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急!!!需中文译文:Agency costs of free cash flow, corporate finance and takeovers

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Fama, Eugene. 1976. “Foundations of Finance”. New York: Basic Books. ( 个人认为是最经典的书。写得好,讲得很清晰,有条不紊,读起来有意思。特别是基础不太好的同学,不可不读。)
Fama, Eugene., and Miller, Merton. 1972. “The Theory of Finance”. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. (又是一本Fama的书。也很经典,但没什么印象了。)
Campbell, J., Lo, A., and MacKinlay, A. 1997. “The Econometrics of Financial Markets”. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Cochrane, John, 2001. “Asset Pricing”. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (这就是号称“平生不读Cochrane, 自称Finance 也枉然”的Cochrane的大作。其实,你要是不做Asset Pricing,看懂前几个Chapters足够了。不太明白为什么这本书在中国这么火,莫非中国学生都做Asset pricing? 希望不要弄得又像大炼钢铁一样的结果。)
R. Haugen. “Modern Investment Theory”. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (有一定难度的书,不知道现在出到几版了。)
Elton, E., and Gruber, M. 1995. “Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis”, 5th Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (也不太容易。)
Smith, C. 1990. “The Modern Theory of Corporate Finance”. 2nd-edition. McGraw-Hill. (对做corporate finance比较有用。这本书其实就是收录了比较早和比较经典的corporate finance方面的文章。有点像“XX文摘精华版”。现在价值不是很大,因为其中收录的许多文章后面的list里都有。)

Asset Pricing, Long-term Performance and Market Efficiency
Cochrane, John. “New Facts in Finance”. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. (这是个通俗易读版。适合想要了解一下这个area, 又不想读很多数学的人。)
Breeden, Douglas T. 1979. “An Intertemporal Asset Pricing Model with Stochastic Consumption and Investment Opportunities”. Journal of Financial Economics 7, 265-296. (看不懂数学没有关系,关键是看懂intuition.)
Merton, Robert. 1973. “An Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model”. Econometrica 41, 265-296. (这篇也一样,注重模型的intuition.)
Ross, S. 1976, “The Arbitrage Theory of Capital Asset Pricing,” Journal of Economic Theory 13, 341-360.
Sharpe, W. 1964. “Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions of Risk”. Journal of Finance 19, 425-442.
Black, F. 1972. "Capital Market Equilibrium with Restricted Borrowing," Journal of Business 45, 444-455.
Fama, E. 1991. “Efficient Capital Markets: II”. Journal of Finance 46, 1575-1617. (很长一篇文章,内容又多,当时读得挺痛苦。)
Fama, E. 1970. “Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work”. Journal of Finance, 383-417.
Chordia, Tarun., and Swaminathan, Bhaskaran. 2000. “Trading Volume and Cross-autocorrelations in Stock Returns”. Journal of Finance 55, 913-935.
Narasimhan, Jegadeesh., and Titman, Sheridan. 2001. “Profitability of Momentum Strategies: An Evaluation of Alternative Explanations”. Journal of Finance 56, 699-720.
Fama, E. and MacBeth, J. 1973. “Risk, Return, and Equilibrium: Empirical Tests”.Journal of Political Economy 91, 607-636. (大名鼎鼎的Fama-MacBeth regression 的出处。不过,Economists 好像并不买这个帐,觉得这种方法不make econometric sense. 吾也深有同感也。现在panel data等等都这么发达了,干嘛还死抱这种econometrics上面并不先进的方法不放呢?)
Chen, N., Roll, R., and Ross, S. 1986. “Economic Forces and the Stock Market: Testing the APT and Alternative Asset Pricing Theories”. Journal of Business 59, 383-403. (说是叫testing APT, 其实更像testing CAPM. 很有名的,看了就知道。)
Fama, E. and French, K. 1989. “Business Conditions and Expected Returns on Stocks and Bonds”. Journal of Financial Economics 25, 23-50.
Fama, E. and French, K. 1992. “The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns”. Journal of Finance 47,? 427-465.
Fama, E. and French, K. 1993. “Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds”. Journal of Financial Economics 33, 3-56. (这三篇是Fama-French 的经典三部曲。Three-factor model, five-factor model 就是由此而来。Pontiff 曾经抱怨过,他在Rochester当学生的时候曾想过做个类似的paper, 但老师们告诉他 “You can’t, because there is no theory...” 直到看到Fama-French的paper, 才感叹到,“只要人有名,有没有theory并不重要啊”。)
Kothari, S.P., Shanken, J., and Sloan, R. 1995. “Another Look at the Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns”. Journal of Finance 50, 185-224.
Lakonishok, J., Shleifer, A., and Vishny, R. 1994. “Contrarian Investment, Extrapolation, and Risk”. Journal of Finance 49, 1541-1578.
Chan, L., Jegadeesh, N., and Lakonishok, J. 1995. “Evaluating the Performance of Value Versus Glamour Stocks: The Impact of Selection Bias”. Journal of Financial Economics 38, 269-296.
Lo, A. W., and MacKinlay, A. 1990. “Data-Snooping Biases in Tests of Financial Asset Pricing Models”. Review of Financial Studies, 3, 431-467.
Lewellen J. 1999. "The Time-Series Relations among Expected Returns". Journal of Financial Economics 54, 5-43. (Lewellen 是个美国帅哥, 在MIT做得不错。为人比较能和人交往,presentation 做得很好,属于那种交流表达能力都很出色的人。)
Lewellen J., and Shanken, J. 2002. “Learning, Asset-Pricing Tests, and Market Efficiency”. Journal of Finance, 1113-1145.
Miller, Edward. 1977. “Risk, Uncertainty, and Divergence of Opinion”. Journal of Finance 32, 11651-1168.
Jones, Charles M., and Lamont, Owen. 2002. “Short Sales Constraints and Stock Returns”. Journal of Financial Economics, 207-239.
Chen, Joseph., Hong, H., and Stein, J. 2002. “Breadth of Ownership and Stock Returns” Journal of Financial Economics, 171-205.
Dechow, Patricia., Hutton, A., Muelbroek, L., and Sloan, R. 2001. “Short Sellers, Fundamental Analysis, and Stock Returns”. Journal of Financial Economics 61, 77-106. (Dechow 和Sloan都是做Accounting的。据说因为合作得太多,两人走到了一起。)
Dichev, Ilia D., and Piotroski, J. 2001. “The Long-run Stock Returns Following Bond Ratings Changes”. Journal of Finance 56, 173-203.
Ikenberry, David., and Ramnath, Sundaresh. 2002, “Underreaction to Self-selected News Events: The Case of Stock-splits”. Review of Financial Studies 15, 489-526.
Titman, Sheridan. 2002. “Discussion of ‘Underreaction to Self-selected News Events: The Case of Stock-splits”. Review of Financial Studies 15, 527-531.
Lakonishok, J., and Smidt, S. 1988. “Are Seasonal Anomalies Real? A Ninety-Year Perspective”. Review of Financial Studies 1, 403-427.
Lo, A., and MacKinlay, C. 1988. “Stock Market Prices Do Not Follow Random Walks: Evidence from a Simple Specification Test”. Review of Financial Studies 1, 41-66.
Keim, D., and Stambaugh, R. 1986. “Predicting Returns in the Stock and Bond Markets”. Journal of Financial Economics 17, 357-390.
Ferson, W., and Harvey, C. 1991. “The Variation of Economic Risk Premiums”. Journal of Political Economy 99, 385-415.
Conrad, J., and Kaul, G. 1988, “Time Variation in Expected Returns”. Journal of Business, 409-426.
Loughran, T., and Ritter, J. 1996, “Long-Term Market Overreaction: The Effect of Low-Priced Stocks”. Journal of Finance, 1959-1970.
Boudoukh, J., Richardson, M., and Whitelaw, R. 1994. “A Tale of Three Schools: Insights on Autocorrelations of Short-Horizon Stock Returns”. Review of Financial Studies, 539-573.
Jegadeesh, Narasimhan., and Titman, Sheridan. 1993, “Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers: Implications for Stock Market Efficiency”. Journal of Finance 48, 65-91.
Daniel, K., and Titman, S. 1997. “Evidence of the Characteristics of Cross Sectional Variation in Stock Returns”. Journal of Finance, 1-33.
Jegadeesh, N., and Titman, S. 2001. "Profitability of Momentum Strategies: An Evaluation of Alternative Explanations". Journal of Finance 56, 699-720.
Lakonishok, J., Shleifer, A., and Vishny, R. 1994. “Contrarian Investment, Extrapolation, and Risk”. Journal of Finance 49, 1541-1578.
Grinblatt, M., and Titman, S. 1989. “Portfolio Performance Evaluation: Old Issues and New Insights”. Review of Financial Studies 2, 393-422.
Brown, S., Goetzmann, W., Ibbotson, R., and Ross, S. 1992. “Survivorship Bias in Performance Studies”. Review of Financial Studies 5, 553-580.
Fama, Eugene., and French, Kenneth. 1996. “Multifactor Explanations of Asset-pricing Anomalies”. Journal of Finance 51, 55-84.
Breeden, D., Gibbons, M., and Litzenberger, R. 1989. “Empirical Tests of the Consumption Oriented CAPM”. Journal of Finance 44, 231-262.
Chan, K. C., Chen, N., and Hsieh, D. 1985. “An Exploratory Investigation of the Firm Size Effect”. Journal of Financial Economics 14, 451-471.
Amihud, Y., and Mendelson, H. 1986. “Asset Pricing and the Bid-Ask Spread”. Journal of Financial Economics 17, 223-249.
Ritter, J. 1991. “The Long-Run Performance of Initial Public Offerings”. Journal of Finance, 3-27. (Ritter 是long-term performance的开山祖师,提到long-term performance不能不提Ritter。另外,他也是IPO的大家,对IPO感兴趣的可去他的网站看看。)
Loughran, T., and Ritter, J. 1995. “The New Issues Puzzle”. Journal of Finance, 23-51. (是上一篇的加强版。)
Schultz, P. 2003. “Pseudo Market Timing and the Long-Run Underperformance of IPOs,” Journal of Finance 58, 483-518. (90年代中期,关于long-term performance measurement的问题吵得热火朝天,至到现在。)
Barber, B., and Lyon, J. 1996. “Detecting Abnormal Operating Performance: The Empirical Power and Specification of Test Statistics”. Journal of Financial Economics 41, 359-99.
Diamond, Douglas W., and Dybvig, Philip H. 1983. “Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance,and Liquidity”, Journal of Political Economy, 91, 401 - 419. (Banking中的经典,虽然我不是做banking的,但认为不可不读)
Diamond, Douglas W. 1997. “Liquidity, Banks, and Markets”, Journal of Political Economy, 105, 928-956.
Calomiris, Charles W., and Kahn, Charles. 1991. “The Role of Demandable Debt in Structuring Optimal Banking Arrangements”. American Economic Review 81, 497-513.
Kashyap, Anil K., Rajan, Raghuram., and Stein, Jeremy C. 2002. “Banks as Liquidity Providers: An Explanation for the Coexistence of Lending and Deposit-taking”. Journal of Finance 57, 33-73.
Allen, Franklin., and Gale, Douglas. 1998. “Optimal Financial Crises”. Journal of Finance, 53, 1245-1284.
Allen, Franklin. 2001. “Presidential Address: Do Financial Institutions Matter?”. Journal of Finance, 56, 1165 - 1175.
Allen, Franklin., and Santomero, Anthony M. 1998. “The Theory of Financial Intermediation”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 21, 1461-1485.
Billett, Matthew T., Flannery, Mark J., and Garfinkel, Jon A. 1995. “The Effect of Lender Identity on a Borrowing Firm's Equity Return”. Journal of Finance, 50, 699-718.


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Free cash flow agency costs, and corporate finance acquisition
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[112]M.C.Jensen and W.H.Meckling.Theory of Firm:Managerial Behavior,Agency costs and ownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976(3):305-360.[113]Jensen,M.Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow,Corporate Finance and Takeovers[J].Economic Review,1986(76):323-339.[114]Will...


1、 Jensen.Michael C.:Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow,Corporate Finance,and Takeovers,American Economic Review,vol.76,May,p323-p329. 在文中,詹森教授认为,所谓自由现金流量是超过所有根据相关资本成本折现后有正值净现值的项目投资所需要资金的那一部分现金流量。在自由现金流量问题上,关键的是如何激励管理当...


1998(2):168-178. [95]Robert S.Kaplan and David P.Norton.Balanced Scorecard[M].Harvard Business School Press, 1996:236-246. [96]Robert S.Kaplan and David P.Norton.Why Does Business Need a Balanced Scorecard?


ownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976(3):305-360.[113]Jensen,M.Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow,Corporate Finance and Takeovers[J].Economic Review,1986(76):323-339.[114]Williamson,O.Corporate finance and Corporate Governance[J].Journal of finance,1998(43):567-...

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