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以‘I want to travel’为题写一篇英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-04 15:34



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 23:32

在日常生活中,工作中,应该都避免不了想去看看美丽的风景,品尝美味的食物吧,所以这个作文题目真的太适合我啦,我将会以北京作为旅游地点写三篇“I want to travel "的英文作文,一起了来看看吧!


I'd like to go to a beautiful place .I think it would be Beijing. Beijing is not only our capital city ,but also a famous city with long history and wonderful culture .Beijing is also China 's po;iticial and cultural center .There're many old places of great interest, such as the Great Wall,the Summer Place , the Forbidden City , the Temple of  Heaven , and Tiananmen Square,you will think of Beijing .It has been the symbol of China since 1949.




I went to Beijing more than eight times.Beijing is the capital of China.It is a big city .I am very familiar with Beijing . It takes an hour and forty minutes form Nantong to Beijing by plane. It's a modern city . My family visited the Great Wall ,the Summer Palace ,the Palace Museum .ect.I want to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing . It was very interesting .I bought lots of souvenirs .They are delicious .Don't miss the Beijing snakes .They are deliclous .Don't miss the Beijing Duck .It is really nice.


我去过北京八次以上,北京是中国的首都, 这是个大城市。我对北京很熟悉。从南通到北京乘风需要一小时四十分钟,这是个现代化的城市,我们全家参观了长城,颐和园,故宫博物馆等。我想去北京的乡下划船和钓鱼,非常有趣,我买了很多纪念品。她们很好吃,不要错过北京的小吃, 她们很美味,不要错过北京烤鸭,她们很好吃。


I want to go to the cherry blossom like Hong Kong, also want to go to the picturesque Dalian, but more want to go to the capital of the motherland - Beijing.

There are many interesting places and beautiful places in Beijing, such as Tian 'anmen Square, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. I like the Great Wall best. The Great Wall is the greatest construction project in the history of human civilization. My grandfather told me, "Many years ago, the Great Wall of China has been called one of the seven wonders of the world."

In addition to the world-famous Great Wall, there are many famous dishes in Beijing. There is a delicious roast ck, its skin crisp and tender meat, is really very attractive. No trip to Beijing is complete without tasting the delicious roast ck.

When the night covers the earth, the Bird's Nest, Water Cube bright lights, as if to tell people "I" is a miracle in the history of the 2008 World Olympic Games. Because here, the gold medal is no longer a myth, but a dream to achieve, create a miracle day


There are famous Tsinghua University and Peking University in Beijing. There are my dreams and goals. I will study hard and make progress every day to realize my dream.









热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 23:32

Traveling is a heated topic for lately. There are numerous people want to travel all over the world. As you know, when we have long holiday and we will expect to travel. At the meantime , there may be bring a vast of benefit from traveling. For instance, traveling can expand your horizons and learn something about culture. When you are traveling and may be you can make new friends in the world , what’s more , if you go traveling abroad, you maybe improving you language ability. However ,there are some drawbacks about travel. When you go traveling may be existing danger and may spend a lot of money. Although traveling to be some disadvantages, I still want to travel everywhere

andyearnsforthedestinationtofreetravel.Iwanttogoouttounrestrainedtravelsometime. Finally,Iyearntothesolitaryjourney.However,Idonothatetourtravel.Ithinkthatthereisameritalsointhetour.Ithinkthattravelingwiththepersonwhodoesnotknowalsohastheenjoyment.However,...


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