1998年的奥运资料(英文) 越多越好
发布时间:2022-04-23 22:26
时间:2023-10-12 02:30
1998年日本长野第十八届冬季奥运会是冬季奥运会在时隔26年后再一次来到日本。本届奥运会上,单板滑雪第一次成为奥运会的比赛项目,冰壶也重新成为奥运会正式比赛项目。在本届奥运会上,冰球比赛第一次向职业运动员开放,女子冰球也成为奥运会的正式比赛项目,捷克队获得第一枚女子冰球金牌。挪威运动员戴里(Bjorn Dahlie)在本届奥运会上赢得了3面滑雪金牌,成为第一位在冬奥会中赢得8面金牌的运动员,而他的冬奥会奖牌累计到12面。美国的15岁小将塔拉-利平斯基(Tara Lipinski)赢得女子个人花样滑冰金牌,成为最年轻的冬季奥运会个人项目金牌得主。在高山滑雪比赛中,奥地利运动员迈耶(Hermann Maier)在高山速降比赛中途,不慎滑倒,不过他没有放弃。3天后,他在超大回转及大回转比赛,并分别赢得金牌。 国际奥林匹克委员会举办的第十八届冬季奥林匹克运动会,共有14个大项68个小项的比赛。乌拉圭、阿塞拜疆、马其顿首次参赛,最终德国队获得12枚金牌,排在金牌榜第一,东道主日本获得5枚金牌,排在第七位,本届冬奥会的比赛新增加的比赛项目有女子冰球、滑板滑雪、冰上溜石。荷兰是本届冬奥会进步最快的国家,共夺得5金4银2铜,跃居到第6名,被誉为“飞翔的荷兰人”。中国在本届冬季奥运会上获得6枚银牌和2枚铜牌,是取得奖牌最多的一次。李佳军夺得1000米银牌,是中国冬季奥运会史上获得的第一枚男子奖牌,杨阳在女子短跑道速滑1000米赛中,打破世界纪录。本届奥运会的标志取名为“五彩的雪花”,象征着冰雪项目的角逐。吉祥物是4只形态怪异的猫头鹰,组委会分别给这4只吉祥物起名为寸喜、能城、家喜和都木。
冬季奥运会和夏季奥运会一样 ,每四年举办一次,这一届在日本的北部县城长野举行。
长野原在1940年获得主办权,但因为二战关系,冬季奥运停办,因此无缘举办这项盛会(冬季奥运会因战争停办两届(1940年及1944年),1948 年才恢复举办)。
日本第一次参加冬季奥运会,是1928年在瑞士圣莫里茨(Saint-Moritz)举办的第二届冬季奥运会。当时的日本队伍只有 6 名选手和一名*(负责人)。
1956 年在意大利举办的第七届冬季奥运会上,当时一名在美国达特茅斯(Dartmouth)留学的日本学生千春猪谷(Chiharu Igaya),在障碍滑雪项目中夺得银牌,赢得日本有史以来第一面冬季奥运会的奖牌。
日本上一次主办冬季奥运会是 1972 年在札幌举办的第十一届冬季奥运会,日本滑雪选手雪雄笠屋(Yukio Kasaya)、见次今野(Akitsugu Konno)和喜代次青地(Kiyoji Aochi)分别在 70 米滑雪跳跃项目中夺得前三名。
德国是本届赛会的最大赢家,总共夺得12枚金牌、9枚银牌和8枚铜牌。挪威排行第二,金银铜牌分别是10、10、5枚。俄罗斯以9金、6银、3铜排名第三。 日本报章也大力称赞组织委员会,声称他们的优秀表现有助振奋国家的精神,特别是在经济增长放缓和频频发生财政丑闻的时刻。美国在本届赛会总共获得6金、3银、4铜,全场排行第六。
在闭幕礼上,长野*冢田佐把冬奥会会旗交给美国盐湖市女*科拉迪尼。美国的盐湖市在2002年主办下届冬奥会。 中国在本届赛会上获得6枚银牌和2枚铜牌,是历来取得最多奖牌的一次,可惜仍与金牌无缘。中国选手杨扬在女子短道速滑1000米滑冰赛中,打破世界记录。
1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games are the 18th Winter Olympic Games in the future once the first time in 26 came to Japan. The Olympic Games, snowboarding's first Olympic sports, curling has again become the official Olympic event. In this year's Olympics, the first ice hockey competition open to professional athletes, the Olympic women's ice hockey has become the official event, the Czech team was the first woman ice hockey gold medal. Norwegian athletes Dally (Bjorn Dahlie) at the current Olympics, won three of skiing gold medals in the Winter Olympics to become the first to win eight gold medals in the athletes, and his Olympic medal total to 12 surface. U.S. 15-year-old Tara - Lee Lipinski (Tara Lipinski) win the women's indivial figure skating gold medal and became the youngest Winter Olympic indivial gold medallist. In Alpine skiing competition, the Austrian athletes Meyer (Hermann Maier) in the middle of alpine downhill competition, inadvertently slipping, but he did not give up. Three days later, he and the large rotary rotary competition and won gold medals respectively. International Olympic Committee held the 18th Olympic Winter Games, a total of 14 major subparagraph 68 of the game. Uruguay, Azerjan, Macedonia, the first entry, the German team was the final 12 gold medals and ranked first in the gold medal count, the host Japan won five gold medals, ranked seventh in the competition this new Olympic event of a Women's ice hockey, skateboarding skiing, ice slip stone. The Netherlands is the fastest progress in the current Winter Olympics, won a total of five gold 4 silver 2 copper, jumped to No. 6, known as "The Flying Dutchman." China at the Winter Olympics was six silver and two bronze medals is one of the largest made. Li Jiajun won the 1,000 m silver medalist, is the history of the Chinese Winter Olympic Games was the first man medal, Yang Yang in the women's sprint, 1,000 m Speed Skating competition, a world record. This year's Olympics logo named "multicolored snowflakes", a symbol of snow and ice project competition. The mascot is a strange form of four owls, the organizing committee were to name the mascot for the four-inch-hi, to the city, and all-wood home.
Winter Games and Summer Games, held once every four years, this one in the northern county of Japan's Nagano.
Coincides with the beginning of winter, has four visible men and women who were carrying a long snow slide, good power and prestige, they are taking advantage of school-winter vacation, have flocked to the northern part of Sapporo (Sapporo) and Hokkaido (Hokkaido), and other regions, prepared Bingtianxuedi, playing in a Excitement.
Some are active in the final stages of intensive training to prepare to be held in Nagano for the Winter Olympics two weeks, "Yang Bing Thousand Days" to see the Ming Dynasty.
As early as the previous year, or even two years ago, the Japanese would have started hot-teng, Nagano Winter Olympic Games banner, posters, sponsor of the ads, goods, label, under the colored ring logo can be seen everywhere, on television and radio The ad is Mubuxiagei, prevalent.
TV appeared frequently "Fortunately the wind will be blowing» "like the title, because similar projects such as skiing competitions, the athletes need the help of wind can jump higher and farther, to a record have to rely on the help of the wind .
The people of Nagano City, the Winter Olympics is that they look forward to decades of dreams.
Naganohara in 1940 was the hosting rights, but because of World War II, the winter Olympic suspension, held out of this event (Winter Olympic Games e to the war shut down two (1940 and 1944), organized in 1948 to resume).
The first time that Japan participate in the Winter Olympics, 1928 in St. Moritz, Switzerland (Saint-Moritz) held the second Olympic Winter Games. At that time, the Japanese team only six players and an official (official).
1956 in Italy held its seventh Winter Olympics, was one in the United States Dartmouth (Dartmouth) of Japanese students studying abroad 1000 Chiharu (Chiharu Igaya), the obstacles to ski in the project won a silver medal, won Japan's first-ever A Winter Olympics medal.
The last time Japan hosted the 1972 Winter Olympics in Sapporo held the 11th Olympic Winter Games, the Japanese skiers snow-Mikasaya (Yukio Kasaya), see, this wild (Akitsugu Konno) and the Green-to-generation (Kiyoji Aochi) respectively in the 70 meters skiing Jumping in the project won the top three.
The two-week Winter Olympics in Nagano on the 22nd successful conclusion. International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch praised the current赛be a success, and described it as "always do the best Winter Games ever."
Whether or the number of participating countries to participate in the number of athletes are always up to the next Winter Olympics. At the closing ceremony, Samaranch publicly praised by the efforts made by the authorities: "Congratulations, Nagano, Japan Congratulations. You presented to the world a best ever run of the Olympic Games."
Germany is the current赛will be the biggest winner, won a total of 12 gold, nine silver and eight bronze medals. Norway came second, gold and silver bronze medals respectively 10,10,5 pieces. Russia 9 gold, 6 silver and 3 bronze third place. Japanese newspapers also strongly praised the organizing committee, claiming their outstanding performance will help boost the national spirit, especially in the economic growth slowdown and frequent financial scandals of the moment. The United States in the current赛will receive a total of six gold, three silver and four bronze, all ranked sixth.
Speaking at the closing ceremony, the mayor of Nagano Winter Olympics mound-file to the United States flag to the Salt Lake City mayor Keladini. The United States in the 2002 Salt Lake City to host the next Winter Olympics.赛China at the current meeting was six silver and two bronze medals, the most medals ever made the first, but still out with the gold medal. China's Yang Yang in the women's 1,000 m short track skating race, breaking the world record.
The Winter Olympic Games to create a total of seven world records and 20 Olympic records.
时间:2023-10-12 02:31