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求学霸!!帮忙写一份商务英语情景模拟的对话!!算上marketing manger公六个人,我自己

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 02:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 08:57

演员表: (Buyer 1)Liu Meixiang(CEO)
(Buyer 2)Chen Yanchun(CFO)
(Buyer 3)Luo Beibei(CTO)
(Buyer 4)Li Xin(Legal Counsel)
(Seller 1)Zhang Yingxu(CEO)
(Seller 2)Hu Shiping(CFO)
Seller 3 He Lijun(CTO)
Seller 4 Zeng Aiqing(Legal counsel)
S1: Hello, Welcome to……! Good morning, Miss Liu! .
B1: Good morning, Mr. Zhang.
S1: OK, now allow me introce you my negotiating partners. This is(介绍各自身份,职务)……..
B1: And my colleagues. This is(介绍各自身份,职务)…….
S1: And I’d like to brief you our company. (公司简介)
B1: I am also so honor to make a brief introction about our company, (公司简介)
(S1 hands Bs a proct catalogue, and after a while they begin) ’d like to get the ball rolling by talking about the price. What prices will you offer for these I ticked?
S1: Before anything else, can you give me any idea what kind of order will you place?
A larger one, then handsome discount, as a matter of course.
B2: That depends, for Item One, we’d like to purchase 1500 units, and for Item 3, 1200 units perhaps more, so quote us your most competitive prices, sir?
S2: The usual price we offer for these two items are the lowest we could provide, For Item 1, it’s 3 yuan FOB, (地点) for Item 3, 2 yuan FOB(地点).
B2: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Hu, I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers., you know, the competition is tough, and the costs are rising fast.
S2: Well, if you promise future business, with large quantities, why not, we can come down a little, that way, we may establish a long-standing cooperation between us.
B3: You know, the market has shrinked a lot ring the economic recession period, it’s even hard for us to make ends meet. Furthermore, our customers are asking for the best possible.
S3: We understand it, but you know it’s good value, and they are newly cultivated after we invested a lot into the R&D. I believe you know the cost we spent.
B3: Yes, we know that. It’s because of that, I hope we can cooperate to open the market. If the price is reasonable, good sale
求学霸!!帮忙写一份商务英语情景模拟的对话!!算上marketing manger公...

商务英语谈判对话——四人组 演员表: (Buyer 1)Liu Meixiang(CEO)(Buyer 2)Chen Yanchun(CFO)(Buyer 3)Luo Beibei(CTO)(Buyer 4)Li Xin(Legal Counsel)(Seller 1)Zhang Yingxu(CEO)(Seller 2)Hu Shiping(CFO)Seller 3 He Lijun(CTO)Seller 4 Zeng Aiqing(Legal counsel)S1: Hello...

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