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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-01 04:17



热心网友 时间:1天前

Our country at present is occupying in the modernized advancement,At the same time,Our country crime quantity also unceasingly is rising,Crime method diversification,The crime phenomenon has worsened the tendency.Attack crime imperative.Regarding this, people's manner actually are different,Some people thought must effectively attack the evil, should aggravate the attack dynamics,Aggravates the penalty; Also some people thought must contain the criminality,Must start from the ideological work, ecates primarily,Violence attack for auxiliary,As well as imitates American such, completes the social service command the form to replace short-term the disaster of imprisonment.Like this already can reform own opportunity to Crime person, also thus reced the government apparatus nonessential expenditure.


热心网友 时间:1天前

1.Accompany with the process of modernization, the number of crime is increasing, the way of crime is getting various and the crime phenomena is getting more serious. However, people hold different views towards this: someone thought we have to treat the crime more strictly in order to control the crime succesfully; some other people claimed that mentel solution such as ecation is more important than the volience.
2.In my view, it depends. For the crime which is very serious, we should take more strict way on it.But for the slight ones, we should sermon instead of puting the crimer into prison, maybe it's better make them serve the community without paying. The crimer could get the chance to be a fresh man, and the goverment would decrease a lot of expenses.
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