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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-22 10:27



热心网友 时间:2023-05-12 14:10

In my memory,he is the person I admire most.
I remember once,he took the canteen to buy snacks be jubilant to e to school.Suddenly,he found in the campusnot far from there is a dark things.He is full of curiosity,so,he kicked the,did not think of,from the inside out of abulging wallet.He quickly picked up the wallet from the ground.Came to a lush tree,then,he have a look have a lookEast,west.Found nobody around.He sat under the tree and open the wallet at.Ah,he was shocked,there areseveral bank cards and some *** all change.This is a big temptation for him.However,he did not do so.But rathergive the money to the police.
This is the reason why I admire his.,1,

This is the reason why I admire his.

a letter of gratitude关于拾金不昧的

I think that under the condition of diversified development of the market economy, Mr. XXX's high quality is really commendable! And to the XXX service company to cultivate such a noble quality of good staff thank you!我想,在当今市场经济多元化发展的条件下,像XXX先生这种拾金不昧、...


she thanked me for her good deed.求采纳谢谢~


This is the reason why I admire his.


have more chances to find what they lose.But the others think that is against the traditional virtue of our country.What's worse,that would let the thieves become more furious.As far as I am concerned,I think the lost things should be returned to losers without any pay....


Dear XXX,I am writing this message to express my sincere gratitude to you for your honesty and kindness. Thanks to your selfless help, I was able to retrieve the valuable item I lost on campus yesterday.Your willingness to assist me, a total stranger, without expecting anything ...




中文:我的父亲是对我最有影响的人,他教导我我要好好做人,要有助人为乐,拾金不昧,等等优良品质。在我父亲的影响下,我身心得到了很好的发展,我非常感谢我的父亲对我的影响。 英文: My father is to my most influential person, he taught that my I must the personhood, probably have ...


Dear martin: first I should say thank you ,yesterday when I was playing basketball on the palyground,I lost my watch carelessly,just at that time ,I was so anxious about it because it was given to me as an important present by my uncle on my fifteenth birthday,I didn'...


helpful person. Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left. Her favorite food is pasta, I always ask her to eat noodles....

这是什么牌的钥匙 诗句排比是什么意思 申请契税减免多久 申请契税减免的审批时限是多久? 盘锦房交会免契税多久反 成都橡树林到九龙有多远 从梁家巷客运站怎么到锦江区石牛堰街 从成都金沙金阳路到达锦江区石牛堰街33号3楼橡树林最近路线 2022世界杯威尔士队阵容名单 世界杯威尔士首发阵容 威尔士足球代表队球队阵容 莆田市秀屿区双星照明电器有限公司怎么样? 格力空调没有应急开关怎么办 自考本科证好用吗? 白侯的拼音狐白侯的拼音是什么 白侯的意思白侯的意思是什么 白额侯的网络解释白额侯的网络解释是什么 侯白的引证解释侯白的引证解释是什么 白侯的网络解释白侯的网络解释是什么 侯白的解释侯白的解释是什么 低压操作考试预约是否成功怎么查询 低压电工证办理资质 高压电工证考试时间没空 电工证考试预约上就没法取消 汉阴电工考证那里报名 电工证考试己经预约在哪里查 抖音团购怎么用微信支付? 哪里有OK卡团购的? 村庄平面图电子版怎么收费 蛋仔派对制作地图有钱吗 正阳门下2013多少集 电视剧正阳门下剧情介绍 英语作文:我和我朋友的爱好 对话 人工翻译一小段英文作文 急!! 给妈妈买银镯子应怎样选择款式和重量? 母亲的银镯子 浪子归家是什么生肖 风流浪子是什么生肖丶 浪子燕青金不换。是什么生肖。谢谢! 锦缬的结构锦缬的结构是什么 蝉联格是什么,请举例《西洲曲》说明? 《碎锦》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源 _壶的成语_壶的成语是什么 禅扉的解释 翠是什么结构的字 问道散文 风送香来草木灵,寿松何事不重青,日当亭午禅扉静,药杵声中鹤梦醒,什么意思 禅扉未闭子规啼,月映丹林色色齐。欲问生前长短事,佳期定后自无迷。请问有谁知道是啥意思呀 带有荟字的成语 用部首查字法敲敲应查部首辣应查部首能做部首的字还有哪些 抖音小程序在哪里 天地有五岳,恒岳居其北。
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