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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-22 03:28



热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 17:43

1、我觉得很难理解他。(find)--I find it very hard to understand him.
2、美国有份工作要聘请我去做。(offer)---There's a job offtered to me in America.
3、我们班同学的年龄从18岁到20岁不等。(vary from...to...)--My classmates vary in age from 18 to 20.
4、情况要求我在那里。(require)---The situation requires that I should be there.
5、她去美国的旅费是父母给的。(pay for)---Her parents paid for her trip to America.
6、汤姆很不愿意去,但是他别无选择。(reluctant)---Tom was quite reluctant to go,but he had no other choice.
7、考试的成功主要取决于学习努力的程度。(depend on)---The success in the exam mainly depends on the extent to which you work.
8、以我来看,我们最好课后处理这个问题。(in one‘s opinion,deal with)---In my opinion,we 'd better deal with the matter after class.
9、老师讲的很多阅读技巧也适用于英语学习。(apply to)---The many reading skills the teacher talked about can also be applied to the study of English.
10、作为一个成年学生,我现在已经不适应大学生活了。(be accustomed to)--- As an alt student,I don't think I am accustomed to college life.
11、交友切勿过于自信。(sure of oneself)--- Don't be too sure of yourself in making friends.
12、与生人初次交往时,完全诚实不总是有益于社交。(good for)---It isn't always good for social communication to be totally honest when you meet a stranger for the first time.
13、没有父母的帮助我可以照顾自己。(without,take care of)----I can take care of myself without my parents' help.
14、在美国,年轻人好像有很多自由,可以决定并去做他们想做的事。(what-clause)---In America, young people seem quite free to decide and do what they want to do.
15、如果他们双方愿意,他们就愿意与对方结婚。(pleased,be willing to ) -----They will marry each other if both are willing to.
16、一个迟到的学生站在教室的门外说,“对不起,我可以进来吗?”(to)----" Excuse me. May I come in?' Says a student,who is late, standing at the classroom door.
17、在课堂上,学生就应该踊跃地回答问题。(respond to,actively)--- In class,students should response actively to the questions.
18、伊朗的结婚仪式与我在美国看到的很不一样。(be different from)----The marriage ceremony in Iran is quite different from the one that I saw in America.
19、学生们正在准备期末考试。---- The students are preparing themselves for the end-of-term exams.
20、人们常把学校看成是一个小社会.----The school is often considered to be a small-scaled society.
21、物价随季节而变动。---- the price changes with the season.
22、他很仔细地处理了一个困难的局面。----- It was very carefully that he dealt with a very difficult situation.
23、这场雨对比赛没多大影响。The rain will have little impact on the match / game.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 17:44

I find it hard to understand her.
I have received a job offer from the United States.
3、我们班同学的年龄从18岁到20岁不等。(vary from...to...)
The age of my classmates varies from eighteen to twenty.
The situation requires my presence (there).
5、她去美国的旅费是父母给的。(pay for)
Her parents paid for her travel expenses.
Tom is reluctant to go, but he has no choice.
7、考试的成功主要取决于学习努力的程度。(depend on)
Doing well on exams depends on hard works.
8、以我来看,我们最好课后处理这个问题。(in one‘s opinion,deal with)
In my opinion, it's better for us to deal with this situation after class.
9、老师讲的很多阅读技巧也适用于英语学习。(apply to)
The reading strategies that the teacher has taught us can be applied to English studies as well.
10、作为一个成年学生,我现在已经不适应大学生活了。(be accustomed to)
As a mature student, I am no longer accustomed to university life.
11、交友切勿过于自信。(sure of oneself)
Don't be too sure of yourself when making friends.
12、与生人初次交往时,完全诚实不总是有益于社交。(good for)
When meeting/talking to a stranger for the first time, honesty might not be good for socializing.
13、没有父母的帮助我可以照顾自己。(without,take care of)
I can take care of myself without the help from my parents.
In the United States, teenagers free to do what they wanted to do.
15、如果他们双方愿意,他们就愿意与对方结婚。(pleased,be willing to)
If they are pleased with each other, they are willing to get married.
A late student standing outside of the classroom asked, "I am sorry, may I come in?" 很抱歉这个没用到TO.
17、在课堂上,学生就应该踊跃地回答问题。(respond to,actively)
During class, students should actively respond to questions.
18、伊朗的结婚仪式与我在美国看到的很不一样。(be different from)
伊朗's wedding ceremony is different from what I have seen in the United States.
Students are preparing for the final exams.
People often see school as a mini-society.
Commodity prices fluctuate as seasons rotate.
He solved a difficult situation with care.
The rain did not affect the match too much.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 17:44

I find it's difficult to understand him.

There's a job offer for me in America.

3、我们班同学的年龄从18岁到20岁不等。(vary from...to...)
The ages of our class vary form 18 to 20.

It requires me to stay there.

5、她去美国的旅费是父母给的。(pay for)
Her parents paid for her travel to America.

Tom was reluctant to go but he had no alternatives.

7、考试的成功主要取决于学习努力的程度。(depend on)
Success of tests mainly depends on the efforts on study.

8、以我来看,我们最好课后处理这个问题。(in one‘s opinion,deal with)
In my opinion, we'd better deal with it after class.

9、老师讲的很多阅读技巧也适用于英语学习。(apply to)
Many reading skills taught by the teacher are also applied to English study.

10、作为一个成年学生,我现在已经不适应大学生活了。(be accustomed to)
I am not accustomed to college life as an alt student.

11、交友切勿过于自信。(sure of oneself)
Do not be too sure of yourself when making friends.

12、与生人初次交往时,完全诚实不总是有益于社交。(good for)
It's not good for social contact to be complete honest when contacting with strangers for the first time.

13、没有父母的帮助我可以照顾自己。(without,take care of)
Without parents’ help, I can take care of myself.

The young in America seem to have much freedom to decide and do what they want to .

15、如果他们双方愿意,他们就愿意与对方结婚。(pleased,be willing to)
If they are willing to, they are pleased to marry each other.

A student who was late to class stood by the door and said, “ Sorry, may I come in?”

17、在课堂上,学生就应该踊跃地回答问题。(respond to,actively)
Students should respond to the questions actively on class.

18、伊朗的结婚仪式与我在美国看到的很不一样。(be different from)
The wedding ceremony is quite different from what I have seen in America.

The students are preparing for the finals.

People often regard the school as a small society.

Prices vary with seasons.

He dealt with a hard situation carefully.

The rain has little effect on the game.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 17:45

1, I find it hard to understand him.
2, United States I've been offered a job.
3, Students in our class ranged in age from 18 to 20 years old.
4, Asked me the situation there.
5, Her parents pay for her travel to the United States 。
6. Tom is reluctant to go, but he had no choice.
7, Exam success depends largely on the degree of effort to learn.
8, In my opinion, we'd better deal with the problem after school.
9, The teacher talked about a lot of reading skills also apply to learning English.
10, As a mature student, I have now with college life.
11, Friends do not be too confident.
12, When the first meeting with strangers, completely honest and not always concive to socializing.
13, No parents with the help I can take care of themselves.
14, In the United States, young people seem to have a lot of freedom to decide and do what they want to do.
15, If they both want, they are willing to get married with each other.
16, A late student standing outside the classroom, said, "Sorry, I come in?"
17, In the classroom, students should answer questions enthusiastically.
18, Iran's wedding ceremony and I saw very different in the United States.
19, Students are preparing for the final exam.
20, People often put the school as a small community.
21, Prices vary with the seasons.
22, He was carefully dealt with a difficult situation.
23, Rain was not much of the game.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-12 17:46

1.I find it hard to understand him.
2.United States I've been offered a job.
3.Students in our class ranged in age vary from 18 to 20 years .
4.Circumstance require me there.
5.Her parents pay for her travel to the United States .
6.Tom is reluctant to go, but he has no choice
7.Exam success depends largely on the degree of effort to learn.
8.In my opinion, we'd better deal with the problem after-school.
9.Many teachers talk about reading skills also apply to learning English.
10.As an alt students, now I am not naccustomed to college life.
11.Making friends don't be sure of yourself.
12.When first meeting with strangers, completely honest is not good for social networking always.
13.Without parents help I can take care of myself.
14.In the United States, young people seem to have a lot of freedom to decide and do what-clause.
15.If they both pleased, they are willing to get married with each other.
16.A student coming late to school outside the classroom said, "excuse me, may I come in?"
17.In class, students respond to answer questions actively.
18.Iran's wedding ceremony is different from what I saw in the U.S.
19.Students are preparing for the final exam.
20.People often the school as a small community.
21.Prices vary with the seasons.
22.He was very carefully handled a difficult situation.
23.The rain did not make much of the game.

22、他很仔细地处理了一个困难的局面。--- It was very carefully that he dealt with a very difficult situation.23、这场雨对比赛没多大影响。The rain will have little impact on the match / game.


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  • 焦点


