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画水的 颜色怎么 调配

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 02:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:43

问的问题很不专业。我问你,水是什么颜色?水本身是无色透明的,本身没有颜色!我们所看到的水的颜色是受光和环境的影响而呈现出来的颜色,因此,无法说出画水应调什么颜色。那么水应怎样画呢?要看你所画的水处在一个什么环境之中,要分析光对水的影响,环境对水的影响,还有水质的影响等等来判断水的颜色是什么样的。你找一个池塘,在上午或中午逆光去看池塘的水呈什么颜色,然后傍晚再去那里观察逆光的水,会呈现什么颜色?会跟中午所看到的水是一样的颜色吗? 只有像这样多进行实地观察,进行实际的积累,才会逐渐掌握不同的情况下画水的能力。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:43

问的问题很不专业。我问你,水是什么颜色?水本身是无色透明的,本身没有颜色!我们所看到的水的颜色是受光和环境的影响而呈现出来的颜色,因此,无法说出画水应调什么颜色。那么水应怎样画呢?要看你所画的水处在一个什么环境之中,要分析光对水的影响,环境对水的影响,还有水质的影响等等来判断水的颜色是什么样的。你找一个池塘,在上午或中午逆光去看池塘的水呈什么颜色,然后傍晚再去那里观察逆光的水,会呈现什么颜色?会跟中午所看到的水是一样的颜色吗? 只有像这样多进行实地观察,进行实际的积累,才会逐渐掌握不同的情况下画水的能力。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:43


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:44


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:43


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:44


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:44


水是一种无色、无臭、无味、无形的物质。它是生命源之一,又是毁灭物之一。 它固、液、气三种形态的存在方式,使它具有了诗性的气质。当我用它书写日记的时候,它成了我精神生活的重要载体。


From the artist
With no color, smell and shape, water is the source of life, yet a destructive power as well. Water can be solid, liquid and gas. The three states of its existence have destined its poetic nature in a way. When it comes to my diary, water becomes the important carrier of my spiritual life.


Water Diary is a part of my life. I began to do diary on the surface of stones by using a brush and water in 1995, and the experience lasted for 12 years by now. Borrowed from the Nature, the stone is a part of me out of my body, on which I can write anything. I will return the stone back to Nature by the hand of my offspring, after I leave this world.



A piece of flat stone, a bowl of water, and a brush compose an easy set of fundamental elements for Song Dong. The only decision that the audience needs to make is simply to write or draw, or not. Telepathic communication functions between the author and them, and contemporary art becomes a unique way of introspection. This lifestyle sources both from the author’s perception of Nature, and the acknowledgment of the essence of Chinese traditional culture, and it’s though this work that he spreads his experience out. We assume in this way he seeks identification, because the acquisition of such a feedback equals to the obtaining of a purer peace and tranquility. To write or draw with water demonstrates the repeated circle of life, as from nothing to something, and from something to nothing again. Shall someone dare to discard all the elements to write and draw merely in mind with no trace, he may be able to get ultimate pleasure of mentality.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:44


水是一种无色、无臭、无味、无形的物质。它是生命源之一,又是毁灭物之一。 它固、液、气三种形态的存在方式,使它具有了诗性的气质。当我用它书写日记的时候,它成了我精神生活的重要载体。


From the artist
With no color, smell and shape, water is the source of life, yet a destructive power as well. Water can be solid, liquid and gas. The three states of its existence have destined its poetic nature in a way. When it comes to my diary, water becomes the important carrier of my spiritual life.


Water Diary is a part of my life. I began to do diary on the surface of stones by using a brush and water in 1995, and the experience lasted for 12 years by now. Borrowed from the Nature, the stone is a part of me out of my body, on which I can write anything. I will return the stone back to Nature by the hand of my offspring, after I leave this world.



A piece of flat stone, a bowl of water, and a brush compose an easy set of fundamental elements for Song Dong. The only decision that the audience needs to make is simply to write or draw, or not. Telepathic communication functions between the author and them, and contemporary art becomes a unique way of introspection. This lifestyle sources both from the author’s perception of Nature, and the acknowledgment of the essence of Chinese traditional culture, and it’s though this work that he spreads his experience out. We assume in this way he seeks identification, because the acquisition of such a feedback equals to the obtaining of a purer peace and tranquility. To write or draw with water demonstrates the repeated circle of life, as from nothing to something, and from something to nothing again. Shall someone dare to discard all the elements to write and draw merely in mind with no trace, he may be able to get ultimate pleasure of mentality.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:43

问的问题很不专业。我问你,水是什么颜色?水本身是无色透明的,本身没有颜色!我们所看到的水的颜色是受光和环境的影响而呈现出来的颜色,因此,无法说出画水应调什么颜色。那么水应怎样画呢?要看你所画的水处在一个什么环境之中,要分析光对水的影响,环境对水的影响,还有水质的影响等等来判断水的颜色是什么样的。你找一个池塘,在上午或中午逆光去看池塘的水呈什么颜色,然后傍晚再去那里观察逆光的水,会呈现什么颜色?会跟中午所看到的水是一样的颜色吗? 只有像这样多进行实地观察,进行实际的积累,才会逐渐掌握不同的情况下画水的能力。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:43

问的问题很不专业。我问你,水是什么颜色?水本身是无色透明的,本身没有颜色!我们所看到的水的颜色是受光和环境的影响而呈现出来的颜色,因此,无法说出画水应调什么颜色。那么水应怎样画呢?要看你所画的水处在一个什么环境之中,要分析光对水的影响,环境对水的影响,还有水质的影响等等来判断水的颜色是什么样的。你找一个池塘,在上午或中午逆光去看池塘的水呈什么颜色,然后傍晚再去那里观察逆光的水,会呈现什么颜色?会跟中午所看到的水是一样的颜色吗? 只有像这样多进行实地观察,进行实际的积累,才会逐渐掌握不同的情况下画水的能力。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:43


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:44


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:44


水是一种无色、无臭、无味、无形的物质。它是生命源之一,又是毁灭物之一。 它固、液、气三种形态的存在方式,使它具有了诗性的气质。当我用它书写日记的时候,它成了我精神生活的重要载体。


From the artist
With no color, smell and shape, water is the source of life, yet a destructive power as well. Water can be solid, liquid and gas. The three states of its existence have destined its poetic nature in a way. When it comes to my diary, water becomes the important carrier of my spiritual life.


Water Diary is a part of my life. I began to do diary on the surface of stones by using a brush and water in 1995, and the experience lasted for 12 years by now. Borrowed from the Nature, the stone is a part of me out of my body, on which I can write anything. I will return the stone back to Nature by the hand of my offspring, after I leave this world.



A piece of flat stone, a bowl of water, and a brush compose an easy set of fundamental elements for Song Dong. The only decision that the audience needs to make is simply to write or draw, or not. Telepathic communication functions between the author and them, and contemporary art becomes a unique way of introspection. This lifestyle sources both from the author’s perception of Nature, and the acknowledgment of the essence of Chinese traditional culture, and it’s though this work that he spreads his experience out. We assume in this way he seeks identification, because the acquisition of such a feedback equals to the obtaining of a purer peace and tranquility. To write or draw with water demonstrates the repeated circle of life, as from nothing to something, and from something to nothing again. Shall someone dare to discard all the elements to write and draw merely in mind with no trace, he may be able to get ultimate pleasure of mentality.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:43


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:44


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 03:44


水是一种无色、无臭、无味、无形的物质。它是生命源之一,又是毁灭物之一。 它固、液、气三种形态的存在方式,使它具有了诗性的气质。当我用它书写日记的时候,它成了我精神生活的重要载体。


From the artist
With no color, smell and shape, water is the source of life, yet a destructive power as well. Water can be solid, liquid and gas. The three states of its existence have destined its poetic nature in a way. When it comes to my diary, water becomes the important carrier of my spiritual life.


Water Diary is a part of my life. I began to do diary on the surface of stones by using a brush and water in 1995, and the experience lasted for 12 years by now. Borrowed from the Nature, the stone is a part of me out of my body, on which I can write anything. I will return the stone back to Nature by the hand of my offspring, after I leave this world.



A piece of flat stone, a bowl of water, and a brush compose an easy set of fundamental elements for Song Dong. The only decision that the audience needs to make is simply to write or draw, or not. Telepathic communication functions between the author and them, and contemporary art becomes a unique way of introspection. This lifestyle sources both from the author’s perception of Nature, and the acknowledgment of the essence of Chinese traditional culture, and it’s though this work that he spreads his experience out. We assume in this way he seeks identification, because the acquisition of such a feedback equals to the obtaining of a purer peace and tranquility. To write or draw with water demonstrates the repeated circle of life, as from nothing to something, and from something to nothing again. Shall someone dare to discard all the elements to write and draw merely in mind with no trace, he may be able to get ultimate pleasure of mentality.


万国觉醒埃及之战攻略(万国觉醒埃及之战攻略地图) 万国觉醒 万国觉醒埃及之战怎么玩? 万国觉醒埃及之战怎么刷分 拿高分攻略 万国觉醒 万国觉醒埃及之战怎么得高分? 万国觉醒埃及之战怎么刷分 活动刷分攻略 脸上的红痘印怎么去 空调格栅窗下多少 空调格栅有哪些要求 深证100etf什么意思 深证100什么意思? 速写有法画水吗?比如池塘 历史上愚人节发生了什么事 愚人节你在游戏中看见过的最奇葩的活动是什么? 愚人节校园整人 读了吴道子画水这个故事你明白了什么道理 梦100愚人节有什么活动 北宋初年著名画孙知微画水有何典故? 微博在愚人节推出了什么活动? 画水不画水什么意思? 急求愚人节整人方案 墨戎苗寨苗医的画水是什么东西? 愚人节做红酒文案广告,大意是红酒让人更聪明,请教各位高手,这张图好不好,另外怎么写才能跟愚人节沾边 DNF往年愚人节活动都有哪些让人印象深刻的道具? 彩虹岛愚人节活动地图在哪 是啊造句 什么是啊 日语“是啊”怎么读 啊是不是多音字 啊,呀是什么词 啊是什么词性 爱动漫愚人节“测测你的防愚指数”的活动内容是什么? 教师资格证能代领吗 代领教师资格证需要什么证件 一个人可以帮忙代领两张教师资格证吗? 认定完教师资格证 领取的时候必须得要本人去领吗? 教师资格证可以代领吗? 教师资格证领取可以让别人帮忙领吗 教师资格证发放的时候可以代领吗,跪 重庆的教师资格证可以他人代领不,需要什么手续,请代领过的老师告知,感激不尽! 成都教师资格证领取需要哪些证件,要找人代领的话需要哪些证件呢? 教师资格证未按时领取怎么办 请问大家,重庆教师资格证可以代领吗?需要哪些资料呢? 教师资格证我选择的邮寄,还用去取吗? 佳博gp58mb111蓝牙名字 佳博GP-58L打印机装好驱动点打印测试页没反应 佳博热敏打印机GP-58MB谁会正确安装啊 蜂巢终端买的佳博GP58MBIII热敏小票打印机驱动怎么安装? 如何和面才能使蒸出的馒头更有嚼劲 佳博58系列的热敏打印机驱动在哪有得下载? 打印机驱动问题,我的热敏纸打印机是佳博GP-58T,很久没用了,插上电脑听到丁冬一声,但是没有弹出
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