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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-01 07:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 15:02





热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 15:02

Big companies generally has the following advantages:

1, standardize management, has the good personnel system, discipline. If in a big company for a long time, small companies of chaos, optional act decision-making mode, can let you enter.

2 and vocational training more. Big companies work is usually have kept in random order, have long-term employee training plans and skills training.

3, a prestigious big company, everybody jump, therefore it is able to enter employees, usually is one in a million billows. With these great people work together, learn from each other, is a tremendous speed, by leaps and bounds.

4, big companies project, is usually more class (small companies can hardly be receives such projects), able to participate in the work, let a person eye-opener, not make this lifetime. In some multinational company, still can have the opportunity to participate in international cooperation projects, with world-class elite work together, small companies opportunity is road yangtz river.

5 and there were famous big company work experience, have complex project operation experience, even to the new job, such experiences shots, often standout, let the interviewer's eyes shone. If only a small company working experience, even if a larger project experience, also had better, mainly rather small company acted optional, regardless of flow, QA, document norms extremely important requirement, oneself work habits is difficult to go into society.

Small companies generally has the following advantages:

1, promotion quickly, because small companies more difficult to recruit to good man, if you have YiLiangBa brushes, somebody is easier.

2, opportunity more. In order to bring them to the good, small company had to salaries, to increase attraction. Because are short of help, you could be a multitasker, so that you get more practice opportunities. Due to the rules don't usually sound, you may still have a chance to loophole, gain for themselves some benefits.

3, action, decisions rapidly, less big company is apt to make bureaucrats trouble, so-called ship small good to make a u-turn.

Big companies in various system seems to be more comprehensive and normative, but also relatively rigid, the people is strict, interpersonal relationship is more complex, from the Angle of big company work need more specialized talented person, the need to "pure",

Small company is belong to, because the person is less flexible, so the relationship is simple, but demand that everyone is versatile, can acquire better. Need a "whole"

From treatment terms big companies more stable, small companies all depends on company benefit.

Fresh graate I suggested going big company, after all, big companies have a stable treatment, more important is there can give a person a adapt to chance!
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