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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 07:19



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 13:38

经常——often:We often dance.
喜欢——like:I like dancing.
吃——eat:Eat some pies.
喝——drink:Drink some water.
傍晚——evening:In the evening, I like reading.
溜溜球——yo-yo:I can play with yo-yos.
书——book:There's a book.
钱——much:How much are they?
英语——English:This is an English book.
房子——house:I live in a new house.
厕所——toilet:Is there a toilet?
花园——garden:I have a garden.
桌子——table:The table is yellow.
*——yellow:Is it yellow?
乒乓——table tennis:I like playing table tennis.
阅览室——reading room:There is a reading room.
秋千——swing:There's a swing.
滑梯——slide:There's a slide.
学校——school:What's in your school?
建筑物——building:What's in the building?
书柜——bookcase:What's in the bookcase?
花——flowers:I like flowers.
树——tree:There's a tree.
主意——idea:Good idea.
蛋糕——cakes:There're some cakes.
葡萄——grapes:There're some grapes.
盘子——plate:There's a plate.
椅子——chair:There's a chair.
卧室——bedrooms:There are some bedrooms.
浴室——bathrooms:There are some bathrooms.
书房——study:There's a study.
厨房——kitchen:There's a kitchen.
餐厅——dining-room:There's a dining-room.
客厅——sitting-room:There's a sitting-room.
书桌——desk:There's a desk.
床——bed:There's a bed.
洋娃娃——dolls:There're some dolls.
图片——pictures:There're some pictures.
墙——wall:There're some pictures on the wall.
地图——map:There's a map.
世界——world:There's a map of the world.
电话——telephone:There's a telephone.
沙发——sofa:There's a sofa.
台灯——lamp:There's a lamp.
篮子——basket:What's in the basket?
门——door:What's behind the door?
老鼠——mouse:Where's the mouse?
猫——cat:Where's the cat?
狗——dog:Where's the dog?
兔子——rabbit:Where's the rabbit?追问谢了

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 13:38



1、accept 接收,认可 Life is a struggle, accept it.生活是一番斗争,接受它吧。2、accurately 精确地 Can you measure accurately? 你能准确地量吗?3、addition 加,增加 We do addition and subtraction in arithmetic.在算术里,我们作加减运算。4、adopt 采用,采纳,收养 We shall ...


吃——eat:Eat some pies.喝——drink:Drink some water.傍晚——evening:In the evening, I like reading.溜溜球——yo-yo:I can play with yo-yos.书——book:There's a book.钱——much:How much are they?英语——English:This is an English book.房子——house:I live in a...

给50个单词或词组写例句(英语) 急 好的再+100~~

1.go the wrong way Have a look first or you will go the wrong way.先看一看,否则你会坐错线路。2.arm in arm I often see my grandparents strolling happily arm in arm.我常常看见我的爷爷奶奶臂挽着臂愉快地散步。3. fall over The hunter fired and the deer fell over on its s...


牺牲品,受害者 Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand(缕) of hair , a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims .(2009年6月英语四级考试真题与答案) 135. video n. 电视,视频 a. 电视的...


1、Add the second total to the third.把第二笔总额加在第三笔总额上。2、The figures add up to 450.这些数字加起来的总数是450。3、We added up all the advantages and disadvantages and tried to come to a decision.我们全盘估计了种种利弊,力图做出决定。4、The bad weather added to ...

急!!!100个英语单词加造句(一个单词造两个句子 )

1.honest Honesty is the best policy. 诚实才是上策。He is an honest boy. 他是个诚实的男孩。2. brave He was very brave about his operation. 他对手术毫无惧色。She braved death to rescue me. 她冒着生命危险来救我。3.fond I'm fond of pop music.我喜欢流行音乐。She may ...


1. They have got tons of money.他们有很多钱。2. I give my dog a bone.我给我的狗一根骨头。3. Cheetah is a very dangerous animal.猎豹是一种非常危险的动物。4. The distance from my home to school is about 10 kilometers.从我家到学校的距离大约是10公里。5. We can not ...


1. Capacity 指天赋的,如生长、发展或成功的潜力 It was, in any case, beyond the capability of one man.无论如何,这决非一个人力所能及。2. Ability 是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力 He had remarkable ability as an administrator.他的行效管理能力很强。3. Skill 强调由经验而...


Get on with your work. 继续你的工作吧。I am going to arrive in black. 我将会穿着黑衣服到达 He is going to arrive in five minutes. 他将会在五分钟内到达。You have to work. 你要工作。I have to sleep. 我要睡觉。I want to take a trip to Greece. 我想去希腊。She wants ...


serene 安静的、merely 仅仅、reliability 可靠性、flexibility 灵活性、providing 只要、complain 抱怨、unpredictable 无法预料的、obey 服从、shocked 惊愕的、ridiculous 可笑的、attempt 努力、belong to 属于、be out of fashion 过时、praise 赞扬、confidence 信心、麻烦每个词写出四个句子。谢谢了 ...

...北美-南美经向超长分段剖面(A<sub>1</sub>—A<sub>6</sub>)_百度... 扎普—多不杂岩浆弧带(Ⅲ<sub>3</sub>) 问题:李世民和武则天是什么关系? 班公湖—怒江蛇绿混杂带(Ⅴ<sub>1</sub>) 昌都—兰坪地块(Ⅰ<sub>3</sub>) 电饭锅做菜的技巧有哪些须知 适合我们俩的好日子 9-12月登记的好日子 ...了当兵,学校保不保留学籍,是不是几年都保留 四川师范大学自考容易通过吗?为什么给我发了通知书但是川师官网上查不... 关于四川师范大学银联卡的问题,急切ING~~ 养好母猪的方法是什么? map out 造句 用地图怎么造句 如何让电脑变快 母猪饲养管理问题? 想要增加母猪的生产效益,日常生活当中该如何管理? 母猪应该怎么养 用map,cup,ruler,pen,orange,jacket,key,quily造句 饲养母猪要分几个阶段? 英语map可怎么造句 怎样养好母猪 怎么才能养好冬天怀孕的母猪? 饲养种母猪需要注意什么吗 怀孕期的母猪如何饲养? 如何养好母猪 求批处理。拖拽2个文件至批处理文件上,分别执行不... 怀孕母猪需要多种营养,怀孕母猪的饲养管理方法有... 按住鼠标不能拖动选择多个文件是什么原因 如何饲养妊娠母猪? arcgis中怎么利用拖动一次添加多个矢量文件? 如何养好一头母猪? eight....there...map...rooms...are...the...on造句 如何让电脑运行快一点? 想要养好母猪的最好方法什么 地图怎么造句 连词成句 map Australia of is have a M9 Unit1? Mapie 是什么意思 并造句 2022兴业银行首套房房贷3年利率多少 there is a map over there怎么造句 英语map可以怎样造句 兴业银行房贷利率 如何让电脑的运行速度变快? 兴业银行贷款利息多少? 用马、叉子、作业、世界地图造句。(可添词或字)少 用马、叉子、作业、世界地图造句。(可添词或字) 图多音字组词造句? 英语作业怎么写! 贵阳兴业银行房贷利率 怎样形容中国地图用比喻法造句,好的话必定采纳 在地图上找出这所学校的位置 用含locate怎么造句
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