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求英语不错的朋友帮忙翻译一下下~ 《作为意志和表象的世界》的介绍

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 01:23



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:54





也许初学者会不理解意志的确切意思,在此我解释一下:生存意志是指宇宙万物的本质是生存下去的*,生存包含两个意思:“饮食”是个体的生存,“男女”是种族的生存。权力意志是指万物并不满足生存,还有主宰一切的*。 ang As the world's will and representation," a comprehensive book on Schopenhauer's voluntarism philosophy.

This book not only perfect philosophy Schopenhauer display, but also his views on the integrity of the human record. The thrust of his philosophy is the only real universe is the will of the body, which can be seen and can only touch the real existence of the phenomenon of the appearance of the will. His system will inevitably move toward pessimism.

The center of the book can be summed up with two sentences: 1. "The world is my representation", that is, the outside world is feeling and appearance of the world. However, in the world behind the appearances, there is a man of the world, "The world is my will." Will be the basis of all things. Is the will of the world as a whole, will be the sole, indivisible entity, and rational understanding of people is the objective of the development will to a certain level of proct.

2. "Nature is the will of the world", that is, the spirit of the world's core is "the will to survive" (here I stress the word "survival of the will" is for Nietzsche's "will to power" distinction),

Beginners may not understand the exact meaning of the will, and I explain: the will to survive is the essence of everything in the universe is the desire to survive, survival of two means: "Food" is the survival of indivials, "men and women" is a racial survival. Is the will to power are not satisfied with the survival of all living things, as well as the desire to dominate everything.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:55


The World as Will and Representation (德语Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung) is the central work of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. It was published in December 1818.[1]

The main body of the work states at the beginning that it assumes prior knowledge of Immanuel Kant's theories[2], and Schopenhauer is regarded by some as remaining more faithful to Kant's metaphysical system of transcendental idealism than any of the other later German Idealists. However, the book contains an appendix entitled Criticism of the Kantian Philosophy, in which Schopenhauer rejects most of Kant's ethics and significant parts of his epistemology and aesthetics.

Schopenhauer believed that Kant had ignored inner experience, as intuited through the will, which was the most important form of experience. Schopenhauer saw the human will as our one window to the world behind the representation; the Kantian thing-in-itself. He believed, therefore, that we could gain knowledge about the thing-in-itself, something Kant said was impossible, since the rest of the relationship between representation and thing-in-itself could be understood by analogy to the relationship between human will and human body. According to Schopenhauer, the entire world is the representation of a single Will, of which our indivial wills are phenomena. In this way, Schopenhauer's metaphysics go beyond the limits that Kant had set, but do not go so far as the rationalist system-builders that preceded Kant. Other important differences are Schopenhauer's rejection of eleven of Kant's twelve categories, arguing that only causality was important. Matter and causality were both seen as a union of time and space and thus being equal to each other.

Schopenhauer also frequently acknowledges drawing on Plato in the development of his theories and, particularly in the context of aesthetics, speaks of the Platonic forms as existing on an intermediate ontological level between the representation and the Will.

The value of this work is much disputed. Some rank Schopenhauer as one of the most original and inspiring of all philosophers, while others see him as inconsistent and too pessimistic. While his name is less well known outside Germany, he has had a huge effect on psychoanalysis and the works of Freud; some researchers have even questioned whether Freud was telling the truth when he said that he had not read Schopenhauer until his old age. The notion of the subconscious is present in Schopenhauer's will and his theory of madness was consistent with this. Also, his theory on masochism is still now widely proposed by doctors. Nietzsche, Popper, Tolstoy, Borges and the composer Richard Wagner were all strongly influenced by his work.

Schopenhauer's discussion of language was a major influence on Ludwig Wittgenstein.

Many interpreters see Schopenhauer's account of the Will as closely resembling classic examples of pantheism, especially as propounded by Upanishads and Vedanta philosophy. Schopenhauer even believed in the theory of evolution, before Darwin began to publish his work. His interest in Eastern philosophy brought new ideas to the West. His respect for the rights of animals – including a vehement opposition to vivisection - has led many modern animal rights activists to look up to him.

Schopenhauer used the word "will" as a human's most familiar designation for the concept that can also be signified by other words such as "desire", "striving", "wanting", "effort" and "urging".

He used the word representation (Vorstellung) to signify the mental idea or image of any object that is experienced as being external to the mind. It is sometimes translated as idea or presentation. This concept includes the representation of the observing subject's own body. Schopenhauer called the subject's own body the immediate object because it is in the closest proximity to the mind, which is located in the brain.

It's Influence
The value of this work is much disputed. Some rank Schopenhauer as one of the most original and inspiring of all philosophers, while others see him as inconsistent and too pessimistic. While his name is less well known outside Germany, he has had a huge effect on psychoanalysis and the works of Freud; some researchers have even questioned whether Freud was telling the truth when he said that he had not read Schopenhauer until his old age. The notion of the subconscious is present in Schopenhauer's will and his theory of madness was consistent with this. Also, his theory on masochism is still now widely proposed by doctors. Nietzsche, Popper, Tolstoy, Borges and the composer Richard Wagner were all strongly influenced by his work.

Schopenhauer's discussion of language was a major influence on Ludwig Wittgenstein.

Many interpreters see Schopenhauer's account of the Will as closely resembling classic examples of pantheism, especially as propounded by Upanishads and Vedanta philosophy. Schopenhauer even believed in the theory of evolution, before Darwin began to publish his work. His interest in Eastern philosophy brought new ideas to the West. His respect for the rights of animals – including a vehement opposition to vivisection - has led many modern animal rights activists to look up to him.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:55

This book not only perfect philosophy Schopenhauer display, but also his views on the integrity of the human record. The thrust of his philosophy is the only real universe is the will of the body, which can be seen and can only touch the real existence of the phenomenon of the appearance of the will. His system will inevitably move toward pessimism.

The center of the book can be summed up with two sentences: 1. "The world is my representation", that is, the outside world is feeling and appearance of the world. However, in the world behind the appearances, there is a man of the world, "The world is my will." Will be the basis of all things. Is the will of the world as a whole, will be the sole, indivisible entity, and rational understanding of people is the objective of the development will to a certain level of proct.

2. "Nature is the will of the world", that is, the spirit of the world's core is "the will to survive" (here I stress the word "survival of the will" is for Nietzsche's "will to power" distinction),

Beginners may not understand the exact meaning of the will, and I explain: the will to survive is the essence of everything in the universe is the desire to survive, survival of two means: "Food" is the survival of indivials, "men and women" is a racial survival. Is the will to power are not satisfied with the survival of all living things, as well as the desire to dominate everything.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:56

Be the world of will and idea 》one book was only overall to elaborate an uncle origin Hua will doctrine of philosophy view.

This book is an uncle this Hua philosophy thought of perfect demonstration, is also the integrity of his viewpoint to the mankind record.His philosophy subject's ising the real essence of cosmos unique is a will, those it is thus clear that of, can touch of the phenomenon be just true existence of the idea of will.His system inevitably alignment pessimism doctrine.

The center of book can generalize with two words:1."The world is my idea", the namely outside world be just the world of felling and idea.But the back in idea world, also the existence be a will world, "the world be my will".The will is the foundation of creation.The whole world is a will, the will be an unique of, impartible entity, person of understanding and reasonableness be the will be objective to turn development to arrive certain Class empress of outcome.

2."The essence in the world is a will", namely pit inside the spirit of world be "existence will", (here I emphasize "existence will" is is and Nietzsche's"power will" differentiation)

Perhaps the raw recruit will ignore a solution a will to really slice meaning, here I explanation once:Existence will is cosmos creation of the essence be under the existence to go of desire, existence include two meaning:"Food" is the existence of the indivial, "men and women" is race of existence.Power will is creation disaffection foot existence, also have already dominate everything of desire.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:56

The value of this work is much disputed. Some rank Schopenhauer as one of the most original and inspiring of all philosophers, while others see him as inconsistent and too pessimistic. While his name is less well known outside Germany, he has had a huge effect on psychoanalysis and the works of Freud; some researchers have even questioned whether Freud was telling the truth when he said that he had not read Schopenhauer until his old age. The notion of the subconscious is present in Schopenhauer's will and his theory of madness was consistent with this. Also, his theory on masochism is still now widely proposed by doctors. Nietzsche, Popper, Tolstoy, Borges and the composer Richard Wagner were all strongly influenced by his work.
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