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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-28 11:06



热心网友 时间:2024-03-18 14:07

1.there is a beautiful __Fountain________ in the middle of the people’s square.
2.our class will go to visit a bird _____aviary______this weekend.
3.when we go to guilin, we can see many _____cks_____ on the li river.
4.it’s a holiday tomorrow. we’ll have a football match on our school football__underground________.
5.people in this town can take the ___pitch_______to city centre.

(d )1. i like to see films, but i can’t often go to the __________.
a. beach b. supermarket c. park d. cinema
( a )2. ben never plays football _________his sister.
a. with b. by c. and d. for
( c )3.alice,kitty and i are good friends. we _________to school by bicycle.
a. both go b. go both c. all go d. go all
( a )4.___________they go to the same school?
a. are b. do c. is d. does
( a )5.there was an old lady. she _______ in a shoe.
a. lives b. lived c. live d. is living

1. 总是__always_______ 2.幼犬____dog______ 3.分享__share/enjoy______

4.体重_weight_______ 5.地铁__subway_________

四、 write the sentence .正确书写下列句子,请把一线格当作四线格的三线来书写。(5%)

those small blue birds are flying quickly

五、complete the following dialogue with proper sentences in the box..根据短文填空(10%)

热心网友 时间:2024-03-18 14:07

1.there is a beautiful _ fountain _________ in the middle of the people’s square.
2.our class will go to visit a bird _ aviary __________this weekend.
3.when we go to guilin, we can see many __cks ________ on the li river.
4.it’s a holiday tomorrow. we’ll have a football match on our school football___pitch_______.
5.people in this town can take the _underground _________to city centre.


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  • 焦点


