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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-16 22:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 23:24

  相信很多朋友都喜欢养一只宠物,它会给你带来很多快乐,那么你知道有哪些有关养宠物的 英语口语 表达吗?下面我为大家带来关于宠物的英语口语表达和对话,供大家参考学习!


  1.Do you have a dog?


  2.My dog is my perfect companion.


  3.My dog is a major part of my life.


  4. Keeping a pet isn't just for fun.


  5. I love to dress my dog in stylish clothes.


  6. My Cocker Spaniel is a merry dog.


  7. Dogs often seem to love everybody, but cats are choosier.


  8. When a cat loves you, you really feel as though you are somebody special.


  9.Pets have a right to be treated well.


  10. Reptiles, monkeys, rodents and other exotic pets are growing in popularity.



  B,hay~Mr Tang,good seeing you here.

  A.Hay.Mr Chen,long time no see.

  B: Mr Tang,you look so low-spirited, what is up?

  A: My dog died yesterday.

  B:Oh .I am really sorry to hear that.

  B: But do you think it is a good idea to keep a pet?

  A: absolutely.Keep a pet can relax me and I feel happy playing with pet. B: but I believe it always make much trouble.

  A:you are right, but every coin has two sides. You know, most of time , it can develop a kid a responsibility’s sense.

  B: no, like your saying, maybe it will cause damage and accident. For example, some animals have sharp teeth and claws , that might injure you. It is dangerous.

  A: yes, that is a fact. But now, more and more people keep pets . because people often feel they are very friendly and warm.

  B:Yes, but last time , you know, my neighbor’s dog bited the kid when the kid beated it. It is very serious.

  A: Unbelievable. I am really sorry to hear that.

  B:yes so now you know what I mean and why I don’t keep a pet.

  A: Maybe you are right . But to some degree,We should protect


  A:A lot of people in cities keep pets now. Keeping pets nearly becomes a common habit of modern people. But not all the people in cities like that. Especially appear a lot of pet hurtful phenomenon, what do you think of the phenomenon that pets hurt residents?

  B:I think the responsibility of the pet bite mainly in the pet owners, if pet owners keep their pets, how can pets hurt others?

  C:I think so, too

  D:Yeah, i think so,too

  A:But we cannot deny the role of pet play.There are many advantages of keeping pets.

  B:yeah,There are many advantages of keeping pets. The first one is that pets can make fun for their owners. As you see, many elders always go for a walk with their pets like dogs or cats in the mornings.

  C:this is a kind of exercise for elders to keep healthy and be relaxed. Walking with pets and playing with them can make elders happy, too.

  D:Happiness is really good for the old. right?

  A:That’s why a lot of people buy pets for their old parents.

  B:Keeping pets is a personal habit, but you can’t annoy others by your habit. If you keep your pets without annoying people, you are great. But if you don’t, don’t do that any longer.


  C:Keeping pets is very useful for our life .It can bring us a lively and colorful world.

  More importantly, we want to ensure that their pets,can't let them hurt others, right?

  A,B,D:That makes sense.

关于宠物的英语口语表达和对话相关 文章 :

1. 关于宠物的英语对话

2. 英语对话 宠物

3. 关于宠物英语对话

4. 有关养宠物英语情景对话

5. 有关动物的英语情景对话

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