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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 08:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:28

Morning everyone! I am on ty today.
Look at this picture, can you guess what I am going to talk about? Well, my topic today is – Heroes.
Throughout history, there are so many heroes. They made some specific commitments in some specific fields, and what they have done brought happiness or progress to human beings, so we call them “heroes”.
Napoleon who conquered the Europe can be called a hero. Mother Teresa who helped the poor and the sick can be called a heroine. Gagarin who first traveled to the universe can be called a hero. Super stars or even supermen in the stories can be called heroes.
Actually, I am going to talk about one real hero in my heart. He is a famous physicist who studies the universe and made big achievements. He has serious physical problems, and can only work and move with the help of a high-tech wheelchair. He can only move one finger, but he never give up life, and he never stops considering about the most difficult physics puzzles. Then you may guess who he is. Yes, he is Hawking, Stephen Williams Hawking.
He was born on January 8, 1942. After he graated from the Cambridge, doctors found that he had a serious disease that he would lose the ability to move, and would never get well. His body was beaten by the disease, but his mind got stronger. He had to stay on the wheelchair all his life, but he did not give up hope and his goal. He started to study the universe hard all by his brain, and did research by a high-tech computer. While he was suffering from the disease, he discovered the mysteries of the black holes in the universe, and he came up with a complicated relationship between space and time, and made a contribution to physics theories. He also won several world-class prizes that we can only dream to win one in our lives.
I admire him and regard him as a hero not only because of his achievements, but also because of his strong personality. His strong will for life, and great enthusiasm for science. These two spirits help him to ignore the terrible disease and keep thinking. He said, “While there’s life, there is hope. When you are faced with the possibility of death, you realize that life is precious, you have a lot of things to do.”
If Hawking didn’t face to the challenges in his life bravely, he could only be a smart person, he may have been dead, and wouldn’t have made commitments to the human beings. Just because of his spirits, we consider him as a hero, a real hero.
Perhaps we are now very common, but who can predict what will happen in the future. Hawking also used to be common when he was a child. If we can stay brave and not lose hope when we face to challenges on the way leads to success, we’ll also have the chance to be a hero. From now on, tell yourself to have a valuable goal, take the spirits that we learn from Hawking, and then – Are you ready to be a hero?
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