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初中英语作文 我的难忘的初中生活

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 12:40



热心网友 时间:2023-07-11 03:55



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Junior high school life memorable

The dream is always the thread that tied soft green campus, memory is always open that page middle school life

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How many days have been lost, over quietly from the side, only know that they grow up day by day.弹指一挥, the time to rush, long time, junior has rushed the end of life. Four years of study and four years of joy, singing a four-year, four years of hard work, 365 in four days and nights, the four seasons of life -------- All this will be history, to become a permanent memory. Friends of friends for four years, four brothers and sisters, live in four years of "home"各奔东西he set foot on the road of your life. Four years of junior high school life has now come to an end a perfect, always be on the section of the course of my life memories.

With outstanding achievements in primary schools, in the blessings of parents exhort with sound, it is self-confidence to enter the junior high school, junior high school life began.

Junior high school learning experience memorable. Early in the morning, we awaken the voice of Lang Lang's study of the land of slumber and usher in the golden sun. Evening, we bid farewell to the sun and stars usher. We are driving the knowledge船儿, beautiful in the golden sea, the ocean of truth, we hope that the seeds of the next interpolation, described in the bottom of my heart our future. We talk, far apart, a brighter future, we explore the wonders of knowledge, the true meaning of life, we are talking about ideals, about the future of their youth, said a hot topic, his thoughts are always flying very far very far to ------ ----。

Unforgettable middle school classmates. Day and night to get along like brothers and sisters, such as students, we work together and work hand in hand into the campus, waving blessing. Squad leader, I am sick, it is you for giving me the medicine, make up classes for the title and frustrated not able, table, is that you give me encouragement and confidence; are you for giving me the repair desks, life members: the quilt Let me cover you, quarters long, you forget the table, sleeping on the floor of my sister smiling faces in good faith, respectively? Students, ah, how can I forget you?

Junior high school teacher memorable. Science on the road, you are our navigation; Lost in you for giving us the way; the dark for us to send you a bright. Ah teacher teacher, when you listen to a "did you" greetings, when you listen to a lecture? When you reproce the "talking eyes"?

Junior high school unforgettable laughter. Listen! Dormitories: the power, lower berth xiaomei suddenly screamed out: "Rats!" "My God!" Timid lower berth upper赶紧往channeling girls, too late to be of裹紧the body with blankets, and then is silent suffocation, as if the advent of disaster like: Xinhua come, we fear there's little to look, "Oh!" I what is it? Under the death of me! Laughs xiaomei known that the "mouse" is linked to one another燕儿black pair of socks, "ha ha" We laugh out of breath ------

Junior High School campus, where the laughter of our cast, but also left a footprint of our growth, life is no longer there might be a second junior high school life, it is to come.

Junior high school life, passing away in haste to rush to another, to cherish and seize the day today, it is now the East has their own things off, we will cherish each other, their memories of the past four years of junior high school together.

Life journey has begun, the starting point in a single step, we will self-confidence and a smile to the road of life, and that junior high school life will永驻my mind, never forget!

热心网友 时间:2023-07-11 03:55

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