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急求一高一原创英语作文,80~100词 My view on the Lendon olympic oporning ceremony

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 05:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 09:12

honestly i didn't watch because i was assuming not too many people actually care about the olympics. but i heard it was just a crap. a lot of people commented on * teasing those british that it sucked. i like one of the comments that a guy says "did anyone notice it was an extreme red and orange atmosphere? i guess it represents something, like to represent hell." i don't have a problem with london and i don't think any of those people does. they are just giving feedbacks. but i'm not that bored to watch something that almost all of the people in the world think shitty.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 09:12

It was really bad,almost the worst I had ever seen.All in all,it was very bad and very unfair.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.It was not only bad,but also awful.That's what I think about the London Olympics.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 09:13

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