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初二英语作文,80个单词左右, Predict my future

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-17 06:02



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 11:55

My future
How time flies !twenty years has passed .I have become a police officer now .If my old classmate meet me at the treet ,they may not recognise ,me immediately. I an much taller and strongor than I was 20years before and I have cut my long hair and wear a short straight hair now .
another thing is that I have beenmarried with my beautiful wife mary and we have two children .my whole family live in beijing and we usually go swimming ang play table tennis together .we are living a happy life .
初二英语作文,80个单词左右, Predict my future

My future How time flies !twenty years has passed .I have become a police officer now .If my old classmate meet me at the treet ,they may not recognise ,me immediately. I an much taller and strongor than I was 20years before and I have cut my long hair and wear a sho...


回答: 我有一个梦想自从我孩提时代。我很想成为一名医生。   我想成为一名医生,因为医生可以医治病人,从而使人们健康快乐。医生可以提供他们的帮助穷人,让更多人可以获得医疗帮助。   如果我是一名医生,更多的病人我治好了,我会觉得更幸福。这是非常原因我想成为一名医生。   我将会努力学习,以便我...

求一篇my future的英语作文、80词左右。带翻译。谢谢啦~

I must try my best to help patient . And I think I will live in an apartment with my best friends. I wil have a lovely dog.Because I like dogs very much. I wil probably smimming every day . I think I will go to


My dream is to become a singer in the future. Fifteen years later, I will have a pair of big eyes, long, curly hair. I will also have a lot of fans. I will have a concert every year, my fans to support. I will be very busy but happy, because I will have a lot ...


My dream is to become a successful doctor,helping those sick people and saving their lives.i know it is difficult to be a good doctor ,but I will never give up and i will try my best to keep everyone health.when i have money in the future ,I will help the poor sick ...

求初二的英语作文 求关于学期末的收获的作文 60-80个单词

After the study of the whole semester,I have learnt a lot of things which might be very useful for the future.For instance,by studying Chinese,I gradually understood the colorful culture of my own country and the fabulous beauty behind the simple words.It makes me feel proud of ...

About my future 80字英语作文 初二口吻

my name is ...my future is to become an art teacher. i hope to be a good teather.every student likes me and i will always be nice to them. and i am glad to make friends with them .i will teath them to deaw all kinds of pictures.i will make my art lessons ...



英语作文我的未来计划 目标是幼师80个词左右 带翻译

to travel,I go to visit a different city every year.This time,the winter holiday is coming soon,I want to relax myself,so my trip is right at the hand.Now,I must study hard,my future plans need me to work hard.No pain,no gain,someday I will enter a good college.

英语作文 80个单词左右 急!

The face of an increasingly competitive society, I think my ideal job is that when an ordinary teacher, in order to train qualified personnel to prepare a development of our motherland whatever contribution.In order to achieve my ideal, I have in the future will be more strict ...

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