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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-06 00:38




in combination with small and medium financial risk management at this stage the status of small and medium enterprises have the root cause of financial risk and a variety of factors; to make some financial risk control and prevention measures, early warning of a financial system. To...

求审计论文摘要翻译成英文。不要软件,机器翻译的噢,顺序都是乱的。希 ...

as to strengthen internal management and monitoring of an important measure of the risk of internal audit itself has also drawn people's attention. This paper explains the meaning of internal audit risk analysis and characteristics,


key word: Alliance undertaking; Risk; Circumvention


The audit committee of the corporate governance structure is an important institutional arrangement, the board of directors of the company is one of the special committee, under supervision function, is to realize the board of directors guarantee agencies independence. It has more than hal...


In my topic: the theory of internal control of small and medium-sized enterprise application of enterprise internal control is to measure the important symbol of modern enterprise management is an important means of enterprise management, and is also the basis on which enterprise ...

求翻译 麻烦帮翻译成英文 谢谢 翻得好可以再加分的 每一句话有那个意思...

the combined results of the two have a significant impact on the enterprise's management strategy as well as the improvement of its management efficiency. Secondly, this paper analyzes the current status of the energy industry. It concludes that the energy industry currently faces issues...


investment means "a behavior of putting certain things in other places." However, from the perspective of finance, long-time investment tends to yield a sustained gain in cash flow sometime in the future, i.e., an accumulation of future profits.对不起,没时间译下去了。

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problems existing in the management approaches of analysis, put forward the construction of a comprehensive accounts receivable management system, and puts forward the practical and feasible solution strategy.Keywords: internal management accounts receivable management credit system aging analysis ...


on the one hand, the liquidation of enterprise fails to perform liquidation process corresponding accountant processing, make enterprise liquidation lose financial control; On the other hand, ordinary liquidation did not cause management authorities especially the competent tax authorities highly ...


我以前本科和研究生都学过商务、全球化还有翻译,所以还算比较了解。花了半个多小时翻译的,译文如下:Nowadays, globalisation is growing rapidly, which influences the development of business where enterprise internationalisationemerges. Although globalisation homogenizes people’s preference throughoutthe...

HP4411S 笔记本触摸屏无反应 dnf赛丽亚的物品合成怎么用 劳力士蓝游艇适合搭配什么风格的表带? 我想在一电脑上同时开两个或者多个用户名怎么做,,求助高手~~! 女孩子自考什么专业好 女生自考什么专业含金量高 清华自强计划招生通过了是不是就可以被录取? 清华自强计划好通过吗? 清华大学自强计划过了笔试有分加吗? 20以内的质数加上1还是质数的数有()。 帮忙找一篇关于长虹企业的案例分析吧 要全面一点哦 成功的条件案例 会计英语翻译回答. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删 ... 潮州三环股份有限公司什么时候上市交易 外语写作伦敦 是上海站离闸北区景凤路380近还是虹桥火车站近? 从嘉定区到闸北区景风路自驾怎么走 用暴风播放本地WMV视频,放一小下就会跳到下一集 我有一台移动EVD音频放得出来视频不行视频放一下就不行了 放一下电视连续剧好吗 汉邦高科彩虹云的射像头怎么没有移动侦测图像呢 股市行情山水比德,股市行情300844 什么是炒地图 股市炒地图是什么意思 广州疫情会影响股市吗 过生日老公不送礼物该不该生气? 老公从不给我钱花我是不是应该离家出走呀 诺基亚n85,五一节会降价促销吗?降到到多少啊?有可能到2500左右吗?_百 ... 广东顺枫新材料科技有限公司怎么样? 58商家版注册了,没上传营业执照有风险吗 日式猪骨汤乌冬怎么做好吃又简单,做法图 三高人士应遵守什么饮食守则? 一袋米10.1元,读作 长城c30纯电动车上市 2011年有没有电动汽车上市 求推荐些动漫 有关“是金子总会发光的”的名人事例拜托了各位 金子到哪里都会发光事例 是金子总会发光事例 中国古代的是金子总会发光的例子 只要是金子,总会发光的是哪个名人说的 男生初三学生引体向上 标准做几个才算合格。还有实心球,跳远,多少米合 ... 闲鱼那些免费领狗的真的假的 郑州市丰乐路33号有郑州驻地军医院这个医院吗? 郑州丰乐路16号院封了吗 十二岁双腿佩戴一斤的沙袋绑腿持续八个小时可以吗?好的话我追加五十_百... 一个腿一斤的沙袋的大小有多大 沙袋绑腿的问题 100cm的沙袋要多少斤朱沙或木屑? 索尼xb550耳机可以全民k歌吗
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