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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-09 19:18




1.be afraid to do 2.be proud of doing sth. 3.it takes sb. sometime to do sth. 4.sb. spends sometimes in doing sth.5.stop sb from doing sth.6.thanks for doing sth.1.Don't be afraid to try.不要害怕尝试。2.I'm proud of staying calm at that moment.我为...


yes, it is.No, it isn't.She/He is a student.Is she/ he a student?Yes, she/ he is.No, she/ he isn't.It is a cat.Is it a cat?Yes, it is.No, it isn't.I am a student.Are you a student?Yes, I am.No, I am not....


This TV program is so boring.He bored us all by talking for hours about his new house.That is an exciting game.Sara was excited to see the rock band.This book is interesting.He is not interested in reading It is one of the most dangerous things to be so near to the tige...


4. I didn't say anything until she asked me. 直到她问我,我才说话。5. It's the first time that i have written to a person I don't know. 这是我第一次给我不认识的人写信。6. it was the first time that i had written to a stranger. 那是我第一次给陌生人写信。7.it...


2.he was very concerned about her.他对她非常关心。3.you should have told me yesterday that you had changed your mind. 你昨天应该告诉我你改变主意了 4.she seems to do these things on purpose 她似乎是有意地做这些事。5.I have trouble in finishing the work完成工作对我来说有困难...


1.If you go to shool early,you will not late 2.If you go to visit her,I will go with you.3.If you go to the shop,please buy some meet for me.1.It is one of the longest river in Chian.2.It is one of the best book I like.3.It is one of the most beatifull...


1.run along She ran along sadly,tears in her eyes.她伤心地一直向前跑,眼里含着泪水.2.swim across Can you swim across the river? 你可以游过这条河吗?3.jump off He jump off the horse and shouted at me.他从马上跳下来,向我大喊.4.run across He ran across the street and ...


you should wash hands before meals.You had better have a bath three times a week.You had better open the window.Early to rise is good for your health.是不是这样的 不对告诉我 个人原创。


那里有成千上万的人。我们一到那就迅速换衣服然后去滑雪。我父母和我都是滑雪高手。我们在那滑了5个小时的雪,我们确实过得很愉快。因为滑雪是我最喜爱的运动,所以我这天过得最愉快 5.The busiest day January 31, Monday, Sunny I got up early and helped my mother cook breakfast....


1.I find it exicting to sale clothes.I find it possible to swim 1000 meter.I find it impossible to follow the car.I find it difficult to ignore the distractions I find it important to study well I find it interesting to play games.I find it boring to walk alone I find ...

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