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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 22:49



热心网友 时间:2023-07-01 05:01

Michigan Novi High School:

Michigan Ann Arbor Huron High School:

Michigan Troy High School:

Troy High School was founded in 1955, the same year as Troy's incorporation as a city. Originally located on Livernois Road near Big Beaver Road (a site currently occupied by the Troy Community Center), it was moved to a new location at Northfield Parkway and Long Lake Road in 1992, and was expanded in 2006. The school's expansion was overe after many years of overcrowding in the late 1990s and early 2000s.[citation needed]

On June 2nd, 2008 Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama, made a televised campaign visit and speech at Troy High. This was Obama's first visit to Oakland County ring his presidential run.

Extracurricular activities
Troy High School's yearbook, The Gladiator, received Gold Medal standings for its 2006-2007 edition from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association as well as a Gold Medal from the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association.

The school newspaper, The Northend, is named after the "north end" of the old Troy High building, where journalism classes had been taught; the journalism room is closer to the center in the new building.

There are five Troy High bands: the Campus Band, the Concert Band, the Symphonic Band, the Troy Colt Marching Band, and the Jazz Band. All are officially under the direction of Mr. Brian Nutting; however, the Jazz Band is largely self-directed. The Concert and Symphonic Bands – award-winning bands by themselves, together comprising the Marching Band – appeared by the Queen's invitation (through a representative of the Lord Mayor of London) at the 2007 London New Year's Day Parade. In 2004, the Troy High Symphonic Band played at Carnegie Hall in New York City. The Troy High School bands also have an unofficial * account, where anyone can watch videos of their concerts and performances. The Troy High School choirs are also very accomplished, with many first division ratings at festivals.

There are also three Troy High School string orchestras: the Freshman Orchestra, the Concert Orchestra, and the Symphony Orchestra. In addition to the orchestras, many string players participate with the Troy Country Fiddlers (which, like the Jazz Band, is largely self-directed). The Troy High orchestras, particularly the Symphony Orchestra, have won several awards under the direction of Mr. Alan MacNair, named to the 2007 USA Today All-USA Teacher Team. Most recently the Symphony Orchestra won the Best Overall Orchestra award from The Festival of Music in Montreal. Notably, they defeated Ann Arbor Pioneer's Symphony Orchestra. They have also, in past years, performed at Carnegie Hall.

Troy High School's theatre organization, the Troy Theatre Ensemble (TTE), has also received recognition under Mr. Rick Bodick. In 2004, it performed at the Fringe theatre festival in Edinburgh, Scotland, and has received regional recognition. Tony Award-winning actress Sutton Foster was a member of the TTE in her time at Troy High.

The Troy High Science Olympiad team has won the Michigan state championship several times, and thus has attended the National Science Olympiad Championships.

The Troy High policy debate team won admission to the National Tournament of Champions (TOC), the only Southeast Michigan school to do so in the 2005-2006 season.

The Troy High Quiz Bowl Team has become a force in Michigan Quiz Bowl, defeating state champions Detroit Catholic Central High School in December 2006; current consensus in the Michigan Quiz Bowl community places Troy roughly at par with Catholic Central and East Lansing High School at the top of the statewide field, as of January 2007. The team has also attended both the 2005 and 2006 NAQT National High School Championships, most recently achieving eighth place after losing to Shady Side Academy and Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. In 2007, Troy High School Quiz Bowl again received eighth place, tying with several teams, after a loss to Richard Montgomery High School of Rockville, Maryland.

Troy High is known for its Future Problem Solvers, which have won the State Bowl every year since participating and have recently placed on the top ten in the International Bowl.

Troy High School has attended the International Brain Bee competition several times. Troy High has also competed successfully in Exploravision, with all the teams getting honorable mention or regional finalist rankings.

Building with Books, an international organization, is an active club at Troy High. Members are not only committed to global ecation and local community service, but also to global service. Every year, 100% of funds raised goes toward building a school in a developing country such as Mali or Nicaragua. The club selects two students each year to help construct the schools in these countries.

Other Troy High activities include a strong National Honor Society, Model United Nations, the service organization Project LEAD, various language/culture clubs (e.g. German Club, French Club, Chinese Club), and others.

The Troy High School student government is very successful. They conct such fundraisers as powerpuff, powderpuff, and While You Were Out. Student government plans all the school dances including homecoming, winter ball, Sadie's, and prom. Members of student government attend Michigan Association of Student Council conferences.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-01 05:01


我一朋友在美国上学 问的 其他的 没有了 呵
写一封信给你新结识的美国高中生 David,介绍一些你的日常学习、生活情况...

has the irresistible beauty. That is one kind detailed and peaceful, that is one kind of vigorous vitality. The crimson setting sun according to on the level of the lake,


Best wishes and regards,


more fully understand our human oneself in the role of the biosphere. History because I can know the ancient culture, etc.), understand human barbarous ages from to civilization times change, etc


dear mike i'd like to say something about my life in high school .I am very busy this term. I get up very early every day. After having breakfast, I go to school by bus.Class begins at half past seven. We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon...




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我传word时,会平白无故地多一页空白的出来 美国留学申请essay写作误区一览 1、简历式文书 这是许多学生经常会写的一种文书形式,这种文章中的句子堆砌着这样的内容:“我做了这个活动,我是这个活动的领导者,我做了哪些事,我又参加了这个活动,我做了什么,我学到了什么……” 文书只是一次展现你内心的机会,而...

急需关于critical thinking 和 creative thinking 的实例及相关论文 中 ...

在美国,critical thinking是一个非常重要、出现频率很高的词,在学校里经常听到老师、学生们这么强调,可能已经到了陈词滥调的地步。我手头一本高中世界史教科书上,每章后面的练习的题目样式,第一是名词解释,然后是名词辨识、回答问题,最后一项就总是Critical thinking. Critical thinking的中文流行翻译是“批判性思维”,...



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