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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 08:20



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 12:19

Structural Return Loss Measurement of Coaxial Cable

As an indicator for evaluating a cable’s uniformity return loss is widely used in cable instry. However many domestic enterprises specialized in cable export find that the foreign customers prefer to use structural return loss(SRL) rather than return loss(RL) to measure the quality of the cable procts, for example in the United States, and Australia. Then what differences are there between SRL and RL?
According to American standards, ANSI/SCTE 03 2003 and ASTM D 4566, SRL is defined as:
Where SRL is structural return loss, dB; Zin is input impedance(complex numbers), Ω; Zavg is average impedance(complex numbers), Ω.
According to the standards:
Ri=the real part of the input impedance of the cable at various frequency points;
Xi= the imaginary part of the input impedance of the cable at various frequency points;
Ravg=the averaging value of real parts of the cable input impedances at all frequency points;
Xavg= the averaging value of imaginary parts of the cable input impedances at all frequency points;
According to IEC 61196 or GB/T 17737 standards RL is defined as:
RL can be measured directly with network analyzer, and SRL is obtained through computing the measured data using computer after measuring the input impedance of the measured cable with vector network analyzer, consequently, to implement SRL measurement requires computer program control technique.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 12:19

Coaxial Cable Structural Return Loss Measurement
Evaluation of cable impedance return loss as indicators of uniformity, has been widely used in the cable instry, however, many export enterprises in the domestic cable contacts with foreign firms, found that foreign customers make more use of the structure rather than the Return Loss Return Loss to measure the cable is good or bad, such as the United States, Australia and other countries. Then the return loss and structural return loss what is the difference?
According to the U.S. standard ANSI / SCTE 03 2003 and ASTM D 4566, structural return loss SRL is defined as:
According to standards:
Ri = cable under various frequencies, the real part of input impedance;
Xi = cable under various frequencies, the imaginary part of input impedance;
Ravg = cable all the test points the average of the real part;
Xavg = cable all the test points the average of the imaginary part.
According to IEC 61196 or GB / T 17737 standard, the return loss RL is defined as:

Return loss by the network analyzer can be directly tested, and structural return loss will need to use vector network analyzer cable input impedance, the measured data can be calculated by the computer, so structural return loss measurement process need to use computer program control technologies.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 12:20

Coaxial cable structure return loss measurement
Return loss as evaluation index of cable impedance uniformity, have been widely applied in the cable instry, however, many domestic and foreign export enterprise cable manufacturers, found in contact with more foreign customers return loss structure rather than return loss to measure the cable, such as the United States, Australia and other countries. Then return loss and structural return loss what difference?
According to the American ANSI/SCTE 03 2003 and ASTM D 4566 return loss, the structure of the defined SRL
According to the standard:
Ri = cable under different frequencies of the input impedance,
Xi = cable under different frequencies of virtual input impedance,
Ravg = cable all real test points average,
Xavg = cable all test points imaginary part of the average.
61196 according to IEC standard GB/T or 17737 return loss RL, defined as:

Return loss can be directly obtained by network analyzer and structure, test to return loss measurement cable with vector network analyzer, the input impedance measurement data can be calculated by computer, so that after the return loss measurement process needs to use computer program technology.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 12:20


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