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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 13:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 18:18

1. Similar to a sponge an is an object used to clean ones self. For this reason, many people incorporating loofah into their beauty regimen prefer to use it as a dry exfoliating brush before bathing, or to grind it and use it in exfoliating scrubs.

Lauren used the loofah in the shower.

2. Plant.

A distant cousin of the cucumber, used as a sponge.

alternate spellings: Loofa, Luffa or Lufa etc.
Bought me a new loofa today. Man, that thing is so soft.

3. a rare variety of tropical arabian horses used primarily in the transportation of illegal drugs and other goodies
Keith: How much do you feed your loofah? It's so fat!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 18:18

loofah 丝瓜
loofah 丝瓜络
Loofah 极化浊度计

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 18:18

1. Similar to a sponge an is an object used to clean ones self. For this reason, many people incorporating loofah into their beauty regimen prefer to use it as a dry exfoliating brush before bathing, or to grind it and use it in exfoliating scrubs.

Lauren used the loofah in the shower.

2. Plant.

A distant cousin of the cucumber, used as a sponge.

alternate spellings: Loofa, Luffa or Lufa etc.
Bought me a new loofa today. Man, that thing is so soft.

3. a rare variety of tropical arabian horses used primarily in the transportation of illegal drugs and other goodies
Keith: How much do you feed your loofah? It's so fat!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 18:18

loofah 丝瓜
loofah 丝瓜络
Loofah 极化浊度计
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