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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-29 10:45




One event that I will never forget 有一件我永远不会忘记的事 I have forgotten many things I have experienced 我忘记了许多我经历的事 .But there is one event that I will remember for ever 但其中有一件我会永远记住 .It was a bright , sunny day on one sunday morning 那是一个...


第一篇:Dear John,How are you?Next Monday is my birthday,I invite you to come to my birthday party.There will be some activities on my birthday party,such as:singing and dancing.You can take a taxi to my home,My home address is No. 15 Shengli road,Shanghai.第二篇:Dear...


Life takes courage This is a story about the eagle growth. Beginning of the first that features carved eagle, and then to an over-turn, describes the tragic history of the growth of carved eagle, hanging reader's appetite, to attract readers to read on. Carved eagle in the na...


May you succeed in English study.


he always helps others in danger.Once I had a hot potato,he tried his best to help me out.When we face problems,we should remember the saying :A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A friend in need is a friend in deed .God helps those who help themselves....

急 谁帮帮我写一篇英语作文

I am a kindergarten teacher。我是一名幼儿园老师 I like my career very much.我非常喜欢我的职业 because I like to play with children.因为我喜欢和孩子们一起玩耍。I like all kinds of food,eating is my best hobby.我喜欢各种美食,吃东西是我最大的爱好。my favourite dish is Peking ...


either. On the other hand, chemistry, physics, and mathematics are easy for me because they seem logical to me. After considering my interests and talents I feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career. I would like to study science or engineering in ...


Hello,everybody.大家好 My name'sMary我的名字叫玛丽 I'm in Class( )Grade six of( )school.我在( )学校6年级()班级 I'm tall(short).I'm ( )centimeters.我很高(矮),我()厘米。I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语 Beacuse English is interesting.因为英语很有趣。So ...


Their School Their school is very big and beautifui.There are some trees and flowers in it.It likes a big garden.And there is a library,students can read books in it.There is a computer room in the school, too,the students can play the computer.There also a laboratory in ...

谁能帮我写一篇英语作文:作文要求如下↓ 急~

It goes without saying that we live in a world full of advertisetment.Whenever we turn on TV,different kinds of advertisement go into our eyes.Colorful pictures,amazing sounds and beautiful girls occupy the whole screen.It's true that advertisment can do us good.It can provide us...

小米电视指示灯闪烁无法开机,怎么回事? 手电的灯罩一般用金色金属或贴有银色金属薄膜的塑料制成用这样的材料... 寻书:有没有象《薄荷荼靡梨花白》那样好看的原创言情小说呢? HTC滑雪大冒险买东西免费? 描写友情和阳光的唯美句子 坐小月子期间能吃巧克力吗 发泡胶零下多少度可以施工 AUTocad中极轴指什么呀? E63怎么把MP3格式的音乐设置为短信铃声? 怎么设置短信铃声是 火影中角都和飞段的 问题 飞段和角都的背景是什么 飞段和角都到底是什么关系哦~?y baidu有他们的kiss照片的!gay de me... 工商登记点了签名退回怎么办 女命八字极旺 身体健康与否 八字中日元极旺好不好 八字极旺好不好 lm21metresttall.lmthetallest!怎么读 求tallest,shortest,oldest,fastest,best的音标 67度衡水老白干散装酒能喝吗? 衡水老白干67度大坛和冰峰那个好 预告登记了为什么没发房产证 我怎么没有预告登记证 开发商不办理预告登记 开发商不配合办理预告登记怎么办 放开那三国魏国最强阵容介绍 cc直播财富等级59级要冲多少钱 cc直播财富等级42充了多少 cc财富等级16级需要刷多少钱 cc直播财富等级20是充了多少 新加了QQ群里,有许多成员的头像只显示昵称,怎样修改备注好记住都... qq群里点自己的头像后可以看到一个备注,想去掉这个备注 你好,请问如何实现100K信号用运算放大器进行级联放大,或者跟随,如何最... ...A激酶体系介导的细胞间信号转导机制及级联放大作用 1.76复古版传奇私服的龙纹和逍遥扇怎么升呢? 电信无线宽带带一个主卡和两张福卡怎么设置其中一张副卡的用网时间? 竹鸡晚上怎么不上树呢 尘埃生暖色的意思尘埃生暖色的意思是什么 结婚红包准备多少合适呢? 读书郎教育游戏《开心农场》 精通Eclipse Web开发--Java体系结构、工具、框架及整合应用的内容简介... 名词解释 什么是Eclipse? 高手,ECLIPSE的体系架构是什么,它的插件扩展机制是什么多谢 精通Eclipse Web开发--Java体系结构、工具、框架及整合应用的介绍 努力活成一束温暖的光,照向自己的同时也为周围带来明亮 努力活成一束光! 好的《my friends》的英语小短文 简单易懂点的,词汇不要太难._百度知... 朕兆 和征兆的区别 怎么应用 雾凇如何翻译 切菜时不慎被不锈钢刀划伤,好像不深,已经用碘伏处理,用打破伤风吗_百度...
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