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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-24 11:07



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:14

Analyze the axial force of the pump,talk about the structural characteristics and the work principle of the balance wheel and study the importance the balance wheel .
key words:water leaking of the mine,water pulp,the point of work condition,the disposal of equipment,balance wheel

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:14

Axial force of the pumps in the analysis and discussed for the balance of the axial force-balance the structural characteristics, principle, and the study was the significance of balance.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:15

Axial force of the pumps in the analysis and discussed for the balance of the axial force-balance the structural characteristics, principle, and the study was the significance of balance.
Key words: Mine Water; pumps; condition; equipment layout; balance disc

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:15


You are the most great swimmer in the world. --> You are the greatest swimmer in the world.Translation:I believe that you've paid so much exertion.It must be the best positive for you to let your dreams come true with 8 gold medals by your own!And I believe that your s...


第一:can you gives me some advice 二,we should speak english as much as possible 三:when you are tired ,you should learn to relax 四:parents now always compare their children with others'五:when we grow up, we find out it is difficult to do what we like to do.六:...


18.You have what it takes;You have it in you;Tou have some skills. 你有两下子。19.好好学习,天天向上:(不需翻译,外国人也懂的)good good study,day day up!20、go straight to the point;cut the cackle and come to the horses;开门见山 21、of a wide [rich] variety;...


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2.Have you ever had the experience of dreams come true?3. It's hard to understand how he made so many mistakes in this exam?4. With the help of Project Hope, two and half million poor students returned to school.5.This novel not only made the author famous, but also ...


Australis wants to join the Asian games , but it not part of Asian.3. 繁忙的一周之末,我总是喜欢有一个茶歇。I always enjoy a tea break at the end of a busy week.4.要发出的数据应该每周更新一次。The data to be sent out should be updated once a week.5. 他有很好的团队...


贯彻人译,抵制机译!Actualy, what we need to know is :事实上,我们需要了解以下事项:1. More information on your brand and what do you expect for the range of product you want us to design.更多关于你们品牌的信息,以及你们希望我们设计哪些范围的产品。I mean what is your history...


Jiaozuo is a rich tourist resources of the city. Won the "China Excellent Tourism City", "national garden city" title. One is the mountains. Taihang Mountain, the distribution of more than 1000 sites, in Jiaozuo landscape dependencies, male containing show, spring flowers, summer ...


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arrival is on ...we are sorry for any inconvenience to you by this issue.(这里我稍微改成了 很抱歉因此而给你带来了不便 因为个人认为 既然船已经赶不上了 你用问句的话对你不利 假如客户说会带来不便 你也不能让船早开不是吗)And we hope everything could go well at your side....

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