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Beverley Knight的《Moneyback》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-31 19:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 23:54

歌手:Beverley Knight

Beverley Knight - Moneyback
I got the right to change my mind
So give to me
My hearrt and my liberty
You sold the dream and I was blind
You staged your plan
I fell for a lover's scam
Right from the start you took love fun passion
While I did all of the giving..
I want my money back
The sale is over
You keep you lifetime guarantee
Give me my moneyback
Let's call it closure
Cuz what you got don't work for me
I can't believe I took so long
To work it out
Your game and what you're about
I paid the price for being so wrong
So heavily
From all that you got from me
My broken heart was just one more days work
It's what you do for a living...
I want my money back
The sale is over
You keep you lifetime guarantee
Give me my moneyback
Let's call it closure
Cuz what you got don't work for me
Nah no, nah no, no-no, no-no-no.....
I'll pick me up, I'll st me off and I will start anew
Tomorrow I'll be moving on...
Without you...
I'm running to my future, but before I do
I need one last thing from you....
I want my money back
The sale is over
You keep you lifetime guarantee
Give me my moneyback
Let's call it closure
Cuz what you got don't work for me
I want my money back
The sale is over
You keep you lifetime guarantee
Give me my moneyback
Let's call it closure
Cuz what you got don't work for me

Pieces of 8的《Gold Chain》 歌词

Beverley Knight - Gold Chain True love is indispensable Or we will fail Yeah, I may look available But I'm not for sale I'm not gonna be a possession So your friends will stare Every time we make a connection Do you feel it down "there"People talk about money...There ai...

Gold Chains 歌词

Cuz when the money's gettin' low,Easy come, easy go...Don't wanna feel my cold shoulder I don't mind if you ain't got the dollar If you lose the warmth, it's gonna be over I want it back again...Free of all the gold chains...Gold chain You want me hanging lik...

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