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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-17 01:45



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 12:58




What do I get from online classes


In fact, different people have different feelings about online classes, if you are a student. Copy so I feel that the efficiency of online class will be better than that in school, because we may be interfered by various factors at home. In addition, we can't devote ourselves to learning, and the efficiency will certainly not be as high as that in school. If you take online classes for the purpose of examination, I think your efficiency may be higher, because you will have some ideal goals in mind and strive for your own goals.


No matter what kind of situation it is, we should be responsible for ourselves. Learning is our own business. We can't rely on others. We must be highly self-conscious and self-discipline. Only in this way can we have efficient learning and harvest efficient knowledge and skills.


Various resources of online ecation have crossed the limit of spatial distance, making school ecation an open ecation. It carries a large amount of information, rich learning resources, and strong sharing and interaction. Anyone, any time, any place, starting from any chapter, learning any course, five of them reflect the characteristics of active learning. It saves us time and allows us to go home to learn and communicate freely through the learning platform. You can also use the free time to study the courses you have learned, enriching yourself and broadening your knowledge. This teaching mode does not affect work, and is more suitable for us students who are affected by special reasons.

I am lazy and have poor self-control. I often like to start small, but the importance of learning allows me to overcome myself and fulfill my dreams for many years, and I still maintain good learning habits and welcome life as always Greater challenge, facing the future, fearlessly, complete your studies, pay attention to theory and practice, apply the knowledge learned to work, and turn knowledge into ability!

Life is easy because of friends, calm because of career, proud of achievement, warmth of family, hard work of hope, happiness of gain.


The Spring Festival in 2020 is a memorable one. Because novel coronavirus pneumonia is a new year's disease, people across the country have had a different spring festival. We usually visit our relatives and friends ring the Spring Festival, but this Spring Festival is a phone call, which advocates less going out and less parties.

However, there are a group of people who, regardless of themselves, give up their holidays, leave their families and fight against the virus. They wear isolation suits, can't see their faces, can only see the names on their backs. Although I don't know who they are, I know who they are for. They are soldiers in white. For the sake of the country and the people, they rush to Hubei, go retrograde, and go to the battlefield where there is no smoke of gunpowder.

Watching them go to Hubei, we are left with the most beautiful backs.


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