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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-18 10:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 13:45

In a North American/Australian or British wedding a groomsman or usher is one of the (usually) male attendants to the bridegroom in a wedding ceremony. Usually the groom selects his closest friends and/or relatives to serve as a groomsmen, and it is considered an honor to be selected. From his groomsmen, the groom chooses one to serve as best man. In a typical "Anglosphere" white wedding, the ties of a groomsman typically include some or all of the following:

* helping the best man plan the bachelor party(U.S.)/Stag Night(U.K)/Buck's Night(Aus.) for the groom
* ushering guests to their seats before the ceremony
* escorting the bridesmaids down the aisle ring the ceremony and reception
* giving speeches and toasts (however, this ty is usually performed by the best man)
* and sometimes dancing with bridesmaids and other single female guests at the reception

The groom may also designate other male friends and relatives to act as ushers, whose main task is ushering guests to their seats before the ceremony.

In a military officers wedding, the role of groomsman is replaced by Swordsmen of the Sword Honour Guard. They are usually picked as close personal friends of the groom who have served with him/her. Their role includes forming the traditional sword arch for the married couple and guests to walk through.
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