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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 07:46



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 21:39

my family's jobs 英语作文

My family's jobs My father is a policeman. My mother is a teacher, she taught the first grade students. My sister is a college student. Her performance is very good. My brother is the same as a pupil and I, I read the fifth grade, he read the third grade. Every day ...


In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we wont be blind at least.My dream is to become a successful ...


What do I want to be when I grow up: writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. Different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest.As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for ...

英文作文Jobs I want to do in the future

I will work hard to realize my dream.

以two jobs为话题写一篇英语作文

and workers given, become a worker, to create their own piece of heaven and earth.工人和教授 一天,一个工人和一个教授在一条街上相遇,街上有两个沿街乞讨的乞丐,工人和教授给了不同的施舍。教授给予财物上的施舍,而工人给予精神上的施舍,最终两个乞丐未来不同的命运。被教授施舍的依旧是...

一篇有关our jobs的英语作文?

However, others hold diverse view that they would rather choose lower-paying jobs and earn less money than do longer hours jobs.What they consider is that they should accompany their family and friends as much as possible even though they are busy.Moreover, they think they need to...

以“ My Favourite Job ”为题目写一篇英语作文

because of transfers and opportunity of switching.At last I think, in job there is more freedom, less risk, zero investment and lots of opportunity. In job there are chances of getting new jobs once one loses existing. At the same time if business closes it is hard to recover...

小学英语暑假作文,写五句 jobs

My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable.I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people.I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there.I wrote ...


本作文是关于小学五年级400字的作文,题目为:《jobs》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 欢迎阅读《作文:jobs》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“五年级作文”,请随时关注!JOBS By Lu Wenyin 来自:作文大全What do I do ? I’m a student by Xi Shan primary school . I am in Class 6 Grade 6...

求一篇英语作文 The job I like 字数:80词

The job I like The job I like is being a teacher. I have always enjoyed sharing knowledge and helping others learn. Being a teacher allows me to inspire and guide students on their educational journey. It brings me joy to see the spark of understanding in their eyes when they...

广西浦北县民政局今年春节几时才放假? 怎样在Excel中画柏拉图的二八线? 郎酒鉴定真假要去哪里,鉴定方法分享 郎酒酒瓶有收藏价格吗,收藏的注意事项有哪些?(郎酒瓶子值钱吗) 郎酒酒瓶有收藏价值吗,收藏酒瓶要注意什么(郎酒瓶子值钱吗) 《战舰少女R》平海值得练吗介绍_《战舰少女R》平海值得练吗是什么_百... 黄铜镀金和钛钢镀金有啥区别 北部湾大学研究生有哪些专业 北部湾大学的研究生文评在全国的含金量重吗 极品飞车9追击的圆圈是 这是什么牌的液晶电视? 买液晶电视什么牌子好 什么是OCR字符识别 乌龟怎么涂色 什么是ocr文字识别?怎么识别? 如何教宝宝学画画 电视有什么品牌? 买液晶电视什么牌子的好 奥尔夫教案北京童谣 识别看看的ocr文字识别技巧 蛋糕美人鱼鳞片怎么弄 液晶电视有哪些品牌,多少寸?哪种好? ocr文字识别的方法? 液晶电视什么牌好 液晶电视哪个牌子好?求推荐 幼儿园美术大嘴巴鱼涂色备课笔记 秘密花园涂色本成品图小鱼 美图秀秀电脑版好用吗 这用的是什么美图软件?图片边缘的涂鸦笔 微信扫一扫二维码拍出来的图像太近太模糊,离远一点又不清晰导致扫不出来,怎么调到正常的焦距呢? OCR文字识别技术是怎样提取图片内的文字信息的? 用乌贼喷出的“墨汁”能写字吗? OCR文字识别的算法是什么? 液晶电视什么牌子好?? 手工鱼鳞的立体做法 ocr文字识别的原理是什么? 液晶电视什么牌子最好啊? 艺术口才小班吹泡泡教案 幼儿园小班的数学认识有哪些方面 ocr文字识别是什么意思? 要买个液晶电视,什么牌子好? 票据识别方法,听说是ocr,求解释 ocr文字识别可以应用到哪些行业?识别率怎么样? ocr文字识别系统 ocr证件识别怎么识别 ocr技术怎么处理物流不准确的地方 OCR技术是什么? 梦见堂哥死手脚都被绳子绑着? 梦见公公婆婆用毛线捆住我的手和脚是什么意思? 梦见死去亲人被捆手脚
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