);% initial values for the distance (matrix of zeros)

% Calculation of the distance for each test set object
for i=1:mt
for j=1:m % between each training set object and each test set object
if distance==1
dis(i,j)=(xt(i,:)-x(j,:))*(xt(i,:)-x(j,:))';% Euclidian distance
r=corrcoef(xt(i,:)',x(j,:)');% Correlation coefficient matrix
r=r(1,2);% Correlation coefficient
dis(i,j)=1-r*r; % 1 - the power of correlation coefficient

% Finding of the nearest neighbours
lab=zeros(1,mt);% initial values of lab
for i=1:mt% for each test object
[a,b]=sort(dis(i,:));% sort distances
b=b(find(a<=a(K)));% to find the nearest neighbours indices
b=group(b);% the nearest neighbours objects
[ng,lgroup]=sortlab(b);% calculate the number of objects from each class in the nearest neighbours
a=find(ng==max(ng));% find the class with the maximum number of objects

if length(a)==1% only one class
lab(i)=lgroup(a);% class label
lab(i)=0;% more than one class

% Calculation of the success rate
if ~isempty(groupt)
dif=groupt-lab;% difference between predicted class label and known class label
ccr=sum(dif==0)/mt;% success rate

pgroupt=lab;% the output vector

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:03


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:04


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:03

function [ccr,pgroupt]=knnt(x,group,K,dist,xt,groupt)
%# AIM: to classify test set objects or unknown objects with the
%#K Nearest Neighbour method
%# PRINCIPLE: KNN is a supervised, deterministic, non-parametric
%#classification method. It uses the majority rule to
%#assign new objects to a class.
%#It is assumed that the number of objects in each class
%#is similar.
%# There are no assumptions about the data distribution and
%#the variance-covariance matrices of each class.
%#There is no limitation of the number of variables when
%#the Euclidean distance is used.
%#However, when the correlation coefficient is used, the
%#number of variables must be larger than 1.
%#Ref: Massart D. L., Vandeginste B. G. M., Deming S. N.,
%#Michotte Y. and Kaufman L., Chemometrics: a textbook,
%#Chapter 23, 395-397, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.,
%#Amsterdam 1988.
%# INPUT:x: (mxn) data matrix with m objects and n variables,
%# containing samples of several classes (training set)
%#group: (mx1) column vector labelling the m objects from the
%#training set
%# K:integer, number of nearest neighbours
%# dist:integer,
%#= 1, Euclidean distance
%#= 2, Correlation coefficient, (No. of variables >1)
%# xt: (mtxn) data matrix with mt objects and n variables
%#(test set or unknowns)
%#groupt: (mtx1) column vector labelling the mt objects from
%#the test set
%#--> if the new objects are unknown, input [].
%# OUTPUT:ccr:scalar, correct classification rate
%# pgroupt:row vector, predicted class label for the test set
%#0 means that the object is not classified to any
%# SUBROUTINES: sortlab.m: sorts the group label vector into classes
%# AUTHOR: Wen Wu
%# Copyright(c) 1997 for ChemoAc
%# FABI, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
%# Laarbeeklaan 103 1090 Jette
%# VERSION: 1.1 (28/02/1998)
%# TEST: Andrea Candolfi

function [ccr,pgroupt]=knnt(x,group,K,dist,xt,groupt);

if nargin==5, groupt=[]; end % for unknown objects
distance=dist; clear dist % change variable
if size(group,1)>1,
group=group'; % change column vector into row vector
groupt=groupt'; % change column vector into row vector
[m,n]=size(x); % size of the training set

if distance==2 & n<2, error('Number of variables must > 1'),end% to check the number of variables when using correlation coefficient

[mt,n]=size(xt); % size of the test set
dis=zeros(mt,m);% initial values for the distance (matrix of zeros)

% Calculation of the distance for each test set object
for i=1:mt
for j=1:m % between each training set object and each test set object
if distance==1
dis(i,j)=(xt(i,:)-x(j,:))*(xt(i,:)-x(j,:))';% Euclidian distance
r=corrcoef(xt(i,:)',x(j,:)');% Correlation coefficient matrix
r=r(1,2);% Correlation coefficient
dis(i,j)=1-r*r; % 1 - the power of correlation coefficient

% Finding of the nearest neighbours
lab=zeros(1,mt);% initial values of lab
for i=1:mt% for each test object
[a,b]=sort(dis(i,:));% sort distances
b=b(find(a<=a(K)));% to find the nearest neighbours indices
b=group(b);% the nearest neighbours objects
[ng,lgroup]=sortlab(b);% calculate the number of objects from each class in the nearest neighbours
a=find(ng==max(ng));% find the class with the maximum number of objects

if length(a)==1% only one class
lab(i)=lgroup(a);% class label
lab(i)=0;% more than one class

% Calculation of the success rate
if ~isempty(groupt)
dif=groupt-lab;% difference between predicted class label and known class label
ccr=sum(dif==0)/mt;% success rate

pgroupt=lab;% the output vector

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:03


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 04:04

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