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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-20 07:24



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 01:03

The earth is our each person's mother, she, with his body, raising tens of thousands of children around the world, she, selfless devotion for us all....... She, it is human "good mother".
Of great momentum of mountains and rivers, is her healthy bones; stretch as far as eye can see the land, like her delicate flesh, meandering rivers, as if her flow of blood; a wild profusion of vegetation in the forest, grassland, like her beautiful skin. All this imagination is wonderful! She, is on the ground of raising our children. Therefore, we will make all-out efforts to love her, protect her, in order to let all beauty appeared in front of us forever, let us keep in mind: "environmental protection will always be in our hearts, and every one of us is closely related to."
Nowadays, with the rapid development of social economy, instrial wastewater and domestic sewage emissions are increasing, our survival needs water has almost dried up. Some people do not pay attention to saving water, let a drop of water wasted. When you turn on the tap, see Everfount water flows, you may have thought the exhaustion of water sources area of what is life? Have you ever thought of life without water how? They are always affected by thirst. Also some people in order to personal profiteering, put some not through instrial wastewater directly discharged into rivers, lakes and purification treatment, the original crystal clear rivers, lakes into foul sewers, sewage river, the fish died, shrimp son died, rivers, lakes, water flows into the sea, the sea is polluted the. Scientists are now for the survival of human beings do water purification experiment, let the water like water as can be fully utilized. In addition, positive measures, our country government to take in some big, in the city, built a sewage treatment plant of large, the sewage purification treatment, discharged into rivers, lakes, reuse. Some people warned us: "if people don't pay attention to save water, the last drop of water on the earth will be our tear.
Air, is also one of the necessary conditions for human survival. But today, the air is polluted with waste from the factory,, chimney discharged out of the st, the car tail gas and so on, these are the main sources of air pollution. The leaves of the trees can absorb carbon dioxide, oxygen is released, if human deforestation trees, then, the earth will become a waste home, humans would be unable to survive, to extinction. At that time, the earth would be like other planets, lose one's vitality, become a dead planet, the earth mother would cry, she also there will be no longer before the one's voice and expression. Friends, let us join hands to control the pollution source!
The land, is also one of the necessary conditions for human survival. White pollution and waste battery pollution is one of the most familiar sources of pollution, they are a major killer of land pollution, they can make the fertile land became barren, if in the crops in the barren land, it is difficult to harvest crops. In spite of this, some people or for personal gain, still proction can not paste solution plastic bags. However, now the Chinese government has taken various measures, carried out without toxic, harmful, not paste solution of plastic bags and the collection of used batteries activities.
Because chaos wastelands, human deforestation, reason and kill wild animal and the air conditioning, the widespread use of refrigerators and so on, destroyed the ecological balance of the earth, water and soil erosion, land desertification is serious, st storms frequently strikes human, destruction of the ozone layer, the warming climate, these are the earth mother to us warning, because these man-made destruction, we can not see the blue sky, white clouds and the rainbow after the rain. In order to protect our homes, our government has taken a series of measures, afforestation, grassland protection, can kill the wild animal, the development of environmentally friendly cars, air conditioners, refrigerators and so on, control all kinds of pollution sources.
In order to make the earth mother no longer see evidence of people's distress everywhere, restored to her original beauty. Let us remember that: "environmental protection will always be in our hearts, and each of us is, we have only one earth, please protect our only home!"
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