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帮忙用英文写下光荣之路的观后感,400字左右吧 没要求 简单就好 不用太高深 ,在线等

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-12 03:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:33

"The path to glory" about it

See the "the path to glory", the mood to be calm.

This is not imagination of the science fiction adventure, and no flowers on the romantic emotional field under more thrilling, no special effects. The film tells of, is all really exist in the story, so it looks the more moving heartstrings.

In the film, I watch before, including now of all the world's people, may not think black play basketball have what strange place. Even now, in the NBA all-star in a large part of the are black. Is this movement in them, and the influence of the continually expanding graally.

So, when he saw the film of black players so not strangers to understand, or even by people keep discrimination, damage, I was in shock.

Never thought of, in the 1960 s the years in our human history, there are still so dark corner, racial discrimination that he can evolution to such unbridled extent. I want to, even if is seen many of the documents we, if there is no real experience, how can it really know?

Never thought, in this dark period, there are still people willing to stand up tall. Even if a target, also ShiYao will own point of view to prove to the world: black will also play with our heads!!!!! And, they will play better than whites more beautiful!

We have to thank coach Dan ahaz the jeans. If not he, perhaps now's black players is still in the most low team, let alone in the NBA's back on Saturday. Is he, unconditionally believe in and insist, will be brought to light 10 million of black players.

The more never thought, there is a group of people, from mutual strange and disgust, sharing weal and woe to the final, who also cannot leave in this time, who wrote heavily in the long river of his name and deeds, only for the most pure passion for the game and longing.

Say they are with the life playing basketball, do a little too much. From the little-known smaller teams, step by step, even the league race to a normal by white people of all players for a team that, among the bitterness of, difficult also is self-evident. Besides, their special identity and the contemporary social background, the article that the path to glory is more narrow, winding road.

But, threats, beating, cynical...... These various, and his dream than up, again calculate what?

They were deeply know the weight of the dream. They also know, lose dream is like a loss of life of cruelty and weak. So, they every game, every time a struggle, all is the burning of life with flowery. They are not afraid, so they invincible!

Until the top from the bottom, this is not a smooth for the road ahead. But they step by step firmly to go forward. Don't stay, don't turn around, even if meet obstacles and no hesitate and had to step his pace, with their own faith go an a simplicity revives, belong to their own the path to glory!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:33


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:34


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:34

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