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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-30 00:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 10:39

My Favorite TV Show
My favorite TV show is Animal World.I can watch the show every Sunday evening.The show tells us something about the animals' life.We can learn a lot about animals from it.In some zoos,there are also many kinds of animals.But in the show we can see more animals.Animals are our friends.It is wrong to kill them for food.We must do our best to protect them.I hope I can do something for the wild animals.

My Favorite TV Show My favorite TV show is Animal World.I can watch the show every Sunday evening.The show tells us something about the animals' life.We can learn a lot about animals from it.In some zoos,there are also many kinds of animals.But in the show we can see mor...


Television has become one of the most important parts of our life. Some programs on TV are very important and useful. We learn much knowledge on TV. For example, the news tells us what happened all over the world; the ads tell us what are good and cheap. The movies make o...


Television plays animportant role in our daily lives, which brings us both pleasure and hiddendanger. And therefore, more and more people start thinking advantages and disadvantages. Here are some my opinions as below.First, when it comes to the advantages, we take delight in talking...


What’s more, you can go everywhere by traveling programs. Let’s suppose, if you like traveling very much, but you have to work on weekends or holidays, you must be very sad. And now open your TV and it’ll take you to anywhere.Every coin has two sides. The disadvantage...




they are justifiably entitled to prosper.如今,电视节目非常火爆。中国一些超女、梦想中国一类的电视节目吸引了成千上万的参与者,而且更多的人掐着点等着它们播放。为啥那么多人对这种节目感兴趣呢?拥戴者们认为是因为这些节目为年轻人们提供了表达自己和展现专长的绝佳机会。它们帮助年轻人们提升自信、增...


英语作文写出你所喜欢和不喜欢的电视节目,音乐或衣物,并写出理由,不少于60字{可只写一项|} I like watching the ball games on TV,especially basketball games,such as NBA.These games are real and interesting,and they can make me happy.I like the TV operas made in HongKong too,which ...


in the world.Also, the romantic story told in the film moved me a lot. The true love between Rose and Jack is so beautiful that I can't help crying for them.Finally, the music in the film is quite pleasant. My Heart will go on moved thousands of people in the world....

求一篇高一关于春节的英语作文 100字左右

The Spring Festival As we all know,the Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China,as a Chinese,I spent this festival every year.The night before the Spring Festival is called New year's Eve.All the family members will get together to have a nice dinner,whach TV——...


smell, and love Maggie.《肖申克的救赎》英文简介 《The Shawshank Redemption》: The story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. When I heard the name of the film first time, I considered the Shawshank to be a man’ name, but in face it is a jail...

近代史鸦片战争 《坎巴拉太空计划》教程高级建造尾翼:学习高级建造技巧:坎巴拉太空计... 苏州会计从业资格证2011年培训,规模,师资最强当属新科。培训科目初级... 颁结婚证纪念册多少钱 禹州市去那里办理准生证? 2020年禹州市办理离婚手续流程,需要预约吗? 常熟2011会计从业资格考试成绩已经出来,为什么苏州市区的还没有出来... 下列说法正确的是( )A.卢瑟福a粒子散射实验中,产生大角度散射的主要原因... 怎样跟女领导搞好关系? 试解释一个中性原子吸收一个电子通常要放出能量的现象. 两个实心圈圈童装叫什么牌子 用前置摄像头拍视频的时候为什么脸是歪的 如何在美国申请绿卡 苹果手机后屏幕失灵怎么办 黑色裤子弄到了铁锈怎么洗 微信支付上传身份证照片怎么回事 你了解了吗 微信聊天记录如何才能导出来 好望角属于什么气侯 好望角是什么气候 退休军龄怎么算 白玉菇没煮熟 苹果手机怎么可以登录两个 苹果手机怎么用两个? 苹果手机怎么微信分身同时登陆两个 苹果手机如何同时登陆两个 钢管跟管件有什么区别? 钢材和管件的区别 QQ群的身份验证在哪里可以找到 手机屏幕刚换好,皮筋要绑多久,手机换了屏幕需要绑橡皮筋多久 虾米音乐下架对老粉丝意味着什么? 那首歌的歌词有:微笑着送你回家 502胶水弄手上怎么去除快速去除手上的502胶水的方法 徐光耀简介少 梦见吃柑子有什么预兆?是什么意思? 气虚乏力,耳鸣,眼睛干涩可以吃些什么药 眼睛干涩头晕,耳鸣是咋回事? 以阴虚为主的阴阳两虚导致的耳鸣眼睛干涩如何服用中成药? 失眠,眼睛干涩,疲乏,耳鸣,心慌,气短,呼吸不畅吃什么药好? 苹果耳机能不能读取安卓手机的微信内容 斗鱼怎么送万里扶摇礼物 斗鱼直播收到的礼物怎么没有了 非常抑郁的一段话 oppo r九什么会自己关机开机? oppor 7plus自动关机后连接充电器显示电量过低,而且为什么开不了机? 如何清理手机的灰尘 draw conclusions是下总结吗 what does it mean to draw conclusions?how can a reader do this? Love Minus Zero/No Limit 歌词 Love Minus Zero / No Limit 歌词 ♥英语翻译,机器滚 高分
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