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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-06 21:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:27

1.what, in your opinion,are the advantages and disadvantages of growing older?在你看来,成长的优点和缺点是什么?
2.why do you think handicapped people have negative attitudes towards life and how we should help them change all this?为什么你认为残疾人是消极面对生活?我们应该如何帮助他们来改变这一切?
3.have you seen any war film?can you describe the cruelties of war from the eyes of a soldier?你看过战争电影吗?你能以一个士兵的视角来描述战争的残酷性吗?
4.if you were asked to list people who are generally admired by society,others are celebrated for their achievements and moral strength,whom would you probably name?如果你呗要求列出被社会普遍钦佩的,人们会为他们的成就庆贺的和道德榜样,你最有可能写出谁的名字?
5.what do you think is most important for an actor or actress你认为对于一个演员来说 什么是最重要的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:27

1. 你认为年龄增长的优缺点是什么?
2. 你认为为什么残疾人有消极的人生态度,并且我们应该怎样帮助他们改变这样的态度?
3. 你看过战争电影吗?你能从士兵的眼神来描述战争的残酷吗?
4. 如果让你列出一个人物,一个普遍被社会所赞扬,其成就和道德被人们称颂的人,他的名字会是谁呢?
5. 你认为对于男演员或女演员来讲最重要的是什么?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:28


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:28

1. Actually, almost everyone of us is desired to grow up when we were little children, and is willing to go back to childhood when we have grown older. So, I think, when growing older, we have learnt more about ourselves and what life is really like, being able to live more comfortable and do better job, but with less happiness of joy and innocence.

2. First of all, they are the ones who has just gone through some tough experience, which has significant effect on them, for the simple reason. Someone couldn't even live with itself after some big accident. That leads some of them to nagative attitudes to life. In addtion, the carelessness, even discrimination from the society, is another undeniable element.

3. Yes, of course. In the view of a soldier, war means nightmare, especially when their battle companions were shooted down just in front of them. The only goal in war field is just to survive. So even though the hero of a war doesn't feel good when looking back to the memory at war.

4. Of course our great ex-Prime Minister ZhouEnlai, whose name just appears at the first second when comes to the words such as admired, respected, moral and so on. His achievenments are widely admitted by people from all over the world, which need not any waste of time to state.

5. Well, in my opinion, what makes a great actor or actress are not good-looking or shapely figure, it is the acting skill that plays the most important role, which is according to their own thinking of acting and their life experience.
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