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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-20 17:25



热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 22:14


1、They stared at the huge tiger with awe. 他们敬畏地看着那头巨虎。

2、He never misses a chance to see a movie.他从不错过看电影的机会。

3、I cannot put up with my noisy roommates.我受不了我那些吵闹的室友了。

4、 I will be back by the end of next month.我下个月底会回来。

5、 I'm good at freestyle and breast stroke.我擅长自由泳和蛙泳。

6、It was your turn to wash them yesterday. 昨天轮到你把它们洗干净。

7、 Let's go out to have a dinner, shall we?咱们出去吃饭吧,好吗?

8、Please push the ladder against the wall.请把梯子*在墙壁上。

9、She is standing in the front of the bus.她站在公共汽车的前部。

10、 The doctor asked me to watch what I eat.医生要我注意饮食。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 22:14


1、They stared at the huge tiger with awe. 他们敬畏地看着那头巨虎。

2、He never misses a chance to see a movie.他从不错过看电影的机会。

3、I cannot put up with my noisy roommates.我受不了我那些吵闹的室友了。

4、 I will be back by the end of next month.我下个月底会回来。

5、 I'm good at freestyle and breast stroke.我擅长自由泳和蛙泳。

6、It was your turn to wash them yesterday. 昨天轮到你把它们洗干净。

7、 Let's go out to have a dinner, shall we?咱们出去吃饭吧,好吗?

8、Please push the ladder against the wall.请把梯子*在墙壁上。

9、She is standing in the front of the bus.她站在公共汽车的前部。

10、 The doctor asked me to watch what I eat.医生要我注意饮食。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 22:14


1、They stared at the huge tiger with awe. 他们敬畏地看着那头巨虎。

2、He never misses a chance to see a movie.他从不错过看电影的机会。

3、I cannot put up with my noisy roommates.我受不了我那些吵闹的室友了。

4、 I will be back by the end of next month.我下个月底会回来。

5、 I'm good at freestyle and breast stroke.我擅长自由泳和蛙泳。

6、It was your turn to wash them yesterday. 昨天轮到你把它们洗干净。

7、 Let's go out to have a dinner, shall we?咱们出去吃饭吧,好吗?

8、Please push the ladder against the wall.请把梯子*在墙壁上。

9、She is standing in the front of the bus.她站在公共汽车的前部。

10、 The doctor asked me to watch what I eat.医生要我注意饮食。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 22:14


1、They stared at the huge tiger with awe. 他们敬畏地看着那头巨虎。

2、He never misses a chance to see a movie.他从不错过看电影的机会。

3、I cannot put up with my noisy roommates.我受不了我那些吵闹的室友了。

4、 I will be back by the end of next month.我下个月底会回来。

5、 I'm good at freestyle and breast stroke.我擅长自由泳和蛙泳。

6、It was your turn to wash them yesterday. 昨天轮到你把它们洗干净。

7、 Let's go out to have a dinner, shall we?咱们出去吃饭吧,好吗?

8、Please push the ladder against the wall.请把梯子*在墙壁上。

9、She is standing in the front of the bus.她站在公共汽车的前部。

10、 The doctor asked me to watch what I eat.医生要我注意饮食。

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