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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 23:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:47


Congratulations - Post Malone/Quavo
Written by:Austin Post/Louis Bell/Adam Feeney/Quavious Marshall/Leland Wayne

Noo nah nah

Yeah yeah

Noo nah nah

Post Malone:

My mama called see you on TV
Son saiddone changed
Ever since we was
And I dreamed it all
Ever since I was young
They said I would be nothing
Now they always say congratulations

Worked so hard forgot how to vacation
They ain't never had the dedication
People hate say we changed but look we made it
Yeah we made it

They was never friendly

Now I'm jumping out the Bentley

And I know it's automatic yeah
But I know I had to have it yeah
For the money I'm a savage yeah
How easily I handle it yeah
I'm surrounded 20 bad

But they didn't know me last year yeah
Everyone wanna act like they important yeah yeah yeah
But don't let me know we lost for my dog yeah yeah yeah

Everyone counting on me drop the bars yeah yeah yeah
Everything costing like I'm at the bottom yeah yeah
If you with it put your lighters to the sky
How could I make sense when I got millions on my mind
Coming with a bougie I just pulled her to the side
Balling since a baby they could see it in my eyes
My mama called see you on TV
Son said done changed
Ever since we was
And I dreamed it all
Ever since I was young
They said I would be nothing
Now they always say congratulations
Worked so hard forgot how to vacation
They ain't never had the dedication
People hate say we changed look we made it

Yeah we made it
I was patient yeah oh

I was patient ay oh
Now I can scream that we made it
Now everywhere everywhere I go they say congratulations

Young young graation
I pick up the rock and I ball baby
I'm looking for someone to call baby
But right I got a situation
Never old Ben Ben Franklings
Big rims champagne
My life is like a ball game
But instead I'm in the trap though
Pot so big call it Superbowl

Superbowl call the get in the Rolls

Top floor lifestyle head Honcho and Post

Malone I got a play on my phone ay
You know I don't moan

Honcho houdini is gone ay
Post Malone:
My mama called see you on TV
Son said done changed
Ever since we was
And I dreamed it all
Ever since I was young
They said I would be nothing
Now they always say congratulations
Worked so hard forgot how to vacation

They ain't never had the dedication
People hate say we changed look we made it
Yeah we made it

Hey hey

Hey hey
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  • 焦点


