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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-08 05:06



热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 07:42

1.twice a week
2.a little water
3.decorate the tree
4.help sb (to) do sth/with sth
5.sweep the floor
6.call/phone/telephone/ring/make a phone call to me
7.wear a coat
8.drive a car
9.leave Emei for Leshan
10.have an afternoon tea
11.surf on the internet
12.want us to study
13.have few friends
14.paint them red
15.sth happens to me
16.a good cook
18.at the mid-night
19.do the cleaning
20.a film star
21.call me Damao
22.wear clothes
23.wait for
24.off ty
25.have a drink
26.lie on the beach

热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 07:43

1.twice a week
2.a bit of watter
3.dress up the tree
4.help sb doing sth
5.sweep the floor
6.give me a call
7.wear the coat
8.drive the car
9.depart Emei to Leshan
10. dreaking the tea in the afternoon
11.tell a lie
12.want us study
13. get scarcely friend
14.print them with red
15.sth happens on me
16.a good cooker
17.looks like ....
18.in the midnight
19. clear up the room
20. a movie star
21.call me Damao
22. wear clothes
23. wait
24. get off work
25.drink a cup of ...
26.lie down on the beach.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 07:43

1.twice a week
2.a little water\a drop of water
3.decorate the tree
4.help sb.with sth \help sb (to) do sth
5.sweep the floor
6.call me
7.put on your coat
8.go on drive
9.leave E Mei for Le Mountain
10.have the tea
11.tell a lie
12.want us to study
13.have few friends
14.paint them red
15.sth happens to me
16.a nice\good\wonderful cook
17.be like
18.in the midnight
19.clear up\do the cleanig job
20.a film\movie star
21.call me Damao
22.put on clothes
23.wait for
24.get off work
25.have a drink
26.lie on the beach

热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 07:44

1.twice a week
2.a little water
3.decorate the tree
4.help sb. with sth./to do
5.sweep the floor
6.call me
7.be wearing a coat
8.drive a car
9.leave E'mei Mountain for Le Shan
10.have afternoon tea
12.want us to study
13.have few friends
14.paint them into red
15.happen to me
16.a good cook
18.at the mid-night
19.do the cleaning
20.a film star
21.call me Da Mao
22.put on...
23.wait for
24.ring out
25.have a drink
26.lie on the beach

热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 07:45

1 week, 2 twice 3 water 4 tree dress to help a person to do something 5 discredited 6 call me 7 drive 9 wearing a jacket to leave Emei 8 to 10 drink tea Leshan 11 lying 12 would like us to learn 13 little friends 14 brush them into a red 15 thing happened to me a good cook 16 as 17. . . .18 in the middle of the night cleaning 20 a 19 movie stars 21 asked me to dress 22 Nagymaros 23 wait 24 hours to drink a glass of 25 lying on the beach 26

热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 07:45

1.twice a week
2.a little water
3.dress up the trees
4.help sb do sth
5.clean up the floor
6.give me a call
7.wear coat
8.drive car
9.leave E Mei Mountain to Le Mountain
10.have afternoon tea
11.lie to sb
12.want us to study
13.almost no friends
14.brush the wall red
15.sth happens to me
16.a good chef
17.look like
18.at midnight
19.clean up
20.a movie star
21.call me Da Mao
23.wait for
24.get off work
25.drink a cup of
26.lie on the beach

常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?


1. A loveable loser 可敬的失败者 2. To make end meet 收支平衡 3. A huge mansion 大宅 4. To be in the public eye 大众眼中 5. To make it really big 使其真正强大 6. To strand out from the crowd 鹤立鸡群 7. A crowd puller 引人注意者 8. An ...


1.twice a week 2.a little water 3.decorate the tree 4.help sb (to) do sth/with sth 5.sweep the floor 6.call/phone/telephone/ring/make a phone call to me 7.wear a coat 8.drive a car 9.leave Emei for Leshan 10.have an afternoon tea 11.surf on the internet 12.wan...


1。tell sb.about sth. 告诉某人某事 2。do some reviews about 对...进行回顾 3。do an interview about 关于...进行访谈 4。suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 5。get out of 从...离开,停止; 改掉; 戒掉; 脱离, 摆脱, 克服; 避免做某事 6。go through 经历 7。walk ...


两瓶牛奶; two bottles of milk 教师节; Teachers' day 长城; Geart Wall 五棵梨树; Five Pear 一幅世界地图; A world map 我妈妈的一位朋友; A friend of my Mother's 讲台; Platform 三名女医生; Three women doctors 妇女节 Women's day 不懂就问呗,很正常。没什么弱智不弱智 ...


1.Anyway, I've made it at last.不管怎么样,最后我还是成功了.2.I'd like a cup of coffee without mlik.我想来一杯不加牛奶的咖啡.3.I'd like you to meet my father.我想带你去见见我父亲.4.He is my good friend ang he is now workingin a Canadian company in Beijing.他是我...


4.by and by 5.with explicit instructions 6.be not fit to be 7.be conscious of 8.a passing feeling of disappointment 9.commend itself/oneself to sb 10.in search of 11.look sb/sth in the face 12.steadfast gaze 13.be in despair 14.with infinite relief 15.a happy thought ...


That book on thr top of desk is mine.2:包里的那些书是我哥哥的 Those book on the bag is my bother's.3:教室里的哪个女孩是我的好朋友 Which girl in the classroom is my pal ?3:树下的那些男孩们正在踢足球 Boys under the tree are playing footboll.5:树上的鸟儿们在唱歌 B...

帮我翻译英语短语 帮我翻译英语短语

1.enter the setting 畸形装配 2.12/24 hour setting 以每日12 小时或 24小时为准则装配 3.select hour 调(拨)好'小时'的时间 4.adjust hour 调整小'时'时间 5.select minute 选择'分钟'6.adjust minute 调(拨)好'分钟'的时间 7.select second 选择'秒'8.adjust second 调(拨)好'秒'...


once a week twice a week three times a week four times a week once a mouth up to three times a mouth most of students none of students three or four times a week

换工作了社保怎么转移? 成吉思汗儿子一览表? 成吉思汗为何给长子取名为“客人”? 东莞到湖南坐高铁要多久,虎门去长沙旅游攻略路线 极黑的布伦希尔特漫画村上是多少话发现宁子就是黑猫 东莞自驾到长沙的费用,东莞自驾长沙沿途旅游路线 极黑的布伦希尔特12集后面里出现的那个女的,还有那个会中和魔法的人都... 东莞自驾回湖南高速费多少,东莞湖南旅游路线推荐 极黑的布伦希尔特里黑猫为什么会变成魔女,脖子后面的装置到底是什么?那 ... 最好的打胎药 二十四孝故事优秀读后感 【重庆】刚换新公司住房公积金怎么交?刚毕业第一份工作怎么交公积金? 比亚迪秦dmi充电过程中断开,车无法启动 比亚迪秦一键启动失灵怎么办 比亚迪秦打不着火是什么原因 碳中和概念轮番爆发,风口来临,哪些碳中和行业龙头值得关注? 煤油的凝固点 济宁的琴行有哪些 长沙琴行哪里的最好呢? 有谁在学钢琴,麻烦问下有哪些好的琴行推荐吗? 创意家居店名 有特色吸引人 2020创意家居店名名字大全 水晶那种五颜六色的效果用3d怎么做 水晶照和普通的照片有什么区别?水晶照是什么样的,好看吗?洗一张要多少钱? 怎样检验内存卡质量 面相十二宫:七杀星在疾厄宫 解读面相疾厄宫,疾厄宫面相 求北京文化用纸的经销商电话,本公司大量使用A4纸和胶版纸,不知道哪里的好哪里的便宜,希望有好心人推荐 如何识别假抄 边城出版社及出版时间 凿齿是什么怪兽 凿齿的介绍 怎么看土豆熟没熟 看土豆熟没熟的方法 怎么看土豆片熟没熟 如何查看土豆片熟了没 ===怎么自己做能照相的纸相机=== 我想贷1万要快速到账的 中国哲学反复提及的“理”到底是什么意思 我家墙用的立邦竹炭乳胶漆,刷完2年了,从外面回家进屋还是能闻到一股味道,请问怎么回事? 为什么菜鸟驿站的快递不派送呢? 描写下雨的经典句子摘抄 描写夏雨的古诗句 形容夜或雨的四字成语 关于昨天晚上下雨的成语 描写春雨的词语2字,描写春雨的词语 四个字 山药泥沾到手臂上,奇痒无比怎么办? 工行手机转账每天最大额度 小李飞刀焦恩俊版的是什么时候的电视啊 专升本录取计划是指什么 2022山东专升本17万录取比例 生粮白酒怎样做 生粮白酒做法 同等学力申硕是什么,和其他的在职研究生有什么区别
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