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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-03 19:53



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 23:28

Dear XXX,

Sorry to answer you after such a long time. I'm ill and don't feel fine, so I won't contact you for sometime to come. My parents are engaged in business. They opened this supermarket three years ago. Of course, things didn't go smoothly at first, but they are alright now. I have a brother in the army. He is kind. Why are you interested in me? I'm just a common girl. Everyone has his own story. How about you? You must have some interesting stories. I know you love freedom and going to different countrieds and cities and meeting different people. Well, it's fun to listen to you. How about John? Is he busy?
OK, I must stop here. My mum is calling me.

Yours, XXX

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 23:29


I am sorry to you so long to reply, I was sick, the situation is not very good, so we will need time and you can not be contacted.
My parents have been doing business three years ago opened the supermarket, of course, started doing some will be difficult, but they have passed. I have a brother in the army, he was very good. Why do you Interested in me? I just an ordinary girl, although everyone has his own story. Then you? You have any kind of story, certainly many, it is also very exciting. I know you like to be a free man , Likes to go everywhere, the understanding of different countries, different cities and different people ... Oh, listen to your words very interesting. John did not know how recently the like, he is very busy here?
Well, on this point, my mother told me ..


热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 23:29

dear ###,

i am very sorry to reply you so late, because i was ill and a bit serious. i may mot be in touch with you for a while.

my parents have being in business for a long time. and this supermarket was opened 3 years ago. it is sure that we met some difficulties at the beginning, but we got through.
and i have a small brother who was enrolled in the list.he is very kind.

why are you so interested in me? i am only a commom girl.

what about you since every one has a story? i think you must have a lot. they must be very wonderful. i know you are a freemind like a bird. you like going around the world and getting to know different people in different cities from different countries.do you? by our talk, i believe you must be an interesting man.

do you meet John these days? how is he going? is he busy, too? say hi to him if you saw him please

ok, i am leaving, my mather called me.

see you next time

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 23:30

Sorry it took me so long to reply to your letter. I am sick and not doing too well, so I might not be able to keep up with the correspondence for while.
My parents have their own business and they opened up this supermarket three years ago. Of course it was a little difficult at first, but that has passed. I have a younger brother who is in the army. He is a very nice and kind person.
I haven't figured out why you are so interested in me yet. I am just an ordinary girl. Then again, everybody has their own story. What about you? What's your story? It must be rather exciting. I know you like to be free, like to travel and see different countries, cities as well as meet different people. It's fun listening to you talk.
How is John doing lately? He must be pretty busy too.
Oh, my mom is calling me. Gotta go.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 23:30

[我是英文老师, 请放心使用]

Dear my friend,

I am sorry that it takes me long time to get back to you. I am sick, and the situation is not good, so I may not be able to contact with you for awhile.

My parents have been doing the business, and started up a supermarket 3 years ago. Of course, it was difficult at the beginning, but it already passed.

I have a brother joined the military and he is very nice. Why are you interested in me? I am a simple girl. Although everybody has their interest to do everything. So what about you? What is your story? There must be a lot and very exciting. I know you are the person who like freedom, like visiting different places, learn about different countries, different cities and different people. Hehe...it's very meaningful to listen to your speech. I don't know how is John doing recnelty? Is he busy?

Alright, let's talk next time and my mum is calling me.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 23:31

I am sorry to you so long to reply, I was sick, the situation is not very good, so we will need time and you can not be contacted.
My parents have been doing business three years ago opened the supermarket, of course, started doing some will be difficult, but they have passed. I have a brother in the army, he was very good. Why do you Interested in me? I just an ordinary girl, although everyone has his own story. Then you? You have any kind of story, certainly many, it is also very exciting. I know you like to be a free man , Likes to go everywhere, the understanding of different countries, different cities and different people ... Oh, listen to your words very interesting. John did not know how recently the like, he is very busy here?

things didn't go smoothly at first, but they are alright now. I have a brother in the army. He is kind. Why are you interested in me?




是一阵风也罢了,偏偏是这样永恒;是一场梦也罢了,偏偏是如此真实;你低头不语,我却难以平静,终于禁不住要对你说:“放屁先说一声啊!” 如果没有风,云不会动;如果没有水,鱼不能游;如果没有太阳,月亮就不会有光;如果没有你……笨人也就不存在了 我是一棵孤独的树,千百年来矗立在路旁,寂寞的等待,只为有...

请英文高手帮忙翻译一封短信,谢谢了 急

To the landlord:Because the cause of my own family reasons, I must be in a very short period of time back to my hometown, since my father died,No one family has been in charge of the cause, and this phenomenon has been maintained for about half a year or so. Recently, ...


上帝说满足我一个愿望,我说要世界和平,他说太难了换一个吧,我拿出你的照片说要这个人变得漂亮点,他沉思了一下说道:拿地球仪我再看看。 不是每一朵花都能代表爱情,但是玫瑰做到了;不是每一种树都能耐得住渴,但是白杨做到了;不是每一头猪都能收到短信,但是你做到了 龟兔赛跑,猪做裁判,你说是龟跑得快还是...

求一封短信的翻译!急!T T



只见狮子放下注射器冲了过来,把小兔子狂扁了一顿,大象战战兢兢对狮子说:你为什么打小兔子啊,他不想我们伤害身体多好啊!狮子说:自从兔子吃了摇头丸之后,就天天让我跟他一起跑步! 星星.月亮.太阳哪一个是哑巴? 星星,因为:鲁冰花歌中有一句天上的星星不说话 夏天,一只长颈鹿遇到一只兔子,她对兔子很得意地炫耀...


(翻译:现在请乡长讲话!) 乡长说:「兔子们,今天的饭狗吃了,大家都是大王八!」 (翻译:同志们,今天的饭够吃了,大家都是大碗吧!) 不要酱瓜,我捡个狗屎给你们舔舔... (翻译:不要讲话,我讲个故事给你们听听..) 上联:风在刮,雨在下,我在等你回电话。下联:为你生,为你死,为你守候一辈子。横批:发错人...


然后敲一下事先准备好的打击物,只敲一下,发出“当”的一声,在对方未反应过来前,说:谢谢收听,愚人节快乐,再见! 此方法适用于宿舍之间,或可用电话联系的好友,最后是较亲密的人。另外在打电话过程中千万不可以笑,以免影响效果和气氛。 4、双倍邮资 估算好时间,提前给你的朋友寄一封信,但不要贴邮票,也不要把...


假设你是李红,你的一位美国笔友Robert写E-mail问及你高考后暑假的安排,请根据以下要点,写一封100词左右的email回复他, 可以适当增加细节。 1. 学开车 2. 参加英语培训课程 3. 去北京看奥运会 4. 游览北京的名胜 注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 2.要准确使用语法...


大家好,请问读文学专业,可以做什么工作和职业呢?谢谢 结婚当天有何规矩 需注重婚房布置 结婚当天的婚房布置图片欣赏浪漫婚房布置攻略 ^_^是表情吗,代表啥? 烘焙里词汇,戚风是什么意思 右眼睛总跳怎么办 史上最全K线基础+22种常用k线形态,等你签收! 【干货专栏22】小趋势+上影线,次日半路机会 做昌帛油怎么判断多空? 胡侦探传说11游戏简介 may mot be empty什么意思 互动式情侣网名一问一答皮一点超甜 县委宣传部下有哪些社团组织 matlab中矩阵计算,如何编程使得某矩阵中的元素均除以该元素行的最大数,得到新的矩阵? 模糊综合评价方法用什么软件实现 空调管道清洗机器人价格有谁了解 一笔订单买了2件衣服怎么退货呢? 大型油烟机管道清洗机器人价格多少? 裴潜的人物生平 北京新能源车摇号申请 我想问一下钓鲶鱼用什么饵最好 请教Excel高手,看我做的题对否! 在人保给读大学的小孩如何查询 阿里云域名已经转移账号但是还没获取转移密码能如何操作获取密码? 红铜什么样子 70年代的紫铜锅什么样的 小米手机1主板不好,后来的小米青春版的1S主板改进了,但是第一批买小米手机的主板不好,这是谁的原因? 小米1不小心摔了一下,主板坏了,保修卡都找不到了,该怎么办啊? 请问现在小米1的主板多少钱 小米1手机刷机器 是小米官网更新的结果说主板烧了 个人所得税税是公户缴纳,退税是退哪里 10月2日15时杭州去高速路况如何 描写湖南的诗句有哪些 赞美湖南的诗句 华为mete9撕掉原厂膜,发现膜形状的印记在屏幕上,去除不掉,怎么办 用什么方法给视频加上水印或者LOGO,但是视频的大小不变,,有什么软件,推荐一下 HAND WASH注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册? HAND WASH DRY CLEAN是什么意思 游泳耳朵进水怎么办 小妙招 日本象印焖烧杯SW-EAE50-PA怎么样,好不好 焖烧杯怎么用熬粥原理,焖烧壶工作不用电的原理是什么 鑫考云校园怎么绑定亲情号 鑫考云校园不能打电话了怎么办 君子兰为什么不开花,我养的君子兰为什么不开花呢 君子兰为什么不开花 应该怎么解决呢 因为生气导致抽搐瘫倒手成鸡爪状呼吸急促不畅。现场急救方式是什么? 教师资格证在哪里可以查到 计算机中级代表计算机的什么水平? 单位说缴纳了六险二金,何为六险二金,自己为什么查不到呢? 方大炭素诊股,600516诊股
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