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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 02:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:17

As far as our understanding goes, home is a place where a hot delicious meal has been set on the table awaiting you when you arrive home tired and fatigued; home is where you will find your clothes soaked with the fragrance of sunshine being laid by your bedside when you wake up; home is a place where you can speak to your heart's content about whatever trouble you encounter outside. It is like a piece of thread holding our family of three together, never being able to be cut apart or unwound. Each of us has in our hearts two heartfelt words: "love" and "gratitude".


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:17

In our understanding, the home is when you come home fatigue, there are hot meals waiting; home is when you wake up, there is always exudes the flavor of the sun placed in the bed clothes; home is when you have trouble outside, you can talk; there is a line of our family connecting our three together, never been cut, split rally to the cause. Each of us has two heart of the words: "love" and "thanks."

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:18

In our appoint of view

Home is a place where there are hot meals when we arrive home

Home is a place where clothes with the smell of sunshine lay on the bed when we wake up every morning

Home is a place where we can confide when we have some troubles outside

There is a line that connects us three together

It won't be cut forever

We all have two words from the bottom of our heart--"love" and "thankfulness"

品质保证 希望能帮到你

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:17

As far as our understanding goes, home is a place where a hot delicious meal has been set on the table awaiting you when you arrive home tired and fatigued; home is where you will find your clothes soaked with the fragrance of sunshine being laid by your bedside when you wake up; home is a place where you can speak to your heart's content about whatever trouble you encounter outside. It is like a piece of thread holding our family of three together, never being able to be cut apart or unwound. Each of us has in our hearts two heartfelt words: "love" and "gratitude".


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:17

As far as our understanding goes, home is a place where a hot delicious meal has been set on the table awaiting you when you arrive home tired and fatigued; home is where you will find your clothes soaked with the fragrance of sunshine being laid by your bedside when you wake up; home is a place where you can speak to your heart's content about whatever trouble you encounter outside. It is like a piece of thread holding our family of three together, never being able to be cut apart or unwound. Each of us has in our hearts two heartfelt words: "love" and "gratitude".


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:17

In our understanding, the home is when you come home fatigue, there are hot meals waiting; home is when you wake up, there is always exudes the flavor of the sun placed in the bed clothes; home is when you have trouble outside, you can talk; there is a line of our family connecting our three together, never been cut, split rally to the cause. Each of us has two heart of the words: "love" and "thanks."

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:18

In our appoint of view

Home is a place where there are hot meals when we arrive home

Home is a place where clothes with the smell of sunshine lay on the bed when we wake up every morning

Home is a place where we can confide when we have some troubles outside

There is a line that connects us three together

It won't be cut forever

We all have two words from the bottom of our heart--"love" and "thankfulness"

品质保证 希望能帮到你

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:17

In our understanding, the home is when you come home fatigue, there are hot meals waiting; home is when you wake up, there is always exudes the flavor of the sun placed in the bed clothes; home is when you have trouble outside, you can talk; there is a line of our family connecting our three together, never been cut, split rally to the cause. Each of us has two heart of the words: "love" and "thanks."

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:18

In our appoint of view

Home is a place where there are hot meals when we arrive home

Home is a place where clothes with the smell of sunshine lay on the bed when we wake up every morning

Home is a place where we can confide when we have some troubles outside

There is a line that connects us three together

It won't be cut forever

We all have two words from the bottom of our heart--"love" and "thankfulness"

品质保证 希望能帮到你

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:19

In our make of, the family is to have a tableful of steaming hot meal occasionally with exhausted Go home all over the body, in being waiting; The family is to wake up after a sound sleep , always has the clothes being giving off sun flavour to sway before bed; The family is vexed in having had outside , not bad place pouring out as much as one likes; Have a thread our family of three people to be linked scissors cannot break up forever also together, unceasingly. We each all has two word of the bottom of one's heart at heart: "Be apt" and "Thanks".

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:19

In our make of, the family is to have a tableful of steaming hot meal occasionally with exhausted Go home all over the body, in being waiting; The family is to wake up after a sound sleep , always has the clothes being giving off sun flavour to sway before bed; The family is vexed in having had outside , not bad place pouring out as much as one likes; Have a thread our family of three people to be linked scissors cannot break up forever also together, unceasingly. We each all has two word of the bottom of one's heart at heart: "Be apt" and "Thanks".

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 09:19

In our make of, the family is to have a tableful of steaming hot meal occasionally with exhausted Go home all over the body, in being waiting; The family is to wake up after a sound sleep , always has the clothes being giving off sun flavour to sway before bed; The family is vexed in having had outside , not bad place pouring out as much as one likes; Have a thread our family of three people to be linked scissors cannot break up forever also together, unceasingly. We each all has two word of the bottom of one's heart at heart: "Be apt" and "Thanks".

1.一块橡皮檫 an eraser 2.玛丽的词典 Marry's dictionary 3.她的文具盒 Her's pencilcase 4.他的尺子 His's rule 5.一个笔记本 a notebook 6.一件蓝色上衣 a blue coat.7.我的身份证 My ID Card.8.一本英语书 An English boosk 9.这本书 This book 10.那个橡皮檫 That eraser 11...

急!!! 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下!!! 谢谢啦!!!

I want to have the best price that you offer to me.If the price is reasonable, I want to buy small amount first to make sure the item is a right one as what we want and then I will order with the amountas I mentioned above.我希望你能出个好价钱,如果这个价钱合理,我想...

紧急!!!求教英语翻译 “影视部主管”

第一种常见的翻译是 "Head of Television"。此翻译着重于电视部门的管理,强调的是电视节目的制作和管理。另一种翻译方式则是 "Film and television department manager"。这个表达更全面地涵盖了电影和电视领域,不仅包括电视部门的管理,也包括电影制作的相关工作。实际上,"影视部主管"这个职位的英文翻译...


The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful. 从中我们吸取到得教训是大不一定就美It doesn't help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves. 修建一个宏伟的大坝来象征国家的成就及民族的信心毫...


谢谢你的关心,我会记着的!Thanks for your concern.I'll keep it.如果你方便的话请你可爱的女儿带来中国玩。I hope you can pay a visit to China with your lovely daughter at your convenience.如果很长时间不见你我也会很想你的,I will miss you too if we leave each other for a ...

求教英语翻译高手!!We are moving rapidly away from a world 我可以...

你好 你是说away是吗?We are moving rapidly away from a world 这里away from意为远离,离开,翻译为:我们正迅速的从一个世界离开 And we are moving toward a world 这里toward 意为移向某处,向着 翻译为:向着另一个世界进发 希望有帮到你,谢谢!望采纳!


I found it most joyable when drawing.就行了,


1 the growth process 一直跟父母生活在一起,父母在我身上花费了很多精力,所以不仅教我养成了好的学习习惯,而且教育我要自力更生。初中的时候虽然性格内向,但从高中开始参加了篮球社团,我也渐渐开朗起来。进入大学后,学习了一年多韩语专业,很喜欢韩语所以来到了韩国。在韩国认识了很多新朋友,与韩国...


首先,谢谢你多方面的大力支持。 First of all, thank you for a wide range of support.如你在电话里所说产品A的价格为×××,经与客户商谈可以接受这个价格。 If you are on the phone said the price of product A × × ×, after discussions with the client can accept this price.从...


It was an amazing bit of gace to feel him under my hand and note that i was reaching life or another creature with something as simple as my care.我正用如此简单的关爱来抚触一个小生命或是另一种生物,那真是奇异的恩赐。全文翻译:当一只又脏又邋遢的橘黄色猫出现在监狱的广场上,...

如何使用Excel里的函数计算工龄?? 西藏公务员报考乡镇、街道办工作人员到哪里工作 鲁迅先生弃医从文的原因是什么?这件事在他的一生中起到什么重要的作用... 西藏 乡镇公务员的一些问题。。 什么样的方法能快速去脂 ...显示器没反应 主机电源指示灯一闪一闪的 ,CPU风扇、显卡都转_百度知... 西藏乡镇公务员到那工作? 我考上了西藏日喀则乡镇公务员,不知道分那,以后的待遇,休假等问题... 公务员在西藏是什么样的状态? 亲已故是什么意思? 英语翻译成汉语 The paradox of our time全文 becauseofyou什么意思 河南特产有什么啊? 英文翻译? 去栾川秋扒荷花小镇玩,推荐下当地方便携带的特产 汉译英,不要翻译器的,自己翻译的进 感恩的心 背后的故事 英语翻译 急 !拜托 请教罗素的一句名言的出处 栾川秋扒乡有什么特产? 林语堂《生活的艺术》中文版第九章第十章 栾川特产这是什么野菜的树叶? 《power of the horde》的歌词是什么? 关于五脏六腑的英语释义 脏与腑的最根本区别 河南特产方便携带的有哪些 肺腑之言的意思 栾川老君山有什么特产 肺腑意思是什么 栾川有什么特色小吃 求!英文翻译?? 求聊斋志异文章翻译两篇 难忘 是什么意思 “难忘”是什么意思? 难忘 是什么意思? 难忘的意思是什么 难忘是什么意思 难忘......难忘......难忘.......难忘(造句) 用难忘造句? 有关“难忘”的句子有哪些? 难忘造句 难忘什么填词语 描写难忘的诗句? 难忘的经典短句 关于难忘的句子 难忘造句一年级 难忘是什么 求难忘为题的作文!!! 表示难忘的成语 难忘的什么?
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