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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 10:23



热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 11:52

Abstract: The resulting social development and cultural influence in Gannan, to date, although various national rituals display Traditional and Simplified different, but both have some serious and solemn ceremonies. This paper analyzes the Hakka funeral rites ritual process: nail in the coffin, obituary notice, into the service, the funeral, which were described, and the diaspora is a Taoist funeral ceremony forever Hakka reasons, and to funeral etiquette Hakka Hakka characteristics and the negative impact of the funeral ceremony were discussed, including the history and culture wrapped in a lot of dross, which distorts the civilization and culture, so I put forward some opinions, to ask for advice on academic colleagues.
Keywords: Hakka diaspora is a funeral ceremony, funeral reform

热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 13:10

Abstract: with the development of society and the influence of jiangxi culture, today, although each different, but national etiquette simplified there are some having solemnly and solemn ceremony. This paper analyzes the hakka funeral rites ceremony process: ChengFu, again, indigoeyes, this is expounded, and funeral diaspora is a Taoist and hakka funeral ceremony in the reason is, and the characteristics of funeral rites of hakka hakka funeral ceremony and discusses the negative effects, including many historical culture wrapped dross and distorted civilization and culture, therefore I put forward some opinions on YuXueJie associates, so as to ask for advice.
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