我就用下浏览器整页翻译,各位不用理我哈。 137Cs and 90Sr uptake by sunflower cultivated under hydro
发布时间:2022-12-30 00:28
时间:2023-11-19 11:45
1. Introction
Radionuclide contamination is the result of nuclear power testing (Mahara, 1993), nuclear
waste disposal (Gauthier-Lafaye, 2002), weapons proction (Whicker et al., 1990; Sanzharova
and Aleksakhin, 1982) and accidents resulting from nuclear power generation (Clark and Smith,
1988; Konshin, 1992). An accident of this nature occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station
on April 26, 1986 (Anspaugh et al., 1988). 137Cs and 90Sr are the most widespread radionuclides
with estimated fallout of 671 TBq 137Cs in the Czech Republic (EU publication,
1998). The deposition levels of 90Sr in the Czech Republic have not been established. Because
of their lower volatility and the forms in which they were released ring the accident, nuclides
of strontium and plutonium were deposited more rapidly from the atmosphere than those of caesium
and their significance was limited to relatively small areas (EU publication, 1998).
The uptake and distribution of 137Cs and 90Sr by Salix viminalis were studied by von Fircks
et al. (2002). The activity concentration of 137Cs in the plants was significantly affected by the
supply of potassium. Seedlings of Eucalyptus tereticornis were used by Entry et al. (1995) for
the accumulation test. Entry et al. (1993) also tested the accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr by
seedlings of Pinus ponderosa and Pinus radiata. The potential accumulation of caesium and
strontium from the medium was tested on Panicum virginatum by Entry and Watrud (1998)
and on Paspalum notatum, Sorghum halpense and Panicum viginatum by Entry et al. (1999,
2001). Anguissola Scotti (1996) (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Wotter) and Zehnder et al. (1995) (Vitis
vinifera v. ‘‘Riesling Sylvaner’’) studied the uptake of nuclides by crop plants.
Similar experiments on real contaminated soil were mainly carried out on a site near the
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Krouglov et al. (1997) grew Triticum aestivum, Secale cereale,
Hordeum distichum and Avena sativa there, Korobova (1998) tested nuclide accumulation in
naturally growing vegetation and Malek et al. (2002) compared Brassica oleracea v. capitata
and Brassica olerace v. caulorapa which were planted on two different contaminated sites. Nifontova
et al. (1989) reported, on the basis of prospecting of twelve forest and five meadow
phytocoenoses from the surroundings of Bjelojarsk nuclear power plant in Russia, accumulation
from 530 to 1500 Bq of 137Cs and from 300 to 1100 Bq of 90Sr. Studying between organic
matter and mineral phase of soils in 137Cs partition (Vidal et al., 1995; Rigol et al., 1998), modelling
to identify regions affected by resies of the Chernobyl accident (van der Perk et al.,
1998), laboratory experiments to predict 137Cs root uptake after flooding (Camps et al.,
2003) and field studies on the flooded areas real contaminated by 137Cs in the Pripyat catchment
(Burrough and van der Perk, 1999) were performed.
It is well known that the uptake of caesium and strontium from soil to plant depends on
a range of different factors and that the soil and plant relationships of 137Cs and 90Sr are rather
complex. The influence of the potassium supply on the uptake of 137Cs was tested (Robinson
and Stone, 1992). Zhu (2001) published data on caesium uptake by Triticum aestivum cv. Tonic.
The effects of the application of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers on legume and grass species
were studied by Belli et al. (1995). The results of this study indicate: the effect of K fertilizer on
recing 137Cs plant absorption; the effect of N fertilizer on favouring grass growth and 137Cs
absorption; for all fertilizer combinations, a higher 137Cs storage in the root system of legumes
and a lower 137Cs absorption in the plants. Fertilizing the soil with nutrients such as K or Ca
that compete with radionuclides for cation exchange sites and thus competing for uptake by the
plant root should not increase the uptake of 90Sr or 137Cs (Entry et al., 1996).
In our work, we studied the uptake, translocation and distribution of 137Cs and 90Sr by sunflower.
Attention has been focused not only on different time courses of the 137Cs and 90Sr
P. Soudek et al. / J. Environ. Radioactivity 88 (2006) 236e250 237
时间:2023-11-19 11:46
90年和137年的老厂的cs吸收研究了向日葵l在栽培在水培介质。在植物的积累放射性测量后2、4、8、16和32天的培养。大约12%的137 cs和20%的90锶在实验积累。我们没有发现任何差异吸收放射性铯和锶同位素和稳定。放射性分布在植物是由放射自显影法。137 cs是目前主要在节点