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the passage of

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-25 14:15



“the passage of days”中的passage, the phases of the moon中的phas...

passage n.(文章的)一段;经过;通路,通道;旅程,行程 phases n.[化学]相( phase的名词复数 );阶段;[物理学]相位;(月亮、行星的)位相 这两个短语类似,指的是日月变化经历的阶段。

请把这句话翻译成英文“岁月带不走记忆 只会让我更加想念”

岁月带不走记忆 只会让我更加想念 :The passage of time can't wash away the memories;it only heightens my longing.或者确切一些 :Time can't steal away the memories;it only feeds my longing.或者简单一些 :Time can't take away the memories;it only adds to my longing 我觉得这样...

the passage of time是什么意思

the passage of time意为时光流逝,或者时间的推移。e.g.(例句):1.The passage of time made the work a struggle.时间的推移使得这项工作变得艰难。2.The passage of time saps a foundation of the unique energy of its founder.时间的流逝使一个基金会创始人独特的能量逐渐消逝。希望对你有...

The passage of any particular period of time will not extinguish th...

这里的passage有(时间的)推移,流逝的意思。而the need to 后面应该加do something 这样才能组成一个完整的句子。

“The passage of time is just like the flow of water, which goes...



passage:1、 (a) 过;经过:the passage of time 时间的推移.(b) 通过;穿过;横过:The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 机动车禁止通行.(c) 通行权;通行自由:They were denied passage through the occupied territory. 他们被禁止穿越占领区.2、 通路;通道:force a passage through...

passage 是什么意思?

在英语中,passage 还有音乐和艺术方面的含义。例如,「a musical passage」指的是音乐中的一段旋律或和声;而「a passage in a painting」则指的是一幅画中的特定部分或场景。此外,passage 还有时间和生命方面的意义。例如,「the passage of time」可指时光的流逝;而「the passage of life」则指...

with the Passage of time是什么意思

with the passage of time 年深月久;日久年深 [例句]With the passage of time , the practice of this fantastic tradition ceased slowly.随着时间的推移,这项极佳的传统慢慢中断了。

Ambiguous, in the passage of time, broken.是什么意思?



From birth to thirty years of age, hanging in the memory is always poor and couldn't get out of trouble. In the passage of time, we are not willing to sink in the world, is not willing to do forever weak. In order to select the front more beautiful scenery, we learned to strong,...

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