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给出中文翻译成英文 用到句子后面的单词翻译成英文 1.我有一年多没有看电影了 2他们正在吃饭,门开着。

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-12 06:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 00:34

I haven't gone to the cinema more than a year.
They are having dinner with the door open.
Stamp collecting is one of his personal hobbies.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 00:35

I haven't seen a film for over a year.
They are having a meal with the door opening.
Stamp collecting is everyone's hobby.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 00:35

1. I have not watched movies for more than a year.
2. They are having the meal while the door is open.
3. Stamps collection(philately) is one of his personal hobby.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 00:36

1. I haven't been going to the cinema for over one year.
2. They are having meal and leaving the door open.
3. Stamp collecting is one of his personal hobbies.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 00:37

1. I haven't seen a movie for over one year.
2. They are having meal and leaving the door open.
3. Stamp collecting is one of his personal hobbies.

英译汉:1.If you have no idea about this phrasal verb,go and look up the handbook.2.He made up his mind to keep silent about the matter.3.He made a apology to the teacher for his lateness.4.Could you make a room for putting down the book?5.They live next to us.6....


Disney's dream is become a famous artist.2. 她回到图书馆 , 希望能找到她的雨衣 She go back to the library to find her raincoat.3. 我打算在家待完中秋节再走 I plan I will stay home after the Mid-Autumn Festival.4. 在电视问世前 , 人们常常在周未去看电影 Before the TV born...


This is one manner.


1 He retired years ago.2 to take part in the gathering of her right 3 Miss Li arrived late, me too.4 I have just played out on the next heavy rain Although the 5-to-evening, but she did not挨批评.


1. Spent half an hour every day he read English 2. They are preparing for examinations 3. Yesterday, this time she is to see football matches 4. Last night, I stay up late to very late 5. We will be back in three days 6. In the past three years, I have learned ...


1 Tom's grandfather passed away last year.2 Tom's grandfather has passed away for one year.3 This pitiful puppy is about to die.4 We feel sorrow for his death.5 I cannot afford to buy a house.6 He is big enough to take care of himself.7 He self pasted English himself...


1.Sum cannot buy him extremely to want to that kind of photographic camera, because your camera too has been expensive 2. Entire morning he all in is busy at writes that story, only is occasionally stops drinks the cup tea 3. He is woman's son, but had a liking for ...


rescued the real king and drew the lion and the snake away. Animals in the kindom reterned to their happy life.The story shows Robin Hood's braveness, intelligence and his always being ready to help others. We should learn to help others from the story.我真的已经尽力了。


1. When I was a little gal/boy, I was always terrified sleeping in the darkness.2. In tradition, the eagle is often treated as the symbol of courage.3. The traffic in the downtown is very bad. It takes me approximately 1 hour to get home everyday.4. There are many ...


我正在翻译一段话,但是由于我英语很烂,翻译了好久,都不行... 因为我是高中毕业的,毕业已经好多年了...英语都忘记好多了... 但是现在要用到,可是我翻译不了啊... 我用和那些翻译工具,可是翻译出来的东西.没有主谓宾,句子没有逻辑... 不知道谁可以帮忙???谢谢!! 1. 很多情况下,单靠个人能力已很难完全...

来预测长春何时解封? - 知乎 工资计发月是什么意思? 开网店卖什么产品最好? 现在开什么网店好啊卖服装或饰品可以吗 嗓子疼上不来气什么原因 嗓子感觉堵堵的有点呼吸困难怎么办 这三种是什么兰花 阿里山石豆兰(变种)基本资料 好听的抒情歌。(中文英文都行) 句段中包括双引号,怎样查这段话有几句 梦见自己打死老鼠 to philately is his one of the hobbies这样说是对的吗? 梦见越狱、逃狱 冒险岛冰雷法师怎么练 if you work in the city centre then a visit to the Career Forum .这句话的句子成分怎么 wruck造句 wruckの例文 "wruck"是什麼意思 梦见自己大便还带有血丝 梦见大便是血 梦见大便还有血 词语造句:用改造造句(约30个) 大族激光股票月走势?大族激光行情今日分析?大族激光最新消息论坛? 大族激光为什么便宜?大族激光股票财务报表2021?股票大族激光的主要产业? 股票大族激光最新走势分析?大族激光公司技术面分析?大族激光股票最新点评上市? 为什么选择大族激光股票?大族激光股二季度业绩如何?大族激光同花顺手机诊? 大族激光利好为什么还跌?大族激光股票2021年中报?大族激光 有什么业务? 大族激光是什么板块 世界上最大的的鸟是什么鸟 世界上最大的的鸟介绍 杜甫的一生坎坷吗?为什么杜甫的诗作都是悲剧落魄的样子? infra-red sensor是什么意思 梦到妈妈生病了是什么意思 6年纪英语翻译 梦见我把老鼠打死 倒车一般看哪个后视镜? 鸡蛋和田鸡同吃会中毒吗? 孤岛惊魂4打针怎么打孤岛惊魂4怎么打针 松花蛋和田鸡吃会中毒 皮蛋有什么不能一起吃 绿色地狱有多少部落 aunt做后缀的单词有哪些 勾组词在写句子后括写句子 ulna造句 ulnaの例文 "ulna"是什麼意思 用我想知道造句(大约30个左右) 造句造句造句 用我想知道 我想知道 我想知道 造句 绝地求生之丧尸横行结局怎么样 消毒柜生锈了如何清洗 消毒柜生锈了怎么清洗 信鸽是怎么送信的?是什么原理? 英语wild是什么意思 下面句子里的wild是什么意思??? qq申请入群编号在哪里看到 请问Jane Austen的理智与情感里引用莎士比亚的十四行诗是那首?
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