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热心网友 时间:2023-05-31 05:58

1. 否定副词位于句首时的倒装在正式文体中,never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, no sooner, no longer, nowhere 等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首,则其后要用部分倒装: I shall never forgive him. / Never shall I forgive him. 我永远不会宽恕他。He seldom goes out for dinner. / Seldom does he go out for dinner. 他很少出去吃饭。She hardly has time to listen to music. / Hardly does she have time to listen to music. 她几乎没时间听音乐。He little realizes how important this meeting is. / Little does he realize how important this meeting is. 他不甚明白这个会议的重要性。We had no sooner reached the airport than the plane took off. / No sooner had we reached the airport than the plane took off. 我们刚到机场,飞机就起飞了。【注意】(1) 对于not…until句型,当not until…位于句首时,其后的主句要用倒装语序:He didn’t leave the room until the rain stopped. / Not until the rain stopped did he leave the room. 雨停了之后他才离开这房间。(2) 某些起副词作用的介词短语,由于含有否定词,若位于句首,其后要用部分倒装:On no accounts must this switch be touched. 这个开关是绝不能触摸的。In [Under] no circumstances will I lend money to him.无论如何我也不会再借钱给他了。但是,in no time(立即,马上)位于句首时,其后无需用倒装语序:In no time he worked out the problem. 他马上就算出了那道题。 2.“only+状语”位于句首时的倒装当一个状语受副词only的修饰且置于句首时,其后用部分倒装语序:Only then did he realize that he was wrong. 到那时他才意识到他错了。Only in this way are you able to do it well. 你只有用这种方法才能把它做好。Only when he returned home did he realize what had happened. 当他回到家里时,才知道出了什么事。 3. “so+adj. / adv.”位于句首时的倒装副词so后接形容词或副词位于句首时,其后用部分倒装:So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home. 天气太冷,我们只好呆在家里。So fast does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 光速很快,我们几乎没法想像它的速度。So sudden was the attack that we had no time to escape. 袭击来得非常突然,我们来不及逃跑。4.“so+助动词+主语”倒装当要表示前面提出的某一肯定的情况也同样适合于后者,通常就要用“So+助动词+主语”这种倒装结构:You are young and so am I. 你年轻,我也年轻。She likes music and so do I. 她喜欢音乐,我也喜欢。If he can do it, so can I. 要是他能做此事,我也能。【注意】(from www.yygrammar.com)(1) 若前面提出某一否定的情况,要表示后者也属于同样的否定情况,则应将其中的so改为neither或nor:You aren’t young and neither am I. 你不年轻,我也不年轻。She hasn’t read it and nor have I. 她没有读它,我也没有读。(2) 注意该结构与表示强调或同意的“so+主语+特殊动词”结构的区别:"It was cold yesterday." "So it was." “昨天很冷。”“的确很冷。”"Father, you promised." "Well, so I did." “爸爸,你答应过的。”“嗯,是答应过。” 5. 由not only…but also引出的倒装当not only…but also位于句首引出句子时,not only 后的句子通常用部分倒装形式:Not only is he a teacher, but he is also a poet. 他不仅是一位教师,而且是一位诗人。Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily. 不仅他讲得更正确,也讲得更不费劲了。 6. 虚拟条件句的省略与倒装当if引导的虚拟条件从句中含有had, were, should等时,如将if省略,则要将had, were, should等移到主语前,构成倒装句:Had you come yesterday, you would have seen him.若你昨天来,你就会见到他了。Should you require anything give me a ring. 如果需要什么,可以给我打电话。Were it not for your help, I would still be homeless. 要不是你帮助,我会仍然无家可归。【注意】省略if后提前的had不一定是助动词:Had I money, I would buy it. 假若我有钱,我就会买它。

热心网友 时间:2023-05-31 05:58



例1:How are you getting along with your work?

例2:Is this report written in detail?


2.在there be 及其类似结构中

例1:There are forty students in our class.

例2:There seem to be still some elements undiscovered yet.

例3:There stands a bridge across the river.


例1:Long live the People’s Republic of China!

例2:May you succeed!

例3:Dog-tired though they were, they continued to march on.

4.在省略if 的虚拟语气条件状语从句中

这类句子中有were, had, should等词时,把were, had或should置于句首。

例1:Were there no air or water, there would be no life in the world.

例2:Had you been more careful, such spelling mistakes might have been avoided.

5.在so, nor, neither或no more开头的句子中


1)This problem is not difficult and neither is that one.

2)Coal is under the ground in some places, and so is oil.


这些词和词组通常有:rarely, never, scarcely, no sooner, little, few, hardly, seldom, at no time, in no way, on no account, nowhere, nobody, not only等。例如:

1)Visit our stores. Nowhere else will you find such magnificent bargains.

2)Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang.

3)Not only did he complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it.

4)Little did we think his speech had made so deep an impression on his audience.


例1:Worst of all were the humiliations.

例2:Such is the case.


例1:Still greater contributions should we make to our socialist construction.

例2:Useful chemical fertilizer can we make from the waste liquid.

注:当前置宾语由“not a +名词”或者“not a single +名词”构成时,也会引起倒装。例如:

Alice had a terrible time touring that country. Not a day did she spend without having some unpleasantness with waiters in the hotel.


(1)当句首状语为方位词或拟声词,谓语动词为go, come等表示位置转移的动词时句子须倒装。例如:

1)Up went the plane.

2)In came the chairman and the meeting began.


1)Out they rushed!

2)Lower and lower he bent.

(2) 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,句子须倒装。例如:

1)Round the corner walked a large policeman.

2)Under the table was lying a half-conscious young man.

(3)当句首状语由“only +副词”,“only +介词词组”,“only +状语从句”构成时,句子须倒装。例如:

1)Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing.

2)Only because there were some cancelled bookings did he get some tickets in the end.

(4)当句首状语为here, there, now, then等时,句子须倒装,主语是代词时,句子不用倒装。例如:

1)Here is a ticket for you.

2)Now comes your turn.

3)Here he comes.

(5)以关联词so (…that)开头的句子中,句子须倒装。例如:

1)So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.

2)So quickly did the workmen finish their work that they were given a bonus.

3)So much does he worry about his financial position that he can’t sleep at night.

注:在该结构中,“so +形容词”是表语的前置;“so +副词”是状语的前置。


在叙事性书面语中,直接引语后常跟asked Mary, answered John, said the old lady, grunted Peter之类的词语。在这些词语中,动词常的主语之前,主语是代词时,不用倒装。例如:

1)“What do you mean?” asked Henry.

2)“What do you mean?” he asked.

11. often, many a time等表示频度的状语置于句首时

例如:Often did they think of going there, but they never had a chance.

12.在as, though引导的让步状语从句中

在as, though引导的让步状语从句中,一般将形容词、副词或名词等置于句首。例如:

1)Small as the atom is, we can smash it.

2)Big as the workpiece is, it is turned out with
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