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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-24 06:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 04:54

如果D0取50,L取185米,则距堤岸106-124米的建筑物及附近地面均在横向流动的影响内。按照公式,水平位移为68-36cm。使用Winkler-type springs支撑的桩基模型,输入位移,设定水平位移的垂直分布,以及按照Shamoto等的简化法测定的局部液化前的水平位移分布,可以得出一个数据分析。由于横流的影响,桩基预期会受到流向堤岸的横流作用而发生变形。结果,桩基会被液化严重破坏,并由于受到流向堤岸的横流作用而局部变形,即使距离超过100米。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 04:54

6. Effect of lateral spreading of the ground e to liquefaction
However, these analyses could not explain the resial displacements of piles, because large resiarl displacement of the ground and piles did not appear in these analyses in which horizontally stratified layers were assumed. The large deformation by the liquefaction-inced lateral flow occurred near the quay walls around the coastal area of Kobe ring 1995 Hyogoken–Nambu earthquke, which was investigated in detail by Hamada et al.and Ishihara et al. According to an aerial photo survey by Tokimatsu et al. and Hamada et al. the resial horizontal displacements in the transverse directions at quay walls near the site were between 2.6 and 4.6 m, being 3.7 m on average.
The authors propose a combination of a soil–pile-structure interaction analysis ba simple spring-mass model and the displacement response method using lateral ground displacement caused by liquefaction estimated by a simplified method. Tokimatsu et al. proposed a relationship between the horizontal ground surface displacement at the wavefront, D0, the length of the laterally spreading area, L, and the thickness of the liquefied layer, H, from the investigation data, as well as the relationship between the horizontal displacement, D, and the distance from the wavefront, x, as follows:
If the factor of D0 is assumed to be 50, then L is 185 m, which suggests that the ground around the structure at a distance of 106–124 m from the quay walls is included in the influenced area of lateral spreading. The horizontal displacements are 68–37 cm at the site by these relation formulas. A static analysis was concted again using a model of piles supported by Winkler-type springs, inputting the displacements and assuming the vertical distribution of horizontal displacements to be similar to the distribution of the resial post-liquefaction horizontal displacements in level ground determined by the simplified method proposed by Shamoto et al. Since the concerned site was in the influence area of this lateral spreading, the piles are considered to have been deformed by the lateral spreading toward the quay wall. As a result, it is considered that piles were damaged by the liquefaction and also deformed resially e to the liquefaction-inced lateral flow of the ground towards the quay walls in spite of the distance of over 100 m from the quay walls.翻译我不太会~但是你好象有地方打错了

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 04:55

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