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People are very social animals. We need to talk w

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-24 07:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 06:42

People are very social animals. We need to talk w


oyour local community is the area near your home where you work,pl...

正确答案是:Your local community is the area near your home where you work, play, and go to school. The neighbourhood where your 【family 】make coonnections with other people, and the place you like you belong to. People are very social animals. We need to 【 talk 】and ...

求英语翻译谢谢。 随着世界的推移,人们的休息放松的方式有了很多改变...

as the world develops/passes, the way people relax has changed a lot. in the past, people are more likely to relax near to nature, like hunting; but nowadays peple prefer to stay at home to play games.谢谢求采纳

人类怎么很好的适应环境?how are you (human)will-adapted to your e...

People are social creatures, from the society, the attribute is not full. In a sense, apart from society, people wouldn't be man. Whatever the case, is the person to adapt to society, rather than the social adaptation, even if the environment is extremely bad, people want to...


You were young, and everyone will need help somehow. 我们所做的是公益活动,很多人会 看这个节目,所以你帮的是很多人,很多中国人也会因此而认识你。 We are doing charity works, many people will watch this program, so that you are helping many people. Many Chinese will know you from this. ...


Usefulness of the people all the whales is very good, a lot of dead whales now, so that human beings are to be discarded, we need to protect the whales, so they continue to multiply Health habitat. Let people according to their benefits, create more advanced equipment, whale is a human...

关于passion in life的英文作文

because I care about my diet, she too eats better, and has a mum with lots of stamina.Unfortunately now being busy at home, I no longer have the time to go to the country, but I do not let this change my passion for exercise. Instead of watching self-improvement programmes...

As a student,what can we do to protect the environment?_百度知...

The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop ...


A lot of people don't like reading news.Because for them,that is a waste of time.Comparing to political news,they prefer social websites.But in my opinion,reading news is a good habit.Since we are social animals,we cannot live without the influence of the environment.So we ...


7) Human beings are social 〔A〕 animals whom 〔B〕 usually prefer not to live in 〔C〕 physical or psychological isolation 〔D〕 .5. where是关系副词,用来表示地点的定语从句8) The Everglades is a beautiful region of southern Florida the primitive past mingles with modern life.〔A〕 there...

从山西太原骑行走低速去运城 全程路况最近的路线怎么走? 谁能帮我解决... 从太原到运城方向今天路况如何 运城 断头路有哪些 用变速精灵对电脑有危害吗 变速精灵 坏电脑吗 变速精灵免费版基本介绍 变速精灵详细信息 吉他下面没有绑绑带的螺丝只有插音响的插口怎么办?还有上面怎么绑绑带... 吉他 没有绑带 电脑114系列-电脑上网一查通内容提要 We need to talk to some people about you是什么句型? 妈妈说我们两个之间有必要好好谈谈了 用 英语怎么写 we need to talk什么梗 We need to talk是什么意思 一周半岁的宝宝肤色有时候看上去很黄有时候不黄怎么回事 帮忙写一下“赏识”的分论点 教育部等三部门如何督查校外培训机构? 大理婚纱摄影景点都有什么地方? 随着气温、水温不断升高,野钓大鱼时要遵循哪“四不宜”? 属兔的年龄表2021年多大,属兔的年龄表是什么? 狗狗得了细小康复后什么时候才能给它正常喂食物 三年级数学课件 小学三年级数学每课一练丰收了,的第一大题怎么写 御颜堂祛斑怎么样? 御颜堂口碑怎么样? 谁知道哪个淘宝店铺有专卖NBAT恤衫,球衣的要5钻以上 海马S7和长安CS75汽车哪个好 北京哪里卖阿童木的T恤衫 b0sst恤衫旗舰店在冷水滩那里 请问北京哪里有卖T恤衫的? 机械零件上压盖的作用及加工工艺规程 阀门中隔环的作用? 在什么情况下填料处要放隔环? 阀门压兰是指什么?起什么作用的? 什么是填料压盖 征集志愿一般是能进好的学校,还差的学校? 2021年征集志愿学校 一般填征集志愿的希望大吗?征集志愿的学校是不是都特别差? 征集志愿到底好不好? 征集志愿学校为啥都很差 征集志愿填报的学校怎么样?读出来有好的结果吗? 求阿狸的全官网表情包 哺乳期妇女能吃鹿茸吗 哺乳期可以吃鹿茸吗? 哺乳期能吃鹿茸汤吗 哺乳期吃鹿茸对宝宝好吗 鹿茸适合哺乳期产妇吃吗 哪里有景岗山的《步步高》原曲伴奏 谢了 求:步步高广告中用的乐曲 漫漫散散什么意思 若a,b互为相反数,则a/b=-1 一定成立吗 我想应该成立,可其他人都反对,到底成立不成立?
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