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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-02 14:34



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 01:44

1What will you do this weekend?这个周末你要干什么?
2What shall you do this noon?这个中午你要干什么?
3What is he going to do this morning?这个早晨他要干什么?
4What will she do tomorrow afternoon?明天中午她要干什么?
5What will he do next weekend?下个周末他要干什么?
6What is she going to do next week?下个星期她要干什么?
7What nationality is he? 他的国籍是什么?
8How far from your home to your school?从你家到你学校有多远?
9How often do you go to the shop?你多久去一次商店?
10What did you have for dinner?晚餐你吃了什么?

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 01:45

  1 little的比较级和最高级 less least
  2 was called
  3earth attraction :three quarters
  4比较can 和be able to

  1)can could 表示能力;可能 (过去时用could),
  只用于现在式和过去式(could)。be able to可以用于各种时态。
  They will be able to tell you the news soon. 他很快就能告诉你消息了。

  2)只用be able to
  a. 位于助动词后。
  b. 情态动词后。
  c. 表示过去某时刻动作时
  d. 用于句首表示条件。
  e. 表示成功地做了某事时,只能用was/were able to, 不能用could。
  He was able to flee Europe before the war broke out.
  = He managed to flee Europe before the war broke out.


  --- Could I have the television on?
  --- Yes, you can. / No, you can't.

  He couldn't be a bad man.
  )can could 表示能力;可能 (过去时用could),
  只用于现在式和过去式(could)。be able to可以用于各种时态。
  They will be able to tell you the news soon. 他很快就能告诉你消息了。
  2)只用be able to
  a. 位于助动词后。
  b. 情态动词后。
  c. 表示过去某时刻动作时。
  d. 用于句首表示条件。
  e. 表示成功地做了某事时,只能用was/were able to, 不能用could。
  He was able to flee Europe before the war broke out.
  = He managed to flee Europe before the war broke out.

  --- Could I have the television on?
  --- Yes, you can. / No, you can't.
  He couldn't be a bad man.
  can用于表示“能力”时是指现在的能力,过去或将来的能力通常用was/were able to或will/shall be able to表示。
  eg. She was able to go to school yesterday.
  Soon she will be able to swim a quarter of a mile.
  I could read when I was four.
  *He could swim halfway before he got tired.
  He was able to swim halfway before he got tired.
  上述这种用法的区别不存在于否定句中。在否定句中,couldn’t与was/were not able to 可以互换使用。
  eg. I couldn’t see him again before he left.
  I wasn’t able to see him again before he left.
  另外,要说一个阶段延续至今的能力,可用have/has been able to表示。
  eg. John has been able to swim for many years.
  注意的一点是:can也可以用于表示“许可”。它可以表示现在许可或将来许可,过去许可用could表示,此时一律不能用be able to的某种形式替换。

  5have trouble with sth.
  或:have trouble (in) doing sth.[做某事有困难]

  6 b
  8make做使役动词用法是make sb do sth. 省略了to.

  但是当句子是被动语态的时候 to 就还原了
  sb. be made to do sth.
  9(表示成绩等的数字) mark;grade;point
  10 没有复数形式,它是集合名词

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 01:45

1.What would you do if you had ten yuan?
2.Can i ask you some questions?
3.What's the happened?
4.Do you konw why Tony feels worried these day ?
5.which are you waiting for
6.Have you ever seen the UFO?
7.what's happened over there?
8.What’the going on?
9.Who gone to the beach with you?

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 01:46

How are you feeling你感觉怎么样
What time is it now现在几点了
How many people are there in your family你家里有几口人
What will you do on next Sunday下周日你要去干什么

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 01:47

how ofen do you go to the park?
what did you do last night?
what is your favorate book?
how many apples do you have?
how old is your mother?

8How far from your home to your school?从你家到你学校有多远?9How often do you go to the shop?你多久去一次商店?10What did you have for dinner?晚餐你吃了什么?

英语问题 十万火急 (急求)

1、You must buy a round-trip ticket from Shanghai 你需要买往返上海的票 2、 I am much better today .I shall return to school tomorrow 我今天好多了,明天就返校 3、They arrived at the station too late,so they missed the 9:30 train 他们到达车站时已经太晚了,所以他们错过了9:...


1. who is inviting Mr.Wang Hong to attend a recetion? 2. what is the purpose for hoolding the reception? 3. why did Li Ming have to shut off his cell phone? 4. is the making of an apology well practiced among college students? 5. what do you think Mark Twain did af...


I am going to read books. 我要去读书了.10. I am going to shoe store to read books. 你核对一下这道题, 真有store 和 shoe 这两个字吗?11. When are you going? 你何时走?12. We can go to the bus stop on foot. 我们可以步行(走到)车站.13. Do you know w...


brushes---他递给工人一些刷子刷墙。brush是刷子的意思,是可数名词,前面又有some,表示一些,所以肯定不是一把刷子,故要用复数形式。difficult/difficulty---前者是形容词,后者是名词,困难的意思 dresses---理由类似4 librarian/library---前者是图书管理员,后者是图书馆。她在一个图书馆当图书管理...

急!!!英语话题10个..给提示造句.7-8句. 明天考试要用

(2) hobby.The BEN like swimming he often. . . Him. . .3 fun place.MARY went last year in Beijing He visited him. .4 my friend, my friend JIM 14-year-old he likes. . Him. .5 Vocational Jenny is a teacher He taught Students 6 health Yesterday, I caught a cold My ...


1.What stays hot even if put in a fridge?(什么东西就是放在冰箱里也是热的?)回答是:Pepper(辣椒)。(hot 有两个意思:热的;辣的。)2.Which side is the left side of a pie?(哪边是馅饼的左边)?回答是: The side that is not eaten,yet.(还没有吃的那一边)。(...


10.Durian //哪种水果最能增肥 榴莲 11.Mollusk //鲍鱼是哪种鱼 软体动物 12.Oak //橡子来自什么树?13.Python //世界上最长的蛇 蟒蛇 14.kangaroo,koala,duckbill //澳大利亚的三种特有动物 袋鼠,考拉,鸭嘴兽 15.Human? //世界上最普遍的生物 人类?16.Florence //达芬奇是哪国人 佛罗伦萨 17....


do you do are you doing, want do you work, work are you working does your son play is your son playing is she speaking, sounds does she speak drinks is drinking


1.keeps(保持) 2.them(代指many things) 3.wrong(这句话我感觉有问题,一个句子两个连词)4.(你确定有thart这个词?)5.where(住哪) 6.to(到达) 7.in(magazine多用in) 8.from(来自)9.at all(not at all) 10.with(也是固定的搭配)...

微信的聊天记录怎样保存 我的华硕x54xi2328hr-sl是2月份刚买的,99成新,我保养的很好,又贴了膜... 万豪白金卡是什么? 我想买便宜的好面膜啊,去哪买?网上有好的吗? 北京汽车贴膜去哪比较好?什么膜比较好? 万豪金卡吃饭有什么优惠 傅雷家书是一本关于什么的书?说说你读完此书的一些看法 《傅雷家书》的主题思想是什么 菠萝泡芙是菠萝做的嘛 贝克大叔产品目录 10个国家英文的音标 10个英语翻译 一共10个,英文翻译,,谢谢^_^ A Nervous Experience是什么意思 能把这个摘要翻译成英文吗 我想查询2003年到2006年,也就是至今的思想汇报,能不能提供呢,不要网站,要正文!谢谢 求《掌上明珠2017》百度网盘在线资源,是艾米·斯马特主演的 帮我翻译下一篇医学上的文章,翻译软件随便翻了下的就不要来打扰了! 求助:思想汇报2003—2005年间的 青岛的批发玩具市场有哪些 除了即墨的和利津路的 望奎市长热线电话多少 我是望奎县城镇居民本人肢体残疾四级,前几年已开港田营运维生。 县政府的法人是县长,那么县委的法人是县委书记吗? 绥滨县政府副县长都有谁 黑龙江绥化市青冈县县长是谁县长谁? 李庆章的任职简历 黑龙江省望奎县公安局局长王立国是哪里人 黑龙江省望奎县是谁要提拔刘彦国? 自贡荣县到合什镇祝殿小学多少公里 新市墟到钟落谭龙岗中华路11号怎么走 四季之美作者描写秋天的黄昏是描写了三幅画面分别是? 力士乐A10VG45柱塞泵流量可调吗? 泵型号rexroth a10vg45里面用的轴承是多大的 季美美,有多少季美美,季美美同名同姓 美季美徒(北京)户外运动有限公司怎么样? 山东欧福德机械设备有限公司怎么样? 想在深圳美季医疗产康做卵巢保养,什么情况下不能去? FM2A55M-VG3主板最高支持的处理器? 我想升级一下我这电脑装一个GTX960的显卡,麻烦各位大神帮我看看 华擎FM2A55M-VG3+ 能兼容amdA8-7650K么? 攒机大神来,大婶绕道 Dell Inc.; Inspiron 1420 ; Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A04; 如何更新BIOS 。 无证驾驶罚款网上可以交吗 迎大运手抄报怎么画,老师要展示的啊,帮帮忙吧 开学的第一个双休日日记四年级 双休日玩还是不玩400字左右作文 请问你怎么比较薛之谦与吴青峰? 薛之谦和吴世勋的网名 吴青峰为何哭了? 朱一龙 薛之谦 吴青峰 李易峰 井柏然哪个更帅
  • 焦点


