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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-08 08:59



热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 12:02

New year's day, the parents are generally brought me to play in Shangjie, a long time feeling no meaning. , which can the new year's day but my bad music because this year the school held a unique "to celebrate the new year's day to celebrate the G20" activities. We are looking forward to.
Before the event day of each class students are carefully to the classroom according to the claim of the country, from the national characteristics, cultural history, customs, and other aspects of layout of rich and colorful. On New Year's day morning, the students came to school early, we are very excited. Classroom covered with colorful balloons and glittering garland, the windows covered with snow and fireworks and other patterns, the classroom is the top of the podium hanging "Happy New Year!" banner. Oh, you see, the atmosphere is really strong. The teacher sent a pamphlet to every one of us, saying "Caihe two small G20 passport". The teacher said: this passport is your activities, when you have to take it to the G20 in eight 'country', each to the a 'state', to be sealed in a book, has completed the task to go to the international 'Food City' to buy something to eat and play. We put their information to fill in a book, and we eagerly forward to activity started with the arrival of that a moment, anxious activities immediately began.
Time in a minute of the passage of time, the activity has not yet started, we can not wait too late. Finally, all people look forward to the moment, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the principal by the horn loudly announced: 2016 New Year's Day celebration, now! Suddenly, in the class a pan fried, all vying with one another to rush out of the classroom, I also joined the army. One of the students as a unit for the spring gush from the classroom, in the corridor formed a river, deafening in the footsteps of audio-visual tide roaring sound is full of the teaching building, for a long time not dispersed.
I thought to myself: each class represents a country, I should go to those few countries?? right, my book page has a data of a country, anyway, have not been to, they readily flip to Brazil. Looked up, ah, the place where I stood next to the place is that the class of Brazil. I just want to go in, the volunteer told me to go to the first pumping paper, got a note on the problem in order to customs clearance. I am listening to, can't wait to see on the wall of the data, a, two, three piece, like a hungry wolf I gloated over, remember. A few minutes later, I am full of confidence to draw the title, a pumping to C, I see, easy so, immediately spike in Brazil in which the issue of the continent. But another question, I was stuck in a shell, the title of the Brazil flag is a symbol of what each color.
I thought about it, and told the examiner: green represents the color of the forest, blue represents the diamond in the mine, the diamond is blue, symbolizing the forest and ore. I waited nervously for the examiner's reply, OK thank God, he nodded, I answered. He built a stamp in my passport, I leaped run inside. After that, I went to other classes, after more than an hour of struggle, I went to the "United States, Australia, South Korea, Brazil..." , to see the South African jungle adventure, the Australian kangaroo jump, South Korea held the dance forest congress, Brazil's God shooter, Saudi Arabia exploration wells, the United States, the great treasure house, etc.. Finally built a good 8 "country" chapter, I like the bullet "fly" to "Food City"".
International delicacy city is really busy! The students surrounded the venue was packed with tourists. Splendid commodity dizzying, tempting food makes me drool with envy. Some classmates loudly selling their "nation" stall things, more and more students in the "countries" booth to play around, enjoy the beautiful scenery, choose the things, bustling. It's almost every country in G20. A taste of each country's characteristics and food, I was infected by the atmosphere, can not help but came to China booth, bought a bottle of plum soup and a tart, the United States and the United States of eating, really enjoy ah!
In September this year, the G20 conference will be held in Hangzhou. We must be good host, first understand the history and characteristics of each country, this is the basic etiquette, otherwise it will be very embarrassing. Through this new year's Day activities, we understand the G20 countries cultural and historical knowledge, think conference was successfully held in Hangzhou is a major event, but also the world great! We are looking forward to the G20 meeting, I hope as a small master became a volunteer, people from all over the world, Hangzhou, China glory.

每年元旦,一般都是父母带我上街游玩,久了感觉快没有意思。可这次元旦却把我乐坏了,因为今年学校要举行一场别具一格的“庆祝元旦 喜迎G20”活动,我们很是期待。
  活动前一天每个班同学们都精心地把教室根据认领的国家,从国家特色、人文历史、风土人情等多方面进行了丰富多彩的布置。元旦那天早晨,同学们早早来到学校,大家兴奋得不得了。教室里挂满了五颜六色的气球和金光闪闪的拉花,窗户上贴满了雪花和烟花等图案,教室的讲台上方挂着“新年快乐!”的横幅。啊!你看,过节的气氛真浓呢。班主任老师给我们每个人发了一本小册子,上面写着“采荷二小G20护照”。老师说: 这本护照是你们活动时要用的,活动时你们要拿着它去G20里8个‘国家’,每去了一个‘国家’,都要在册子上盖章,完成了这个任务就可以去国际‘美食城’买东西吃和游玩。 我们把自己的信息填在册子上,然后我们翘首以盼活动开始的那一刻到来,巴不得活动马上开始。
  时间在一分一秒的流逝,活动还没开始,我们都快等不及了。终于,所有人期待的时刻到了,下午一点时,校长通过喇叭大声地宣布: 2016年元旦庆祝活动,现在开始! 顿时,班上炸了锅,个个争先恐后的冲出教室,我也加入这股大军。一个个同学如同一股股泉水从教室涌出,在过道上形成了一条人的河流,震耳欲聋的脚步声像潮水咆哮声充满整个教学楼,久久不散去。
  我心想:每个班代表一个国家,我该去那几个国家呢?对了,我的册子上每页都有一个国家的资料,反正都没去过,就随手一翻翻到了巴西。抬头一看,呀,原来我站的地方旁边就是表示巴西的班级。我刚想走进去,志愿者告诉我,要进去需要先抽题号纸条,答对了纸条上的题才能通关。我听完,迫不及待的看墙上的资料,一张、两张、三张,我像饿狼一样贪婪地看着、记着。几分钟后,我信心满满地去抽题号,一抽抽到C,我一看,so easy,立即秒杀了巴西在哪个洲的题目。可另一题,我却卡了壳,题目问的是巴西国旗每种颜色象征着什么。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 12:02

ears may wrinkl
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