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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-22 00:39



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 17:38


  我想当医生的英语作文 1

  When I was a child I used to fantasize about what I would grow up to be. Sometimes I want to be a judge; Sometimes, I want to be a painter...

  As I grew up, watching patients on TV struggling with pain, I began to want to be a doctor again. I think doctors are a sacred profession, and they have made countless patients sick. I often fantasize that I am wearing a white coat and walking in the hospital hallway. If you can be a doctor, you can save your life and save one patient from death. To be a doctor is to be known as the "white angel", to be respected. When I become a doctor, I can relieve peoples pain and make people happy.

  If I had been a doctor, it would not have cost too much, so that everyone could cure the disease and no longer have the condition of being sick and dying of illness. Moreover, I will try my best to save every patient so that they can live, and I will give them the warm and warm care of every patient. If there is no money, I will treat them first. After all, life cant be bought by money. If I become a doctor, I will be like ye xin, taking a patient from death and giving them a light and hope.

  Now, I will study hard, strive to become a doctor, heal the wounded, become a kind "white angel"! In that way, more people will live!






  我想当医生的英语作文 2

  My dream is to be a doctor, because when a doctor can cure a patients pain, he can pull him back from the dead line when the patient is dying. So I want to be a doctor.

  One day, my dream came true. I became a doctor, in some of the cancer patient in the room, watching them one by one die, their new people very sad, my in the mind also very sad, I will go to see the patient every day, I asked: "how are you?" They said to me, "what a pain!" I was determined to invent a cure for cancer. I came home every day to study hard, three weeks, four weeks, a year, two years passed, my painstaking efforts did not waste, finally invented the medicine for cancer treatment. The next day, I went to the hospital and took the medicine to the ward. After I gave them to the patient, they all miraculously recovered, and they said a lot of thanks to me! They had a brilliant smile on their faces, and I laughed. They named the drug "the source of life" and my medicine cured many people who were grateful to me.

  I think being a doctor is very happy, because can help other people, that is the most joyful!



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