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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 06:53



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 01:57


Pasta should be eaten gracefully, as opposed to instant noodles and noodles, which can be served with soothing music and tipsy wine.

Thick tomato paste is poured into the noodles from a bowl, and the pasta is usually served on a plate. 

The tomato paste is blended into the noodles with chopsticks so that each noodle can be coated with the sweet smell of tomatoes.

a lot of people will also match the West Blue Flower as a Garnish, red and green, do not have a flavor.




热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 01:58


There are many shapes of spaghetti, which can be roughly divided into three types according to shape and taste: long noodles, short noodles and egg noodles. 


What we see most on weekdays is long noodles, which are more like Chinese noodles; According to different shapes, short faces have many names, including tubular face, pen tip face, shell face, spiral face, butterfly face, etc. Egg noodles are noodles made by kneading wheat flour and eggs, which are more elastic and taste.


The sauce and ingredients with each noodle are also different. The long noodles will be matched with thinner sauce or olive oil, and with mushrooms or cuttlefish, clams, squid and other seafood; 


Short noodles will be served with thicker sauce. Different pasta tastes in different ways:


When eating pasta like noodles, you should roll the noodles slowly with a fork and send them to your mouth. The easiest way is to roll the noodles with a spoon and a fork in your right hand, turn the noodles around the fork and roll them into a small bundle. 

At the same time, hold the fork with a spoon in your left hand for fixing, roll the noodles and send them to your mouth. Be careful not to roll too much at a time, just enough to eat it in one bite.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 01:58

Origin of pasta
While many believe that spaghetti (or even pasta in some accounts) originated in China (where long thin noodles have a lengthy history), some now assert that the reading of a lost Marco Polo manuscript which led to this belief, was in fact an inaccurate Latin translation. Historically people in Italy ate pasta in the form of gnocchi-like mplings – pasta fresca eaten as soon as it was prepared. It has now been asserted that the Arabs who populated Southern Italy (around the 12th Century) were the first to develop the innovation of working pasta from grain into thin long forms, capable of being dried out and stored for months or years prior to consumption. Legend has it that Cicero, the famous Roman orator was fond of "laganum", an ancient tagliatelle. The Saracens, originally from North Africa, invaded southern Italy in the 9th century and occupied Sicily for 200 hundred years. Pasta is now associated with Italians as a whole. The popularity of pasta spread to the whole of Italy after the establishment of pasta factories in the 19th century, enabling the mass proction of pasta for the Italian market.









英文翻译为:The origin of pasta
Italian noodles on the origin, said to be derived from ancient Rome, and some are said to be from Mark - from China via the Baltic Sicily spread to Europe as a whole herring.
Italy face of the ever-changing world like a kaleidoscope, reportedly as many as the number of species at least 500 kinds image of a combination of changes in sauces can be made on the thousands of Italian fabrics rationale!
Some of the earliest forming Italy in the year 13 to 14 century, we now eat with the most like Italy surface. After the Renaissance, Italy surface types and sauces also graally enriched with the arts together.
Consumption initially appear dough manufacturing method is to pressure corporations into flour Tissues were then covered in food, cooking food Add焗furnace. Since then, people will think of dough and cut into small block of the rod or the slender noodles, and the Arabs will be more thought of dried noodles storage practices.
The emergence of tomato varieties and the subsequent improvement of the拿坡里the first time in Italy was used as sauces with noodles, noodles from the popular, and even by the royal family and nobles were also attracted. Authentic Italian powder is made from copper mold from repression, but because of rugged appearance coarse thick, sticky surface more easily on the seasoning sauce, the flavor of the food taste better together.
Apart from the original flavor noodles, the other colorful noodles are mixed with vegetables and fruit from the system, such as: Crocus sativus L. face, black cuttlefish noodles and egg yolk surface, and so on.
Italy face the sauce, can be divided into the basic red sauce and white sauce, red sauce at the end is used as a red tomato sauces, white sauce is from flour, milk and butter at the end for the white sauces, in addition, also the usefulness of olive oil flavored with vanilla and the vanilla sauce category deployment.
The popular southern Italy Italian food dry powder, and fresh powder in northern Italy more popular. Generally, the first Italian dishes for more powder, seafood The Spaghetti supported liquor, and the sauce is thick with the red wine.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 01:59

Use the fork to roll the spaghetti around it, then put in your mouth to eat it.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 01:59

There is no doubt that the best way to enjoy pasta is with a bottle of fine wine. Sauvignon blanc, boyfriend stealer, will match perfectly with lighter body and nutty pasta. A good pairing such as gnocchi with pesto and toasted pine nut with a bottle of Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc will steal a man's heart faster than Gordan Ramsay makes scrambled eggs.
Creamy and smoky pasta such as Fettuccine al Pollo goes well with young and oaky Chardonnay. Stone fruits, oak, citrus pair well with creamy and rich pasta, this is like having sex on the table, simply affectionate and pure entertainment.
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